Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1490: As long as you are happy

Alice was a little bit disappointed, because Zhang Feng didn't ask her how she had been in the past few days, she just asked this, didn't he find that his eye circles were so dark? I haven't slept well for many days.

"Well, thanks for your hard work, I thank you on behalf of them!" Zhang Feng said.

In fact, Alice didn't want Zhang Feng's words. She did not help for them, but for Zhang Feng, because he asked.

"As long as you are happy!" Alice said.

Zhang Feng just laughed, and didn't say anything. Then both of them were a little embarrassed. Zhang Feng said, "I'm going to eat something, do you want to be together?"

"Okay, okay!" Alice smiled and changed Zhang Feng's arm, looking like a very happy little woman.

Zhang Feng said: "I am not familiar with this place, you can lead the way! I invite you to dinner!"

"Hey!" Alice smiled and pulled Zhang Feng away.

In fact, Alice has been busy with what Zhang Feng explained these days. She has devoted herself to it. It has been a long time since she had a good meal. This time it was the best to have dinner with Zhang Feng.

She was naturally very happy, all the fatigue and all the unhappiness disappeared, instantly full of blood.

This is the power of love.

After a while, Alice took Zhang Feng to a local restaurant for dinner. Zhang Feng ordered a large number of meals, while Alice ordered a set of pasta and asked the clerk to ask for a pair of chopsticks.

The clerk was a little surprised. He knew this beautiful woman, and she actually asked for chopsticks!

However, Zhang Feng used a knife and fork to eat because Zhang Feng ordered Western food, so he could only cut it with a knife.

Zhang Feng wore a hat to eat. He lowered his head and couldn’t see his face. Alice knew his intentions and didn’t say anything. She felt ashamed. Although the people around them had the same vision, Alice not give a **** about.

These people are short-sighted and don't know how powerful the peak is.

Alice was triumphant, her sense of self-presence soared instantly.

"Feng, where will you go next?" Alice asked.

She is very concerned about Zhang Feng's itinerary, and she is also testing her tone. She wants to follow Zhang Feng no matter where Zhang Feng goes.

"I will stay in Roman City for a few more days, maybe a week!"

Sarkoli is carrying out an acquisition plan. With Sarkoli and the others, it is not a big problem, it is just a matter of time.

"Really? Hehe!" Alice was excited, this is good news.

Zhang Feng said: "Yes!"


Alice thought to herself, these hours have followed him, maybe at this time he will truly fall in love with herself.

At first, he said he was Interpol, but Alice later learned that he was not Interpol and was the opponent of Interpol, a mercenary.

But he is not an ordinary mercenary, he is a mercenary with justice, that is, a thief.

Which woman doesn't like such a man?

He said before that he had a wife, and then Alice thought, there is nothing strange about this, because this shows that the man is good enough.

His wife must be very beautiful and excellent.

"I'm done!"

After the two had eaten for more than half an hour, Alice was full first, and her appetite was not large.

Zhang Feng continued to eat. He ate a lot. There were a lot of empty plates in front of him. The expensive Hilton steak was eaten by two bites, and he did not drink red wine.

The people around looked stunned. This person is really hungry and looks so ugly.

Alice looked at him eating with a smile, and felt it was a kind of happiness.

After a while, Zhang Feng wiped out the food in front of him, Zhang Feng snapped his fingers, the waiter came, Zhang Feng took out his own card, the waiter took the card and went over, and when he came back, he gave the card and a list respectfully The ground gave Zhang Feng.

He also said that Zhang Feng has become a distinguished guest of the restaurant, and this position will be reserved for Zhang Feng forever.

"Sir, you, go slowly!" The waiter respectfully sent Zhang Feng out of the door.

The people in the restaurant were stunned again, but this time is different from the last time, the distinguished guest of the restaurant, and this place will always be reserved for him, how powerful is this person?

Dare to love that he came here to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. The rich came here to experience life.

The waiter took his card to swipe it just now, and he must have seen an amazing number.

When I got outside, Alice said happily: "Today's food is the best meal I have ever had!"

"Really?" Zhang Feng asked.

In fact, Alice did not eat food but Zhang Feng. With him, everything tastes delicious.

"Of course, the food in this restaurant is delicious!" Alice smiled.

"So so!" Zhang Feng said: "Let's go for a walk and digest!"


Alice became excited. This is going to go shopping. Which woman is not happy to go shopping with the person she likes.

And for Alice, what a rare thing this is.

In fact, Zhang Feng went shopping not only to digest food and go shopping with her, but to inquire about Sarkoli.

Where there are many people, they will reflect their affairs, others can't see it, but Zhang Feng can see it.

The business of their two companies in Roman City occupies half of the situation. The Francis stores have already put out discount slogans advertising, and the discount is very strong.

This is a very obvious signal.

On the other hand, Sarkoli's shop is very quiet, and it doesn't appear to be affected at all.

This can reflect the confusion of the Francis family group company.

That's right, Zhang Feng was right. The Francis Group was in chaos, investors withdrew their capital, banks sought them out, and stockholders dumped their stocks for discount.

That's how everyone pushes the wall down.

These are defeated by conspiracies.

In fact, the most terrifying thing is the conspiracy, there is no power to counterattack, and you can't do anything to others.

Alice doesn't know this, just seeing Zhang Feng constantly taking pictures with his camera, Alice feels strange, her heart is empty, why doesn't he take pictures of himself, there is no one, isn't he beautiful?

He would rather take photos of the beautiful women on the street than Alice, who was suspicious of her appearance.

In other words, I suspect that Zhang Feng doesn't like his type at all.

"Feng, can you take a picture for me?" Alice asked, she had to take the initiative.

Zhang Feng said: "Of course you can! But will you be a tour guide for me?"

"Hey, no problem, no problem!" Alice was very happy.

So, the two of them played like this, playing the ancient cultural city of Roman City with a history of thousands of years. Alice did not feel tired but became more and more excited.

They ate together in the evening, and it was almost time to go to bed after the meal, and Alice became very nervous.

According to the routine, Alice will not go home to sleep at this time.

The key also depends on Zhang Feng.

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