Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1648: check in

She said that she left. She didn't even look at Zhang Feng, let alone say hello. It was Zhang Feng's eyesight. Such a girl's eyes are on the top of her head.

"Is it your daughter? It's so beautiful!" Zhang Feng said.

Uncle Yaoyao sighed and said, "Oh, it's my daughter who will graduate next year, and I know if she can graduate successfully. Her counselor told me that she still has a few subjects hanging up, and she failed the fourth level! "

It still seems very sad.

"Just be beautiful, and there will be a good husband in the future!" Zhang Feng said.


The uncle didn't want to talk about this anymore. Zhang Feng said a few words and glanced at the employee job information on the wall. Under the uncle's big picture, his name: Liu Haizhong was written.

"Uncle Liu, I'll go in and have a look! I miss you here." Zhang Feng left.


The uncle is also busy and can't affect his work.

I entered the campus smoothly and walked along the school road. Many students held books in their hands, talking and laughing in twos and threes.

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello teacher!"

Zhang Feng is constantly being regarded as a teacher by students.

"Hello there!"

"Hello there!"

Zhang Feng enjoys such treatment. Am I very much like a teacher? Perhaps the older ones who can walk freely in the university are all teachers.

Everything here is beautiful!

Zhang Feng also went to the cafeteria to have dinner. It was in the cafeteria where Hu Xinting had breakfast at the beginning. There is still no one seated in that cafeteria.

The dishes seem to have changed a little bit, and each set of dishes is almost a taste, not good, the previous ones are fine.

It is estimated that the canteen contractor has changed.

No wonder the fast food business outside school is so good.

After eating enough, Zhang Feng spent a few hours walking through the entire school. The school is very large, with 50,000 to 60,000 full-time students, plus some adults and junior colleges, foreign students, teachers, etc. There are more than 100,000 people. college town!

When Zhang Feng left the door, the uncle at the door had already changed his shift, and he was replaced by an older uncle, um, the uncle.

Then Zhang Feng went to the Dongcheng Police Station, which was under the jurisdiction of the Dongcheng Police Station, not very far away.

In less than ten minutes by car, Zhang Feng arrived at the gate of the police station. It was already past four in the afternoon, and it was almost time for get off work.

Zhang Feng walked in and was stopped by the guard at the door.

"Comrade, do you have anything to do?"

Zhang Feng said: "Uh, I'm here to report!"

The soldier was a little surprised, but he didn't look like Zhang Feng was joking, and who would dare to come here to make a joke.

"You go in!" said the soldier.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Feng went in and explained that he was sitting in the deputy director's office in less than five minutes.

"Zhang Feng?"

The deputy director is a plump man with small eyes and no anger. With Zhang Feng's eyesight, this figure is not very good for wine. His prestige is held by the people below.

The smaller the place, the greater the style.

Zhang Feng nodded, his posture was very low.

"People from Southwest City?"

Zhang Feng nodded. Strictly speaking, Zhang Feng's birthplace is here, which is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Southwest City.

That was the small city where he lived for eighteen years.

"Okay, I see, it's late today, and the dormitory can't be arranged. You can find a place to deal with it for one night, and I will arrange the dormitory for you tomorrow, and start working tomorrow!" said the deputy director.


"Well, I will be here at 8 o'clock tomorrow, there will be a task for you, and then I will officially go to work!"

"Okay!" Zhang Feng stood up and said, "Deputy director, then I will go first!"

"and many more!"

"vice director?"

The deputy director picked up the phone on the table and said: "Dahang, come in!"

After a while, a man in his thirties came in. Seeing that his police rank was captain, Zhang Feng gave a smile, but the other party didn't urinate, as he didn't see him.

Just now Zhang Feng had already seen him when he came in, handed the cigarette, and saw that the cigarette that Zhang Feng had handed over was taken back, with a straight face.

"Wei Suo, you are looking for me!" The Captain of Dahang stood at attention, still very standard.

The deputy director took a form to him and said: "This is Zhang Feng, our new colleague, yours, take it away!"

"Yes!" The Captain of the Dahang said to Zhang Feng, "Come with me!"

Zhang Feng nodded.

"Wei Suo, what else is there?"

The deputy director waved his hand, his face was not so good, watching the newcomer walk out, the deputy director shook his head.

The first impression is bad, tragedy.

The deputy director Wei Kaishan is very unhappy because he doesn't like others calling him deputy director. This is a pain in his heart. He has been in this position for many years, and he can’t help himself for many years. He was about to retire, he didn't want to carry a word of'Vice' like a coffin.

Everyone in the institute knows it, usually called Director Wei, or Wei Suo,

Zhang Feng followed the captain out, and sat down in his post. Zhang Feng stood beside him.

"Where are the documents?" the Captain of the Dahang asked him.

He looked very impatient, but Zhang Feng had a good temper and wouldn't know him, so he took out his ID card.

"Your officer ID, dismissal certificate..." Dahang was a little angry.

"I do not have!"

"Why not? How did you come here?"

"I don't know, someone asked me to come, I will come!"

Zhang Feng didn't even know who the specific person was and what his name was, he naturally knew.

Now the Captain of the Great Airline understands, this kid walked through the back door, okay, don't embarrass him, what is the background of a co-police?

He took a form to Zhang Feng to fill out, and then sent it away.

The co-police is not easy, just patrol, maintain law and order, and work in three shifts.

Zhang Feng did not leave immediately, but spent half an hour on the wifi in the lobby. No one took care of him at this time.

Zhang Feng just walked out when his stomach was grumbled. At the time when he was off work, all the people who had nothing to do were off work. Zhang Feng was walking alone, and they all had cars.

Walking to the side of the outside door, which is considered to be a position with a small number of people in the police station, Zhang Feng saw a person he knew, which is not considered to be an acquaintance.

She seemed to be waiting for someone, she didn't see Zhang Feng.

The next moment a Toyota drove out of the underground parking lot and stopped by her side. The driver opened the door and the captain of the big flight opened the passenger door and let her go up.

At this scene, Zhang Feng was a little puzzled. Their relationship was so close. Uncle Liu's daughter hadn't graduated yet, and Dahang seemed to have a family.

Haha, this is the relationship, it really made Uncle Liu couldn't help sighing, he must also know his daughter's urine sex, what can Uncle Liu do!

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