Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1491: Alice's anger

But who is it?

Anyway, it seemed to Alice that she hoped she would be subjected to Zhang Feng's routine, or that she didn't need routines at all. As long as Zhang Feng had a little hint, she would immediately understand.

Alice understands that psychologically speaking, for a strong man like Zhang Feng, she doesn't like proactive girls, because then they will not have the pleasure of conquering, but will be conquered instead.

So Alice tries not to let herself be too proactive.

But if she didn't take the initiative at all, Alice would lose the opportunity, and even Zhang Feng, so she was very conflicted.

From this point of view, Zhang Feng has been tricked by Alice.

"It's late now, I'll take you home!"

The two walked on a quiet street and received dim and warm lights on both sides. It was a romantic atmosphere. From time to time, people passed by them and would not look at them. There were also couples kissing on the side of the road. If they had no other people. .

Alice wanted this very much, but Zhang Feng's words made Alice's heart cold, and she didn't respond to Zhang Feng.

At this moment, Zhang Feng walked into the store to buy cigarettes and heard the news broadcast on the radio on the table. Zhang Feng could understand a little bit. He said that a girl had disappeared, and that he was a female student from China.

Zhang Feng listened attentively until the news was finished, and when he got outside, Zhang Feng asked Alice: "Alice, what are you talking about? That missing girl!"

"It is said that a Chinese student from Alexandria University has disappeared. It has been handed over to the police and the embassy has been notified. The police are looking for the whereabouts of this girl!" Alice said, "Let's find it too!"

Zhang Feng couldn't understand all the local languages. After hearing what Elise said, Zhang Feng said, "No, I'll take you back!"

Zhang Feng is not very concerned about this matter, because some of the international students who came here to study so hard have not come to study at all, and of course, it is not ruled out that some students who really come to study will be assaulted, but if so Stay in school well and don't associate with some inconsistent people, it won't happen.

Zhang Feng knows that there are a lot of such videos on the Internet. Those girls and foreign boyfriends, or in order to live a better life, pursue luxury, do everything.

For this type of international students, Zhang Feng will not sympathize with them. They can do whatever they like. Zhang Feng doesn't want to educate them like their parents.

"Oh!" Alice felt that Zhang Feng's was a little strange, so how could his compatriots' feelings ignore that girl?

Alice still wanted to help him, so she said, "I can go back to the police station to let my colleagues pay more attention to this case. There are too many recent cases, and they may not be able to manage this case!"

This is the knot to go through the back door.

"No, haven't you already asked for leave?" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes!" Alice said, "It's not a big problem."

Zhang Feng didn't talk about this anymore, and Alice didn't say it again, thinking that he might not care about this girl, and she didn't know what he thought.

"Where is your home?"

Zhang Feng insisted on sending Alice home.

I feel a little bit resentful in Alice's heart. She is like this. Why is he not tempted at all, is it a man?

Zhang Feng is too man to be a man anymore, just because he is too man!

"I'll be fine if I go back by myself!" Alice burst into tears, and she was wronged.

It's not easy to feel wronged.

There was a taxi parked there, and Alice waved, and the taxi came over.

Zhang Feng watched Alice get into the car quickly without saying anything, and the car left. Zhang Feng smiled helplessly and shook his head. How could he not know Alice's thoughts.

There is a little bit of damage now, but there will be no damage in the future.

At this time, Alice in the car burst into tears because of grievances. The driver was a man. Seeing Alice like this, she felt bad intentions. The car drove to an unmanned corner, locked the door and took it from under the seat. Come out with a pistol.

"Hey, beauty, take off your clothes, or you'll shoot!" The man smiled and looked at Alice's figure.

Alice looked up at him, and then at the gun in his hand. She was not scared at all, and quickly knocked off the gun. The man screamed, "Ah..."

That's not the case, Alice punched the man in the face, and the man screamed again.

Alice turned around and kicked the car door open with her feet, pulling the man outside with a punch and kick, spreading all the anger in her heart on the man.

"Ah..." the man screamed.

Alice yelled angrily: "I give it to him, he doesn't want it, but you want to grab it, huh, I will kill you, kill you..."


Alice graduated from the military academy, and she was unable to get into her body with five brawny men. The man pointed a gun at her without insurance.

After two minutes of fighting, Alice stopped, found a rope from the man’s car to tie the seriously injured man to the ground, and then took the phone: "Hans, come here, there is someone who committed... he I am indecent..."

After the phone call, Alice walked home by herself. As for how the taxi driver would be treated, she didn't care, she should be taken care of.

Back home, Alice couldn't fall asleep, thinking about the Eastern man who made her completely lose herself and made herself want to stop.

The competitive Alice did not get discouraged by this, but became more and more courageous. No matter what, there must be a result.

The oriental man at this time is still walking on the street.

In fact, Zhang Feng has no place to go. The identity ‘Li XX’ can’t be used anymore. You can’t go to the hotel. Just sleep on the street.

The night in this city is still very quiet, unlike the busiest time in China, the sky over the city is filled with the smell of barbecue, and the gluttons go out to search for food.

Or an overtime dog who just came out of the night shift.

Zhang Feng doesn’t like it very much. The people here are too self-conscious. They don’t realize the hardships of people living in that ancient country in the East at this time. It’s not easy to be able to live. Living like a dog, that’s It worked hard.

Poetry and the distance, only appear and complete in dreams.

Life is not only the present, but also the future!

Zhang Feng, who grew up working hard and mixed up on the street, understood this deeply. He didn't follow the crowd at the time because he always kept a book and a knife on his body.

The knife is survival, and the book is the future.

This is what makes him different from those gangsters, because those gangsters have a knife and no books.

"Ah, ah, help..."

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