Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1655: Who is this guy?

The Mao Group is an important taxpayer in Southwest City. It has just emerged in the past few years, but it is also a second-tier enterprise. Compared with Southwest City, it is a first-tier city.

Even so, the Mao Group has a market value of hundreds of billions. It went public last year, and it exploded after a company with a market value of only tens of billions went public.

They are the most promising stocks, and they are all rising, from a dozen yuan to more than one hundred, which is too strong.

And Mao Xiaorui is the vice president of the group, the youngest promising young man in Southwest City, and he is still unmarried. How many girls want to marry.

Almost everyone has forgotten that Mao Xiaorui was a bad student who was dropped out of Southwest University a few years ago.

But last year he returned to his alma mater as a successful person, and also donated several million for the school's infrastructure construction. The school erased the black spots of his dropping out and became a normal graduate.

this is the truth.

Liu Jiangqing went to listen to Mao Xiaorui's exchange meeting and was attracted by Mao Xiaorui. That night, the two went out to eat together and then watched a movie and then went to the hotel.

Then Liu Jiangqing went to work in his club.

In fact, the time to really get to know Liu Jiangqing was not in the club but at the exchange meeting. Mao Xiaorui used Liu Jiangqing as a tool in the club.

When Mao Xiaorui saw Liu Jiangqing for the first time, he felt that Liu Jiangqing was very beautiful and had a rural atmosphere, so Mao Xiaorui fell in love with him, and she was very good.

In fact, Liu Jiangqing is indeed very beautiful, it is a flower, otherwise Mao Xiaorui would not look down on it either.

At the moment in his clubhouse, Liu Jiangqing's expression was a little lost, because she was scolded by her father when she went home yesterday, and she resented her father even more, resented this family, and even called the police. What a big matter, it made the city full. Everybody knows.

"What's the matter, baby?" Mao Xiaorui rubbed Liu Jiangqing.

Liu Jiangqing leaned against Mao Xiaorui's chest and said: "Rui, you marry me, I only need this status, you can let me do anything!"

There was something wrong with the atmosphere, Mao Xiaorui didn't answer immediately, he was smiling in his heart, what's the matter?

But he is no longer the man who could do all stupid things for the school girl, he is mature.

"Baby, isn't it good for us to be together here? I need you, you need money, and I will cooperate with the profit and break money. This is a win-win situation!" Mao Xiaorui tactfully refused.

Liu Jiangqing is not stupid. He knew the result for a long time. How could Mao Xiaorui marry herself?

"Rui, I'm just talking about it. After all, every woman wants to marry a man like you. I am not worthy. You are right. I need money and you need me!" Liu Jiangqing said.


Mao Xiaorui gave her a kiss on her face: "That's right, I will give you a bonus of 5,000 yuan every month, which is included in your salary. This is obvious. Naturally, when there is a task, it will not Give me less, baby, it’s not easy for me, look at the long voyage, I have to smile at him, let alone you, you have to be considerate of me, don’t have any emotions, if you don’t have enough money, just say directly, You know that I am not short of money. I like things that can be done well with money and women!"

This is very clear and straightforward. When it comes to their relationship, it is such a money transaction.

"I know, I will be good!" Liu Jiangqing said.

Mao Xiaorui said, "Do you have a boyfriend with great skills?"

"No!" Liu Jiangqing was shocked.

She knew Mao Xiaorui's methods very well, and would not allow her to have other men, unless it was a deal like Gu Changhang.

"Don't be nervous, I just ask, so let me show you!"

Speaking of Mao Xiaorui, he took out his limited edition large-screen mobile phone and showed her a video.

The video shows a man holding a woman in a hotel and then going upstairs, but the man returned to the counter to give money.

Liu Jiangqing was frightened and said nervously: "Yes, it is him, Rui, I know him, he is a policeman, and often sits at my dad's place. I have seen him once, really!"

Thinking of that morning, she felt very strange, she kept on her mind, but she didn't know what was going on, she didn't dare to ask others, she almost forgot after so many days.

Unexpectedly, Mao Shao mentioned it.

"I believe you, I just want to ask him to be my bodyguard. It turns out that he is a policeman. No wonder, what's his name?" Mao Xiaorui asked.

"I don't know, I met him once, or at the entrance of the university!" Liu Jiangqing said.

Mao Xiaorui said: "You went to the bar that night, and then you were taken away by three people. The police rescued you and sent you to the hotel, and he left. Those three people are mine. He beat my people and disabled them. Up!"

Liu Jiangqing realized what was wrong. It was his people who wanted to harm herself, and the policeman saved herself, but Mao Xiaorui didn't care about his men's harm to herself, which meant that his life and death were not worth mentioning to him.

Thinking of this, Liu Jiangqing felt cold to the bottom, but she was relieved, yeah, what is she?

"Then I'll call and ask my dad!" Liu Jiangqing said.

Mao Xiaorui nodded.

Liu Jiangqing called: "Hey, dad, ask you something, what is the name of the policeman who often sits at your place... No, I just ask, people don’t look down on me, oh, his name is Zhang Feng. , OK, I get it! It's okay!"

After hanging up, Liu Jiangqing looked at Mao Xiaorui.

Mao Xiaorui said: "Very good!"

Then he sent someone to investigate, and all the people he sent were in Mao Xiaorui's mind. This person should be new.

After half an hour, a message was sent to his mobile phone, a paragraph, a picture.

After reading it, Mao Xiaorui sneered and said, "Little guy!"

He asked one of his subordinates to come in and say, "Go, stare at this person and get rid of him!"

"Sao Mao, what kind of work do you want?"

"Half article!" Mao Xiaorui said, "This person is a bit skillful, so bring a few more people!"

"Yes, there are a few new brothers from the north, who can fight!"

"Okay, just them, give more money!"

Speaking, Mao Xiaorui took out a bag from under the sofa, which was filled with cash, estimated to be several hundred thousand.

"How many of them are there?"

"Five people!"

Mao Xiaorui took out 60,000 yuan from it and said to this little brother: "Everyone is 10,000 yuan, do something clean, and let them disappear for a while after the incident!"


This little guy is very happy, and today another 10,000 yuan has been paid!

"Wait!" Mao Xiaorui stopped him.

"Sao Mao, what else do you want?"

"Remember, it must be clean. If the money is not enough, just say it!" Mao Xiaorui said.

"This..." The little brother hesitated, but said: "Sao Mao, I'm afraid they will speak loudly."

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