Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1637: Flowers on the cow dung

The two moved on, but this time Sharapova sat honestly in the passenger seat.

Zhang Feng drove fast and arrived at the airport in less than four hours.

However, considering the issue of authentication, it would take a long time, and it had not been processed in advance, so Zhang Feng decided to take another escape.

Drive home directly!

Anyway, Zhang Feng doesn't have any important things right now, some of which are time, just treat it as traveling.

Soon Zhang Feng found a secret import and export, and took the night out at night. A few hours later it was midnight. Zhang Feng went to a rural auto repair shop in China, got a sign, and walked down the small road south towards Kyoto. Away.

Zhang Feng's driving speed is not hurried or slow. He stays for a day or two when he gets to a nice place. The two are tired and crooked all day long. You have me in you and you in me. I can’t wait to squeeze them all into that one. In the body, one can't wait to swallow it all.

The combat effectiveness of these two people is the world's top, and they are traveling.

People are most relaxed physically and mentally when traveling.

After half a month, Zhang Feng and Sharapova were close to Kyoto, and they handled the car to the black market in the suburbs before entering Kyoto.

Sharapova cringed a little, which was different from the last time she came to Kyoto, because her identity was different.

"Don't be nervous, they all know you!" Zhang Feng took her hand to comfort.

Sharapova nodded, this level is always to be passed.

While still in the taxi, Zhang Feng received a call from Yun Qian, and Yun Qian said directly, "Where have you been?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "We are outside the Fourth Ring Road. There are more cars. It is estimated that it will take an hour to get home!"

"Okay, I'll start when you arrive!" Yun Qian said.

"it is good!"

Yun Qian hung up the phone first. Zhang Feng was very calm. To be precise, it was Yun Qian's attitude that made Zhang Feng very calm. He was a family member.

That's right, Yun Qian has accepted Sharapova.

"You Yun Qian called just now, saying that the family is already preparing food. We can eat as soon as we get home. Are you hungry?" Zhang Feng took Sharapova's hand.

Sharapova, who is usually carefree, is very quiet at this time: "Sister Yun Qian, does she know me?"

This question is very interesting.

"You know, you just call her Yunqian!" Zhang Feng said.

"How do you do that!" Sharapova knew very well that there must be a hierarchy in this matter.

And she knows very well that Zhang Feng's existence has transcended worldly boundaries, such as monogamy.

Of course, Zhang Feng and Yun Qian didn't go to get the certificate. They were still in the relationship between boy and girl friends. There is no law that stipulates that there can only be one girlfriend.

"Yes, don't think too much!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Sharapova nodded.

"Brother, please drive faster!" Zhang Feng said to the driver in front.

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, the driver's eldest brother was upset. He raised his eyes to look in the rearview mirror, and his gaze fell on Sharapova, and said: "I said kid, you are such a beautiful girlfriend, I'm very curious about how to catch him. Isn’t that eyeless? Can’t I go if I can go? Didn’t you see the blockage in front of me?”

Zhang Feng didn't speak, it was indeed that he was wrong.

"Oh, this year... also, only cow dung can afford flowers, and nothing else is really good!" The driver's brother muttered there.

Zhang Feng smiled and did not speak.

Sharapova couldn't understand it. Although she knew some Chinese, she was only in the stage of daily communication.

Zhang Feng explained in Russian language: "The driver's eldest brother compares me to cow dung, and you are flowers. Flowers are inserted on the cow dung. Only cow dung can provide nutrients for the flowers."

"Hey..." Sharapova smiled.

This analogy is great.

In less than an hour, when I got off the bus outside this area of ​​the Military Commission compound, the driver's brother reminded: "Young man, don't enter this place casually!"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding!"

Then he ignored him and took Sharapova in.

This area of ​​the Military Commission compound is still very large. There are three to four hundred yards, almost all of which are buildings from the last century. There are two or three-story red brick buildings. The big trees cover most of them. Those trees are hundreds of years old. tree.

It is very quiet here, it is the quietest place in Kyoto.

Those who can live here are all nobles, even if they come to play, they are not accessible to ordinary people.

Of course, Zhang Feng is a familiar face, and naturally no one will come to talk to him or question him.

Not every yard is guarded by guards. Only a half of the small yards in the entire area have guards.

The yard where Zhang Feng is located was given to him by the above. It is said that it belongs to the old beggar. Zhang Feng still doesn't know who owns it. He hasn't thought about this problem. Anyway, just live somewhere.

The level of old beggars is still very high, otherwise they cannot support such a large department, 01.

When he reached the door of his house, Zhang Feng saw several people standing at the door.

Yun Qian, Chen Wanru, Zhuo Chaoyun, and the dancer were also there, the old beggar, Zhang Dashan and General Wan, except for Yan Wang, everyone else was there.

Xiao Haohao was also very happy running around there.

Yun Qian saw Zhang Feng, grabbed Xiao Haohao's little head, and let him look at Zhang Feng.

"Dad!" Xiao Haohao yelled first, and then tried hard to break free of his mother's hand and Sa Yazi ran up.

"Haohao..." Yun Qian called from behind.

How could he stop him, Xiao Haohao came to Zhang Feng's side all at once.

The entrance is less than ten meters away.

"Dad, you're back!" Xiao Haohao was very excited, stubborn, bright eyes, long eyelashes, and eagle-like eyebrows. He looked up at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng squatted down, fumbled with his head and said, "Well, I'm back, I'm not calling anybody! This is your mother Sharapova!"

"Hello mother Sharapova, wow, father, I have another mother!" Xiao Haohao was very excited.

Zhang Feng did not respond, this kid!

Xiao Haohao has never complained about having too many mothers, because if there is one more mother, one more person will care about him and spoil him to heaven.

"Haohao, hello!" Sharapova also squatted down.

Although the Chinese is not very good, it is enough for people to understand.

"Mother Sharapova, hello, mom said you are welcome!" Haohao was very polite.

Sharapova smiled and said, "Thank you! May I ask Sharapova's mother to hug you?"

"Are there any gifts?" Haohao asked.

Now Yun Qian came over and took Haohao's hand and said, "Haohao, don't be rude!"

Speaking, Yun Qian said to Sharapova: "Sharapova, welcome!"

Then went to Rasharapova's hand. Yun Qian took the lead in this matter, and the people behind came up and said one by one.

"Sharapova, welcome!"



Finally Sharapova said: "Thank you everyone!"

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