Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1651: To work

Going to work!

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng has an inexplicable little impulse in his heart, because in the past few years, Zhang Feng has not thought about one day he would go to work like this, nine to five.

And before meeting Uncle Luo, he just followed the crowd, looking for a job after graduating from college, working hard, and then finding a girl who can live with him to get married, work, have children...

That's how life is passed, ordinary, this is the life of ordinary people.

But now, Zhang Feng is actually not sure what kind of life he is living, he doesn't know when he will die.

Do you regret walking this way?

Zhang Feng will definitely not regret it, because he has never done anything regrettable.

Perhaps this is his life, the value of his existence.


In the police station, after only five minutes of use, Zhang Feng completed the entry procedures, printed his credentials, police officer ID, police uniform, a baton, and four handcuffs, all of Zhang Feng's equipment.

"Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?" Chang Hang's interviewer asked him.

Zhang Feng nodded: "It will!"

"Have a motor vehicle driver's license?"

Zhang Feng shook his head, a little embarrassed, because this is the most basic, there is no such thing, let alone four rounds.

The captain of the long voyage frowned. It really came from the back door, so it's not easy to do it, but since it was stuffed in from above, it has to be endured.

"You pay six hundred yuan, and the office will help you apply for this motor vehicle driver's license. You can fill out a form and an exam paper later, and then apply for the car driver's license!" said the captain of the long flight.

"Yes!" Zhang Feng answered flatly.

Chang Hang has a helpless expression, can this person be useful?

"Okay, you go, let Lao Gao take you, get out!" The captain of the long flight finally used a ‘get off’ to show his aspirations, not wanting to see Zhang Feng again.

"Yes!" Zhang Feng replied and walked away, and did not stand up to the standard.

Just now Zhang Feng looked at the sign on his table, which printed three words: Gu Changhang.

Lao Gao is really tall, with a height of nearly 1.9 meters. He is almost one of the tallest people in Southwest City. He is also an old man in the institute. He is a bit insensitive and not good at words. He has been working in the institute for five or six years. A few years ago, Gu Changhang was led by him. Gu Changhang has been promoted. He is still a patrolman. Fortunately, he is a formal job and entered the establishment.

Before retiring, if there is no major fault, this golden job is saved. Fortunately, he is still more than 30 years away from retirement. That long time is enough for him to toss. Now his retirement has continued to 70.

"Put on the uniforms, let's go to the university town!"

Lao Gao is Lao Gao. He doesn't talk much. He doesn't even ask Zhang Feng's name. His name is Feng Gao.

"Brother Gao, shall we go now?" Zhang Feng was a bit idiot with this question.

Didn’t you just say it?

Feng Gao did not respond to him.

In fact, Zhang Feng was thinking that he would not go out on patrol so quickly, shouldn't he learn first?

There are many things Zhang Feng doesn't understand.

Zhang Feng went to change his uniform and stood in front of Feng Gao.

"Go!" Feng Gao said.

Zhang Feng went out with him and arrived at the parking place, just behind the police station, where there were a dozen police motorcycles.

"The key is on the wall and you take it yourself. Go back and read the regulations for this car!" Feng Gao said.

Zhang Feng said awkwardly: "I don't have a driver's license!"

"Then come up!"

Zhang Feng got on Feng Gao's motorcycle, and it still felt pretty good, but Zhang Feng’s feeling was that it was too tender, it was fresh and tender.

University town is a very heavy task, because there are many people and cars, there are many things, and there are people from the traffic police. It can be said that it is cooperation, but it is not easy.

Fortunately, it is daytime, and there is still order.

At noon, they stopped at the entrance of the university to maintain order here, because this time period is more chaotic, there are police here, some people will behave better.

Standing there is really boring, Zhang Feng was about to take out a cigarette to smoke, Feng Gao took it and said, "No smoking during working hours!"

Think about it, too, if you are a policeman smoking in front of the public, your image is gone. You can only do it in private or in casual clothes.

In fact, many police officers are smokers, and they need to be refreshed when they are dealing with cases and when they are staying.

Zhang Feng didn't say anything, he couldn't get it back.

"Uncle Liu, are you at work?"

Zhang Feng saw Liu Haizhong look over, and after looking at it for a while, he recognized Zhang Feng. He was a little surprised and said, "It's Xiao Zhang, oh no, Officer Zhang, ha ha!"

"Uncle Liu just call me Xiao Zhang!" Zhang Feng smiled, remembering what happened to his daughter yesterday. He should wake up now.

"Police Officer Zhang, how can this be!" Uncle Liu was very happy. He didn't underestimate himself, and he took the initiative to greet himself as a petty man.

Zhang Feng said, "It's Xiao Zhang, Uncle Liu, isn't it?"

Liu Haizhong was taken aback, knowing that the other party was serious, then he had to respond: "Yes, yes, Officer Xiao Zhang."

Zhang Feng smiled helplessly.

"Then I'll go to work first?" Liu Haizhong looked at Feng Gao who was standing not far away. He wanted to say hello, but let it go.

"Good Uncle Liu!"

Zhang Feng looked at Feng Gao over there as if he was squatting and standing there, and he didn't know what was thinking in his mind.

At eleven o'clock, when Zhang Feng and Feng Gao were about to take classes to eat, they saw Liu Jiangqing returning to school. She looked a little bit decadent and had changed her clothes. Uncle Liu came out when she passed the door.

The two spoke for a while, and then separated.

Feng Gao drove away.

Zhang Feng couldn't manage this matter.


In a ward of the People's Hospital of Dongcheng District, there are a few strong men standing. The ward is full of smoke and they are all smoking.

The patient was lying on the hospital bed. What was even more contradictory was that the patient was smoking a cigarette while hanging a bottle in his hand.

"Nurse, nurse, come and change the medicine, the drip is over!" a man shouted loudly.

A chubby nurse walked in and was smoked out at once. He cursed outside, "Didn’t you tell you not to smoke? You scum, come out for me..."

Her voice is not loud, but very deterrent.

"What about smoking? I want you to take care of it. Come here and change the medicine, or it will show you a good look!" the man shouted.

The nurse was completely irritated and threw the medicine in her hand into the trash can and said, "Since you don't abide by the hospital's rules, you will not be treated and you will die!"

Turning around and leaving, the people inside were stunned, and then burst into laughter: "Haha...It's really interesting, so hot!"

"No matter how loud the laughter affects other patients, I will call the police. Seeing that you are nothing to watch the police come to arrest you!"

The nurse didn't know when she turned her head. She did what she said and took out her mobile phone and called.

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