Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1640: Farmhouse

Zhang Dashan came over with a lot of sweat on his face, a sweat towel around his neck, and Hao Hao in his arms. Hao Hao's body was covered with mud. I guess he was tumbling in the mud just now. No, he was holding a grasshopper in his hand. .

Fortunately, it is not a poison.

The little guy struggled like a bug from his grandfather's arms and put the grasshopper on the ground. The grasshopper immediately jumped away, and the little guy laughed and rushed to catch...

Zhang Dashan went to wash his hands and face before sitting down and drank tea.

"General, how is your stay here?" Zhang Feng said.

The general is respectful to him, so there is nothing to worry about here.

General Wan said, "Fortunately, if I can spend my old age here, that would be great! I am very satisfied with your father. Compared to them, I am very lucky!"

‘They’ refer to the comrades who have died in battle with General Wan.

Strictly speaking, old beggars are not considered comrades-in-arms of General Ten Thousand. In the early years, they were not in the same department, but all revolutionary soldiers were comrades-in-arms and very comrades.

Zhang Dashan remained silent. The two of them shared a common language and both were engaged in intelligence work. Zhang Dashan's personality was taciturn and reticent. His years of undercover career have made him such a character, saying less and doing more.

"Wanru's information learned that some people outside the country are still looking for you, it doesn't seem safe here!" Zhang Feng said worriedly.

Ha ha!

General Wan smiled: "I am worth it in my life, if they come, then come!"

It's meaningless to be tragic!

Revolutionaries of the older generation deserve respect!

"No, General Wan, we must ensure your safety when we bring you back from there!" Zhang Feng said firmly.

"Don't worry, they will do it well. I am a half-body already in the soil, nothing!" General Wan had already seen everything.

Yun Qian took Sharapova's hand and left. This is the business of men, and their women will get in the way here.

"I haven't lost Da Shan's kung fu, he can't hurt me in ordinary warriors!" General Wan continued.

Zhang Dashan nodded and drank his tea. Zhang Feng couldn't help but glance at his father. If he didn't look carefully, he really looked like a farmer in the village. The only difference was his eyes, which could kill people.

What are the most basic skills to be an undercover agent?

To hide is to hide, to hide the truest side of yourself, and Zhang Dashan has been an undercover agent for more than 20 years. Needless to say, how good this hiding is.

But General Wan is General Wan, and Zhang Dashan can't hide from him because his eyes are very poisonous.

But General Wan didn't know how powerful Zhang Dashan was, even everyone didn't know, and no one had seen him make a move.

At this moment, Zhang Dashan directly ignored his son's gaze, Zhang Feng frowned and immediately relieved.

This was Zhang Dashan's instinct, and he didn't believe anyone in the details.

"General, did we suffer a loss back then?" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhang Feng knew a little bit about the events back then, but he didn't know the details.

"It must be a loss. The enemy has suffered a big loss. They are still unconvinced and want to get the place back." General Wan said.

In war, there are defeats and wins.

At this moment the old beggar came out of the house with chess in his hand.

"Haha, it's all here, Dashan, go cook rice, roast that bird for Haohao to eat, this kid has never eaten game!" The old beggar ordered as soon as he came.

When Zhang Dashan was about to stand up, Zhang Feng said, "Dad, let me go!"

"No, you sit down!"

Zhang Dashan said and passed.

"Come on, let's play chess!" The old beggar did not seem to see Zhang Feng and lined up the chess pieces.

So the two were killed. Zhang Feng was really bored sitting here, and said to General Wan's chess piece: "General, get on the left horse!"

"Don't talk!" the old beggar said.

General Wan took Zhang Feng's move, and the old beggar's defense line collapsed, and the old beggar was so angry that he threw a piece of chess: "It's all to blame you, talk too much!"

"Hey, old guy, your chess skills are not as good as others!" Zhang Feng smiled.

The old beggar said: "I want you to say it!"

In terms of chess skills, the old beggar is inferior to General Wan. General Wan's heart is very heavy. Both of them are big men. Take one step and look at five or six moves!

"Well, you master and apprentice!" General Wan said with a smile: "Haha!"

"He is not my apprentice!"

"He is not my master!"

Looking at the posture of these two people, General Wan was unhappy, and said angrily: "I have become a bad person?"

At this moment, a car came, an old Jetta covered in dust, and an uncle Luo in casual clothes.

Zhang Feng hasn't seen him for a long time. Before, he was in charge of Huangquan team, but then Huangquan team disappeared. He didn't know where he went, and now he came out again.

There should be something big this time.

"Yo, I didn't expect the actors to be there too!"

Uncle Luo yelled before he even approached.

"Uncle Luo!" Zhang Feng stood up and cried respectfully.

When Zhang Feng was about to report to the university, it was Uncle Luo who brought him to Huangquan. Otherwise, he is about to graduate now, maybe he is looking for a job. As for the senior sister Hu Xinting, let it go.

It is now possible.

So, Zhang Feng would like to thank Uncle Luo.

Yun Qian came over to say hello too. They were all old acquaintances. Uncle Luo just asked, "Where is the little guy?"

"I don't know where I went into the grass." Yun Qian said helplessly.

Many times Yun Qian was thinking, how could he give birth to such a tossing son?

Uncle Luo smiled and looked at Sharapova, and said: "You are Sharapova, welcome!"

"Thank you!" Sharapova smiled friendly.

The greeting is complete. Although Uncle Luo has not seen Sharapova, Zhang Feng's affairs are not a secret, and his every move affects everyone's nerves.

Uncle Luo sat in the pavilion, and the four men were talking.

It seemed that he was going to eat here, Yun Qian went to help her father-in-law, and Sharapova attacked her.

There are no good ingredients here. In fact, they are not good, but they are also the best. Some are vegetables. They are all grown by Zhang Dashan and General Wan. They are pollution-free.

This meal will be very light and healthy.

The four men in the pavilion would not care about this.

"Xiao Luo, things haven't been done yet?" the old beggar said.

Here comes, here comes, it's serious.

"Not yet, it's very difficult!" Uncle Luo was obviously frustrated and helpless.

General Wan stood up to leave, but the old beggar said, "Sit down!"

"You talk about things!" General Wan said that he left, he was old and didn't want to hear so many things.

"This old boy, come back, it's your business!" The old beggar just pulled him back.

General Wan had to come back and sit down: "What can I do? You study yours, but I don't understand them!"

"You don't know research, but you know people!" said the old beggar.

"It looks like you have all planned!"

General Wan had no choice but to drink tea, and finally went a little bit smoother.

The old beggar said to Uncle Luo: "There is always a breakthrough, look for it!"

"His son!!" Uncle Luo said.

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