Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1647: The meaning of being alive

Southwest City is more than a thousand kilometers away from Kyoto. Zhang Feng drove the car for two days. Of course, he parked on the side of the road and fell asleep in the car at night without driving or staying overnight.

In the past two days, Zhang Feng's heart has calmed a lot, while driving while thinking about things, especially what he said in front of Long Lao's tomb.

What is the meaning of Huangquan's existence? What was the original intention of Long Lao when he founded Huangquan? And what is the old beggar 01.

What do they exist for and why do they serve?

Zhang Feng is connected. They are not an interest group, but an organization that serves the people. Everything is working hard for the country to exist for the people.

And what has Zhang Feng done in the past few years?

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that he was a little walking dead. What is the difference between him and those mercenaries who do everything for money?

The voice of a person must always be pursued, power, money, fame and fortune, most of which are nothing in the end, wasting lives and causing disaster! !

What's the point?

The old beggars and Uncle Luo treated Zhang Feng very well. They were really good. Now they have given this ability, to be precise, given by the country and the people.

Zhang Feng does not be an ungrateful person. Although he has not done anything to sorry the country and the people, Zhang Feng feels that he is too self-centered, and he needs to change more in the future.

His father Zhang Dashan dedicated his life to the country and the people. Although he paid a great price, it was all worth it. He was successful and retired, and his life was not in vain. When he closed his eyes, it was Smiling.

There will be regrets, who has no regrets!


After Zhang Feng arrived in Southwest City, he did not immediately report for registration, but went to Southwest University. He was going to see the place of his dreams.

The old beggar didn't help him with his studies. Zhang Feng relied on Zhang Feng himself. The tuition was not expensive. He made money and paid the tuition from the beginning of junior high school.

It is not easy to get admitted to Southwest University, and the tuition fee is saved in a few years.

He never thought about relying on that old beggar. Although Zhang Feng knew that the old beggar was no ordinary person after high school, he hadn't seen him once in a year or a half before. Every time he appeared suddenly and then disappeared quickly.

Many times, when Zhang Feng was beaten up and left in the alley, he always felt that he had a pair of eyes staring at him again.

Until now, Zhang Feng knew that he was an old beggar. He was always by his side. He was really cruel and didn't help. But thinking about it now, it's right not to help.

After a while, the old beggar will appear and teach him some self-defense skills.

After a while, Zhang Feng went to find the venue and beat the group to death.

Since then, no one in this area dared to mess with him.

But the new environment is constantly changing. Every time there is a fight in a new environment, Zhang Feng has been beaten except for his lifeblood.

Now he came to the door of Southwest University and looked at the students coming in and out, those beautiful school girls, Zhang Feng recalled himself a few years ago, dragging the suitcases he picked up from the garbage dump in good condition. The clothes that were fairly clean and not torn down walked into this gate with the red admission notice in hand.

Zhang Feng felt like a world away.

Thinking of Sister Hu Xinting, the school girl, she was so beautiful and innocent at that time! Rather than being as mature as it is now, with too heavy a burden on him, it has changed!

But Zhang Feng likes it, no matter the school flower of Hu Xinting's sister at the time or Hu Xinting's director.

The night before leaving with Uncle Luo that year, Zhang Feng waited one night under her dormitory. In the morning, he was finally able to wait. Fortunately, he could have breakfast together.

I don't know what the school flowers in the school are like now! Can you be as beautiful as Senior Sister Hu Xinting?

Zhang Feng was a little curious.

Now Zhang Feng enters in this posture as an idle person, and his feelings are different.

"Hey, gentleman, wait!"

As soon as Zhang Feng walked in, he was stopped by the uncle security guard at the door. Don’t look down at the door. Maybe it’s higher than your academic qualifications. People still write novels with millions of words, and they read too many people. The eyes are very poisonous, and you can tell at a glance what kind of person this person is.

"Uncle, hello, I'll go in and have a look!" Zhang Feng said.

The uncle is very wary: "Are you looking for someone?"

"Oh no, come back and take a look, I am the 14th." Zhang Feng said.

The uncle's face eased and said, "Come here to register!"

Zhang Feng went to the pavilion to register, his name and ID number were fake, there was an extra character in his name, and a number was changed on the birthday of the ID number.

Then Zhang Feng handed a cigarette to the uncle, who smelled heavy.

"The soft box Honghe is still on sale now?" The uncle took the cigarette.

"There are small shops in some alleys. Uncle knows this, he is a man with a story!" Zhang Feng also lit his cigarette.

"14 years, not long after graduation, I have no impression of you!" said the uncle.

He doesn't let his guard down at all times, he feels that this person's purpose is impure.

Zhang Feng said: "I originally didn't let my family come to college and went directly to the individual soldier, but I secretly ran to school for a few days and was pushed back. Now I am demobilized and come back! I want to come back and have a look, which is a pity. , Failed to go to university!"

"Oh?" The uncle became curious and looked at Zhang Feng. He was of uniform stature, standing straight, his face was a bit dark, his eyes were energetic, and he looked like a soldier.

Zhang Feng said: "On the first day of school I met a little bully named Mao Shao. Oh, I still remember what Mao Xiaorui was called. I beat him up and ran away!"

"Hehe, you said he was a scumbag, and he played well. Just last year, he made the girl’s belly bigger, and then forced them to jump off the building. This is a big deal, and he He also failed to graduate and was expelled. After months of detention, he was released. Alas, his family is said to be rich!"

"Oh, and about this, I should have beaten him to death in the first place!"

"Who said no!"

The uncle no longer doubted Zhang Feng. He was indeed a student here. Although he had only been here for a few days, he was still a student here and a soldier.

The uncle came back as a soldier and was demobilized, so he is a comrade-in-arms, old comrade-in-arms.

At this moment, there was a girl with a very delicate look and a good figure. It is estimated that a girl with a height of 1.6 meters and seven meters came to the small pavilion. She opened her mouth and said, "Dad, I will not go home for dinner tonight. I don’t have to take it here. It’s too much trouble. I can also eat it in the school cafeteria!"

"How can the food in the cafeteria compare to home, don't come back so late at night!"

"Okay, Dad, I'm not a kid anymore!"

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