Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1636: Hillside car

"Uh, maybe, Sharapova, thank you, my stubborn illness has been cured!"

When Zhang Feng said this, his expression was very calm, and he didn't feel the joy of recovering from a serious illness. He seemed to be very ordinary and didn't care at all.

But Sharapova is Sharapova, so she doesn't care about this. What she wants is that Zhang Feng is cured, and she doesn't want to care about anything else.

So he said: "Let me see if it can be used?"

Just say it.

"Sharapova, what are you doing?" Zhang Feng became nervous: "I'm driving!"

"Let me see if it is really good, and I will not hinder you from driving!" Sharapova said.

Sharapova started to move.

Although Zhang Feng was already mentally prepared, there was nothing she couldn't think of about the girl Sharapova, and she didn't dare to do it. She only wanted to think about it.

In less than a minute, Zhang Feng exhaled a long breath, while Sharapova frowned, as if it were painful.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but slowed down again.

Fortunately, this place is very empty, otherwise it will crash.

Yes, it hits fiercely, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, almost going to the sky.

Anyway, Zhang Feng was about to go to heaven, and soon Sharapova went from **** to heaven, biting her lip and said with difficulty one by one: " …"

Yes, Zhang Feng, an old driver, is going to drive. Fortunately, it is only their car that is spacious here, so you can drive as you please.

Protruding from the left to the right, it goes straight to the heaven.

But one thing is not good, it is good to say, because the ground here is not very stable, bumpy, even if the suspension system of the car is very good, but the car is still very subverted, one by one overturned, the car The two people here are also up and down.

Zhang Feng recalled that it was the first time he drove like this in the past twenty years, and he had a different feeling. Therefore, the driving skills are very sensible, and it will be a long time.

Of course, it was the first time that Sharapova drove like this. In fact, it was the first time she drove this kind of car. She was not very skilled.

Fortunately, there is an old driver named Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng held the steering wheel with both hands and held it vigorously without any softness in his feet, controlling the accelerator and brake.

The car drove very steadily and there would be no accidents.

This is a four-lane road with no green belt in the middle, so Zhang Feng's car occupies four lanes, which is very spacious.

The road does not pass under the hills, but passes directly up the hills. Fortunately, the hills are not very high above sea level, and going up and down is like a roller coaster.

At this moment they were about to go up the mountain, and Sharapova's low voice said in Zhang Feng's ear: "Go up fast, go slow!"

This is the gist!

The power of the car is strong, and it can reach more than one hundred even when going uphill, and it will not slow down because of the steep slope, as long as Zhang Feng stepped on the accelerator to the end.

It was Sharapova's most uncomfortable going uphill. She had to go to heaven, and going to **** here is more difficult than heaven.

When it reached the top of the hill, it was about to descend. Zhang Feng slowed down, and Sharapova slowly released it, experiencing the feeling of gliding down from a high altitude.

When she thought she was about to fall to the ground, she was suddenly pulled up, which made her body seem to be torn, and the pain of tearing produced a kind of pleasure, which is the so-called pain. And happy.

In this way, they passed through this mountainous and hilly area in **** and heaven.

When she came to a lake and stopped, Sharapova was too tired to lie on Zhang Feng's chest. Zhang Feng was also red and didn't feel tired.

For a veteran driver, driving is not tiring. If it is not a veteran driver or a novice, it will be tiring under such conditions.

There was a strange smell in the car, which was caused by excessive hormone release.

After a long time, Zhang Feng said: "Then what, Sharapova, I need to change my clothes!"

"Why change clothes?" Sharapova asked lazily.

She feels very good now, the body is still burning, to be precise, the cells in the body seem to be activated.

Very active.

"Because it's wet, oh no, it's wet!" Zhang Feng said.

The terms ‘wet’ and ‘wet’ look similar, but they are very different, like **** and heaven.

Sharapova got up reluctantly and went to the passenger seat. When she was about to sit down, Zhang Feng said quickly: "Don't sit down, or it will get wet there too, get out of the car!"

"Oh!" Sharapova's face was ruddy, with a charming smile, she showed infinite wellbeing.

Zhang Feng is very uncomfortable with her behaved and looks very unreal.

Going to the backpack in the car to take a change of clothes, of course, to wash in the lake, let the cold lake water cool Zhang Feng's hot heart.

"Sharapova!" Zhang Feng called.

"I'm here!" Sharapova leaned on the car door and looked at Zhang Feng in the lake.

Zhang Feng said: "Can you wipe the seat? I will drive in a while!"

"Why wipe it?"

Zhang Feng felt that Sharapova's question was deliberate.

"It will soak the clothes!" Zhang Feng said, "I have to sit there and drive."

"Okay!" Sharapova went.

After a while, Zhang Feng said: "You also come down and wash!"


Sharapova went down without going up, but didn't go up and hug Zhang Feng. She washed herself there, and said, "Feng, do you think I am good?"

"Very awesome!" Zhang Feng couldn't deny it.

It is indeed very powerful. Fortunately, his body is strong, otherwise it is really difficult. I remembered the previous attitude towards Sharapova, don't provoke her, don't provoke her, but what is the result now?

After all, I can't escape!

Zhang Feng was wondering, is there no one in his own destiny to escape the peach blossom robbery?

Is this the fateful peach blossom?

Zhang Feng secretly regretted it, what can he do in the future? Old man, dead old man, the price I paid is too great!

Zhang Feng shouted in his heart!

"Yeah, I also think I am very powerful. I can cure your stubborn illness by treating you once!" Sharapova said.


Zhang Feng said helplessly, thinking that he was crooked. Is this what Zhang Feng deserves?

"Feng, what are you thinking?" Sharapova asked again.

Zhang Feng said: "I'm wondering if your medical skills are better than Dale's?"

"Yes, I doubt it too!" Sharapova said: "But she has been studying for a long time!"

"This thing depends on talent!" Zhang Feng's reaction was quick, and he casually found a topic to say.

"Then my talent is very good?"




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