Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1641: Zhang Feng is angry

What Luo Shu said made the old beggar ponder, and the breakthrough was here.

"What happened to his son?" the old beggar asked.

"Lofus' son is still studying in their country, but he has actually been watched by the relevant authorities, and Loves is under house arrest. If we can send his son to China safely, Loves will find a way to go abroad. , Come here to join his son!" Luo Shu said.

The old beggar nodded and said, "Lofus is a key figure in'Dragon Warrior Research'. We need something in his mind. The secrets Xiaofeng brought back are insufficient, and he can add this. We are stuck here now. So we must get him!"

"Mr. Gusu, if this is the case, we can only use extraordinary means. The United States will not let him leave, and the 52 district is already being rebuilt. They have experience and they are fast! We must rush ahead of them. If we study it out, we will lose our advance!" Uncle Luo said, "Before Zhang Feng retrieves the secrets, we are blank in this area. If they take the lead, we will be restrained or even controlled by them in the future! "

"This research has already received the highest instructions from the above. It is a heavy responsibility. I will get it out when the body is broken. Even if I can't do it, don't let them get it out before us. It's a big deal to break into Area 52 again!"

After Luo Shu finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Feng over there.

"No, no, Uncle Luo, you are throwing me into the fire pit!" Zhang Feng waved his hand, ten thousand unwilling.

Uncle Luo smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, it's not that time yet! However, I think you must be yours for this task. No one is more suitable than you!"

"Wait? Really let me go? I won't go. Now Area 52 is definitely more difficult than before! If I go, there will be no bones left!"

Zhang Feng really didn't want to go. The last time he died, he almost died.

Zhang Feng's life is very good now.

It can also be said that Zhang Feng is a bit degenerate now, and he is not enterprising and comfortable.

Gentle Township Hero Tomb!

"You wait for the order, let me arrange it over there!" Uncle Luo looked unnegotiable: "Zhang Feng, you can't be emotional!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Feng is a little annoyed, because there is no news from the above, so he is not allowed to return to Huangquan?

Have the previous mistakes been eliminated?

Even Zhang Feng doesn't even know what his identity is now.

How can you not be angry.

"Haha, I have emotions. It has been more than half a year since the Black Dragon Mercenary Group's affairs. What do you mean, don't you tell me?"

Zhang Feng was so angry that he was almost shot on the table.

"Xiaofeng, in fact, your punishment came down half a year ago, here I am!" said the old beggar.

Zhang Feng was taken aback, then cursed: "Old guy, play with me, what am I? Don't go!"

This move made the old beggar blush. General Wan didn’t know what to say. Uncle Luo was even more silent. Zhang Feng still had to do this. Others couldn’t do it and don’t rest assured. You must get a hit , Otherwise it will be even more difficult to be detected by the other party.

"Xiaofeng, it's like this..."

When the old beggar just wanted to talk, Zhang Feng got up and left.

Now the atmosphere of the scene has dropped to freezing point.

Zhang Feng came out and shouted: "Go, let's go!"

"What's wrong?" Yun Qian asked curiously while wearing an apron on her chest.

Sharapova held a dish in her hand and looked at Zhang Feng curiously.

"Go, go back, don't eat anymore!" Zhang Feng called.

This is a bit of a little temper.

Uncle Luo came over and said to Zhang Feng, "Xiaofeng, things are not what you think. Mr. Gusu is here to protect you. Do you know what your appointment is?"

"What is it?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Associate police from Dongcheng District Police Station in Southwest City!" Luo Shu said.

Police Association?

Zhang Feng was surprised. It was the co-police, not Huangquan team?

"Assistant police?" Zhang Feng looked at Uncle Luo incredulously.

The latter nodded.

It is not that Zhang Feng looks down on this position. There is a carrot and a hole. He is a frontline policeman. He is the first step to become a policeman. Generally, those who leave the police academy or return from the army start from this.

The meaning of the above is already very clear, let Zhang Feng practice, practice his mind, and start from scratch.

But this is overkill, who is Zhang Feng? He is the soul of Huangquan Squad, and it is a waste of talent to be a co-op.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is only temporary, and another purpose is to kill Zhang Feng's spirit, otherwise there will be a big basket in the future.

Zhang Feng is a sharp knife, just like his name. It cuts quickly and will cut it well after using it.

Zhang Feng also understood the above meaning, but Zhang Feng was so angry, why not tell him? Not notify him?

The old beggar to protect him?

The information inside is too big.

"Let's tell you this, you are being spotted and want you to be a policeman! Isn't that clear?" Uncle Luo said.

Zhang Feng was silent, so he understood that the old beggar had a good intentions.

"I understand, thank you Uncle Luo, I was wrong!" Zhang Feng immediately admitted his mistake.

Then he walked back and poured a cup of tea to the old beggar, bowed and said, "Old fellow, I was wrong!"

Zhang Feng didn't call him "Master" twice after he was killed.

In fact, the old beggar did not officially accept Zhang Feng as a disciple. Why is he called a master?

But in fact it is the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice. Mr. Gusu is a short-term guardian. He has no future in his life. Zhang Feng is his queen. Can he not protect him?

The old beggar took Zhang Feng’s tea, drank it, and was not angry: “If you can, you can take the post. It has been delayed for a few months, and people are giving up. We’re going to pick it up and give it a name. After half a month, after the matter of going to the U.S. is sent to you, they will have to release the people, and then you will return to Huangquan!"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng responded immediately.

There is no relationship with overseas Chinese, and Zhang Feng is not an unreasonable person. If he does bad things, he will bear the consequences. This is the best result.

"You can eat!"

Yun Qian shouted over there. Just now, she understood that they were talking about important issues, and they were not talking well. Then Zhang Feng was unhappy, then Zhang Feng confessed his mistake, and finally it was fine.

Yun Qian smiled, very happy that his man is a man who can bend and stretch.

"What happened?" Sharapova asked.

"Your Feng was angry just now, and then he stopped being angry!"

"Oh!" Sharapova replied, seemingly understandable: "I'll go back to hold Haohao!"

"I'll go, you don't know where he is!" Yun Qian said.

"I'll go as well!"

"it is good!"

Zhier is no better than his mother, where Hao Hao ran to play, there was no need to look for it at all, and walked into the grass behind your house.

"Haohao, Haohao!"

Yun Qian called.

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