Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1638: Come back home

There is no need to say too much about other things, it is boring to say too much.

"Oh, yes, this is a gift from Sharapova's mother!" Sharapova took out a small box from behind like a trick.

Hao Hao took it and put it on the ground, opened it in less than a minute, and said in surprise: "Wow, tank!"

That's right, this is a gift that Sharapova brought him, simulated.

"Mother Sharapova teaches you that this is a remote control, this is a cannonball, and you can't point the barrel at people..." Sharapova said.

But Hao Hao was working on it. He put the battery in, and then put the cannonball in. The cannonball was just a small iron ball.

The tank moved, the two tracks were very sensational, and the turret could still move. Hao Hao couldn't like it, and he exclaimed excitedly: "Wow, good!"

"Hey, do you like it?" Sharapova laughed.

"I like it!" Hao Hao exclaimed excitedly: "Mother Sharapova, you are so beautiful and your **** is really big. My father likes it the most!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Feng's face blushed, and he wanted to slap it with a slap. Fortunately, Sharapova held Hao Hao quickly with her hand: "Hao Hao is right!"

This is also a problem, this occasion!

At this time, Haohao didn't know how to put his face on it.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Yun Qian hurried over and said, "Haohao, stop making trouble!"

"It's okay, Yun Qian, I will hug him!" Sharapova seemed to be no stranger to Yun Qian.

"Okay, go home!" the old beggar over there said.

Sharapova went up to say hello one by one: "Master."



"You are the dancer!"

The dancer nodded and looked at Zhang Feng.

"Come on, Sharapova, come in!" Yun Qian took Sharapova's hand and walked in.

This yard is not very big, just like a farmyard, one corner of the yard is still muddy, where sand is piled up for Haohao to play with.

Sharapova was still holding Haohao, this guy's attention was all on the tank, and after entering the yard, she couldn't wait to struggle to play.

This kid really doesn't know. You have reached the pinnacle of your life just now. What tanks are you still playing?

Sharapova's appearance is the best in the world, just now you buried your face in it, and you took a big advantage.

No one is going to take care of Haohao at this moment. This kid can't stop as soon as he touches the ground, and no one can stop him unless he plays with him.

Now that he had this new toy, he didn't need anyone to play with him. After playing for a while, he ran out with the tank Sa Yazi.

The red round table in the hall was filled with all kinds of dishes, still steaming, and the time was well controlled.

"Sharapova, please sit down!" Yun Qian greeted Sharapova and sat beside him.

Sharapova sat down without pretense, "Where's Haohao, I will hug him for dinner!"

"Don't pay attention to him! Let him play, he is not hungry!" Yun Qian said.

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng sat next to the old beggar, with Zhang Dashan on one side.

He is pouring them wine.

"Old guy, yours!"

"Dad, full for you!"

"General Ten Thousand!"

Zhang Feng showed a respectful attitude towards the three elders, but when he got here, he put down the wine bottle and said, "You come by yourself!"

The choreographer didn't care about him either, so he poured his own drink.

"Everyone, eat, Sharapova, you are all in the family!" Zhang Dashan said, "Do you know some Chinese?"

As the owner of this family, Zhang Dashan has the right to speak.

"Yes, uncle, know some, and I will learn well in the future! Thank you uncle!" Sharapova was already determined.

Their attitude towards themselves was better than expected, and Sharapova was relieved.

"Don't worry, you can speak English if you don't understand, there are not so many rules at home, as long as you can understand it!" Zhang Dashan said.

"Thank you Uncle!"

Sharapova knows how to use chopsticks, but she is not very skilled. Yun Qian specially prepared a knife and fork for her and put a pair of chopsticks for her, while Sharapova used chopsticks.

"Dashan, you talk so much, do you still let the girl eat?" The old beggar showed the appearance of a family king.

Zhang Dashan didn't dare to speak anymore. For so many years, he has kept a low profile. If others say something dissatisfied with him, he will not say anything in his subconscious mind.

"My son, your father Pukan is well? I haven't seen him for many years!"

Now when the old beggar spoke, Zhang Dashan glanced at him without speaking, drinking his own wine.

At this table, or in this house, no one persuades you to drink. This is a vice!

"He is very good and healthy, but I don't know that Master still knows my father!" Sharapova said.

The old beggar smiled and said, "Haha, that was many years ago!"

Yes, it has been many years ago. Sharapova was not born at that time. At that time, the iron-blooded mercenary group of the old beggar was in full swing. The old beggar had bought arms from Pukan.

"That's really great, Master and Father know each other!"

This was something that surprised Sharapova. It was a good thing. It seemed that there was nothing unpleasant between them.

"Sharapova, your father is a hero. It was very rare in that turbulent era!"

There is a lot of information here. The end of a big country back then created many heroes and bones.

Many people retreat with success, the rapids retreat bravely, but Pukan is hidden, in the dark, Pukan can be regarded as a hero.

"Thank you, Master!" Sharapova just said.

Sharapova knew what her father was like and didn't want to say too much.

At this moment General Wan couldn't help it, and said angrily: "You little old man, there is no end to it. If you don't let Da Shan say it, why did you say it!?"

"I just……"

"Just what?"

"Well, eat, eat!"

The old beggar stopped talking and ate quietly. He was about the same age as General Wan. He was a comrade-in-arms back then. General Wan carried too many secrets on his back, and only 01 could hold him.

General Wan is just an old man now, no one mentions those things anymore.

Because that is not only the youth of General Wan, but also the scars and glory of the motherland.

Who would be boring to mention those things?

Sharapova felt the atmosphere of home for the first time. It was very fresh and moving, or that she had a home.

She grew up in the Halberd of God of War training camp, which was a military camp, not a home.

Sharapova accepts chopstick culture, which is very fusion and warm.

And the dishes are delicious, every dish is delicious, she likes Chinese culture.

After eating, Sharapova shed tears, which scared everyone.

"Sharapova, you, what's wrong with you?" Yun Qian put down his chopsticks: "Did Zhang Feng bully you? Tell me!"

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