Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1652: Maoge

The man came out, grabbed her mobile phone and looked at the screen, was shocked, and quickly pressed it off because it was really an alarm call.

"Give it to me!" The nurse grabbed the phone and left. The phone was in airplane mode and couldn't make calls.

There was no way that the man could only pick up this medicine bag and go in to change the medicine for his brother, but he didn't understand, so he pulled out the needle tube, blood flowed out, and it was useless to hold it with his hands. He didn't know what to do for a while.

"Nurse, nurse..."

But the nurses outside shouldn't want them anymore.

"I'm doing it, don't you hurry up and call the nurse to kill me..." the patient shouted from the bed.

The man just went, called the nurse in a low voice, and was scolded by the nurse.

Half an hour later, their boss came.

"Brother Mao!"

"Brother Mao!"

Several people cried respectfully.

"I'll see my brother!" The boss who called Brother Mao walked in and saw his brother lying there: "Who beat you, we must find the place back!" Brother Mao said harshly.

"Brother Mao, it was too dark last night and I couldn't see his face clearly, but it must be Liu Jiangqing's friend!" said the wounded.

"Okay, then look for her, I still don't believe it, there are still people in the university town who dare to move me!" Mao Ge angrily said.

"Brother Mao, he can fight!"


"What about the two of them?"

Another guy said: "Still in the operating room, they are the most injured!"

Brother Mao was shocked, the three brothers were seriously injured, but it was really cruel, he couldn't be so cheap.

"Well, I will meet him Liu Jiangqing tonight!" Brother Mao said viciously.

The wounded on the bed said excitedly: "Brother Mao, you must avenge me!"

"Don't worry, if I don't give you revenge, I don't deserve to be your boss!" Brother Mao justly took out two stacks of money to throw it on the bed and said: "If your medical expenses are not enough, I will ask me to , Take good care of yourself!"

Said and left.

Out of the door of the ward, facing the nurse just now, she held a sheet in her hand and said to Brother Mao: "Hello, are you a family member of Guo Xiaosi?"

Brother Mao said without thinking, "Yes, I am his boss!"

"Oh, well, he needs an operation on his foot, please sign his family!" the nurse said.

"Can it be cured?" Brother Mao was concerned about whether his subordinates could do anything for him again.

"Of course! Just connect the bones!" said the nurse.

"Okay!" Brother Mao took the paper and signed it.

His handwriting was not very good, let alone a cool signature, and he wrote his name crookedly: Mao Xiaorui.

The nurse didn't read the signature, and then left the paper.

Out of the hospital, Mao Xiaorui took out his mobile phone to make a call. On his mobile phone screen was a very beautiful beauty.

"Xinting school girl, I miss you very much, alas, what can I do, I can't fall in love with other women anymore!" Mao Xiaorui would say this almost every time he took out his mobile phone. No wonder.

That was four years ago. It has been four years. The kid beat him up in front of the school flower in the school cafeteria. The school flower stopped paying attention to him, and then I don’t know why it disappeared soon. Transferred school, disappeared without a trace.

Ling Ling...

The phone rang, and he was startled. It was his father who called, and Mao Xiaorui didn't dare not answer it.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Mao Xiaorui was a little impatient.

"Recently, you gave me peace of mind. There seems to be movement on it, so don't hit the gun!" Dad Mao said.

"Dad, I know, I'll be dead if it's okay!"

Mao Xiaorui hung up the phone.

He was quiet for a while. Dad wouldn't make this call for no reason. He must have smelled something.

Even if it is true, this matter must be done, because if it makes the subordinates chill, how can they be confused?

Whoever follows him is the only one.

And what kind of background can someone who can be with that **** is just being able to fight some.

However, he can't be reckless. Instead of rushing to give instructions to his men, he called his good brother.

"Brother Changhang, the world is going tonight!?" Mao Xiaorui said.

"Okay, it's the world!"


Mao Xiaorui was very happy. He liked the person who just talked on the phone the most. It is simple and can be done well with money. That is the simplest.

"Tianxia" is the name of a club, which belongs to his father. Now he is in charge, which is equivalent to his own.

Then he was sending a message to a girl named Qing: In the evening with Changhang brother in the world.

I quickly replied: Okay.

"But you have to dress smarter."

"I have no clothes to wear!"

"Then don't wear it!"


"I asked someone to send it to you!"

"Meme, love you..."

Putting away the phone, Mao Xiaorui sneered: "Ha ha, Xiao Shao Bi!"

This Liu Jiangqing was originally a part-time employee in his club, but Mao Xiaorui was attracted to her and used her to extend the voyage into the water.

Just give money, give enough money, whatever you want.

In the evening, Mao Xiaorui was in her golden private room.

In his arms he held a beautiful woman in student clothes. The skirt was short, almost shorter than Mao Xiaorui's four-legged pants.

"Jiang Qing, why don't you bring a few classmates over to play!" Mao Xiaorui said, his hands are very regular, because they are tired.

The beauty is Liu Jiangqing. This time period is still late for self-study, there are courses, but she skipped class.

You can make money if you can come here, and what classes are there.

There was a look of disgust in Liu Jiangqing's eyes, but she still smiled: "Oh, it's not enough to have me, they don't have the blessing to be here!"

"Next time I bring them here, I will give you a rake, how about?"

"Okay!" Liu Jiangqing responded happily.

The two have reached the point where the price is clearly marked, and they only talk about money.

"Hey, do a dance for brother!"

Liu Jiangqing got up and jumped on the wine table...

More than ten minutes later, Chang Hang in casual clothes arrived. He came in from the back door and saw Liu Jiangqing there with a smile on his face...

"Come on, Brother Changhang, today, let's talk about the old, nothing, I miss you, little brother, you can only feel it if you drink with you!" Mao Xiaorui stood up and hugged Changhang.

Liu Jiangqing came down and took Changhang's arm and pulled him to sit down. Most of the steamed bun was against her arm.

Let Changhang be happy.


Zhang Feng has been working here for two days, repeating the same thing, patrolling, patrolling, and patrolling again.

The dormitory is with Feng Gao, the kind of iron bed with bunk beds, the dormitory is a bit small, but fortunately there is a bathroom.

Generally, they don’t live here at the same time, they are all outside, or they have their own houses.

It is not ordinary when it can be allocated to the house, such as the captain Gu Changhang.

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