Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1650: Save people

This bar takes a big name, Heaven and Earth Yaochi.

It is a second-rate bar in Southwestern City. Because it is a second-rate bar, the consumption level is also second-rate. There are a lot of people who go there. It is full every night, with small profits but quick turnover. The first-class bars take the high-end route. In fact, there is no second-rate profit. There are many bars.

The place that the police often pay attention to here is because it is a place where dirt and grime are hidden. A huge drug cartel was attacked a few years ago. The police followed up on the crackdown on Southwest City. The effect was remarkable. In the past few years, this thing has been almost in Southwest City. Extinct.

But there will still be, otherwise it is abnormal. Within a controllable range, there has been no arrest in a few years. The director of the Southwest Public Security Bureau was promoted for this reason. The people below are rewarded. So, all Don't dare to relax, or you will become a laughing stock, and no one can bear this responsibility.

No one would have thought that the hero who hit the hardest was sitting in the most inconspicuous corner of the bar at the moment drinking sullen wine. The beer girl passing by directly ignored him, because this person would have a few bottles of beer to go to the sky. Time to laugh.

Not to mention the Taiwanese women looking for prey here.

Men are looking for prey, why are women not? This year.

Many times Zhang Feng likes the feeling that everyone is drunk but I am alone, and he is like that at this moment.

There is a bit of chaos here, the music is deafening and hitting my heart. Hundreds of red men and women are releasing pressure under the colorful lights. Only in this way can they find themselves here.

But this self is short-lived, and they will face reality early tomorrow morning and live for others.


Zhang Feng met a person when he went to the bathroom. It should be said that he passed by. She was a woman. The woman scolded Zhang Feng: "I don't have eyes!"

Zhang Feng didn't say a word. She was Uncle Liu's daughter. She didn't seem to recognize Zhang Feng, or she didn't even know Zhang Feng. Any wolf could take her away if she was drunk.

She walked to the dance floor and twisted her body, and soon three men came up, and the man's hand came up, and she twisted even harder.

Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly and went into the bathroom to release the water. When she came out, she had disappeared. Zhang Feng couldn't help but feel tight. This woman is really looking for death. The three men are not good things at first sight.

Thinking of Uncle Liu's appearance, Zhang Feng didn't think too much and ran away before the checkout. The teller behind chased him out and saw Zhang Feng's shadow. He was so angry that he cursed: Damn, this is all drinking Bawang wine!

Then he said again: "Fortunately not much, I will see him break his leg next time."

When he went back to clean Zhang Feng’s table, he saw two coins under the bottle, and the light was a bit dim. He took out his phone to take a picture, and then cursed: "Damn, two beautiful knives, are they real? Go to the bank tomorrow..."

At this time, Zhang Feng was already in the alley at the back door, and was seeing the three men surrounding Liu Nu, who had already been lying on the ground, unconscious. It seemed that they had been drugged.

Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and took a photo, then rushed up and called.



"Ah, don't fight, don't fight, ah..."

"Please don't fight, don't fight, you will die if you fight again!"

Zhang Feng stopped his hand. He was right. If he fights again, he will be killed. The three people are lying on the ground in a terrible way. The roots of all three of them have been trampled by Zhang Feng. Each of them has many bones. interrupt.

In fact, Zhang Feng had a sense of measure. They couldn't die, they were disabled at most, and disabled in this life.

Zhang Feng will deal heavily with such social scum.

"I'll touch him later, Shen Jiang!" Zhang Feng dropped a word and left with Liu Nuv.

The three of them were so frightened that they seemed to have forgotten the pain on their bodies and under them. They heard the murderous aura from Zhang Feng's words. It was the kind of horror. The murderous aura they had not felt before, and cold sweat came out.

The key is that he didn't even see the other person's face, he shot so hard, he had never seen such a person on the ground in Southwest City.

The three dared not call the police or call an ambulance. They called their brothers and must be sent to a doctor, or they would die.

Zhang Feng is holding Liu Nv, so let's call Liu Nv first. I don't know what her name is, Zhang Feng doesn't bother to know.

Holding Liu Nu to the hotel a few blocks away nearby, it is still a formal hotel.

At the counter, Zhang Feng took out her ID card from her bag and registered it. His name was Liu Jiangqing.

The counter clerk looked at Zhang Feng and the girl in his arms with a strange look. According to his knowledge, Zhang Feng had returned from ‘picking the dead’ on the street, and he had done bad things here.

He couldn't help getting nervous, Qiang smiled and said, "602, this is the room card!"

"Thanks!" Zhang Feng responded and left.

When Zhang Feng took two steps, the teller called the police with his mobile phone.

"Don't call the police!"


Zhang Feng was back again, but he was terrified: "You, you, me, I am not calling the police, just playing and playing with mobile phones."

Zhang Feng saw the dial number on the phone page: 11

One word short.

"Don't worry, you are doing a good job. You don't need to call the police. This is my friend. She is drunk. I will find a place to rest for her. After carrying her up, I will leave immediately. If I don't leave, you can call the police!" "

Zhang Feng turned around and left.

The teller swallowed a big spit, sweat on his forehead, and cold all over, didn't he just leave? When did you come back? There is no movement at all, is it a man or a ghost? Are there eyes on his back? Know I called the police?

While the teller was still considering whether to call the police, Zhang Feng came down and said to him: "You are very good. This kind of place needs people like you. Do it hard..."

Speaking, Zhang Feng took out a one-hundred-dollar bill to him and said, "A reward for you, but next time you want to call the police, you must learn to protect yourself first, and then call the police after the criminals are gone!"

"By the way, don't tell me that friend I've been here, just say that the staff in Yaochi sent her back!"

"I, I... yes..." The teller was so shocked that he couldn't speak, it was dollars! !

What kind of festival is this, and rewarding yourself, haven't you seen this scene?

He didn't know when Zhang Feng left, so he picked up this dollar bill and looked at it.

I don't know whether it is true or false, and I don't know how to tell, go to the bank tomorrow!

If it is true, it is a small half-month salary.

Zhang Feng has U.S. dollars on his body, and there are no other coins, so he wants to pick it up tomorrow, otherwise it will be inconvenient.

Walking on the street, Zhang Feng felt that he was in a better mood, and if he had done a good deed for the individual, he would feel better.

This is what it means to give a rose to someone and leave a fragrance in your hand.

Zhang Feng came to the park to lie on the wooden bench, looked at the sky full of stars, took out a cigarette, and thought about it.

Early the next morning, Zhang Feng washed his face at the faucet in the park restroom, used WeChat to pay for breakfast on the side of the road, and went to the police station.

I'm officially going to work today.

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