Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1656: Big case

Mao Xiaorui picked up the ashtray on the table and hit the boy's head.


The little brother did not scream, Liu Jiangqing screamed first.

She was frightened. Although she knew that Mao Xiaorui had done a lot of bad things, she was still frightened when she hit someone suddenly.

The little brother’s temples have bleeds out, he is holding the wound and enduring the severe pain, and said: "Shao Mao, Shao Mao, I..."

"You have forgotten what I said? What's in your mind? Do things well for me, as much as you want, understand?"

"Yes, I will discuss with them!"

"get out!"

"Yes Yes!"

After half an hour, the younger brother came back and said, "Boss, they each want 20,000 yuan, so we can make sure it is clean!"

Five people, one hundred thousand!

Mao Xiaorui gave another fifty thousand, and another half of the pile was given to him and said, "Go to the hospital for treatment!"

He was too troublesome, so he divided it into half.

"Xie Mao Shao!"

The little brother took the money and left. Mao Xiaorui put the remaining half of the stack of money into Liu Jiangqing’s chest, squeezed it with the opportunity, and Liu Jiangqing yelled out...

Liu Jiangqing thought in her heart that she could earn five or six thousand in one go. If you go to work, you can earn so much money.

The body is used to make money, and the brain is used to make money. It is normal for me to make money out of the body. Why do people like moral kidnapping? I don't steal or snatch, and don't do things that hurt the world.

Many times Liu Jiangqing is thinking about this question.

Therefore, all the money she took was at peace of mind, and she didn't feel guilty. It was when she faced her parents.

"In the evening, we will go to dinner with customers. You are my female companion. How is your English?" Mao Xiaorui asked.

Liu Jiangqing said with a guilty conscience: "General!"

"Forget it, I will bring an interpreter!" Mao Xiaorui said.

In business matters, Mao Xiaorui will not be sloppy, but Liu Jiangqing has a great effect. This is Mao Xiaorui's consistent approach.

In the evening, Liu Jiangqing saw the so-called client, a foreigner named Malthus, with a very strong figure. Mao Xiaorui hinted that she was sitting next to the client and pouring wine for the client. Liu Jiangqing already knew what Mao Xiaorui meant.

This client hates Liu Jiangqing's hands-on actions, but he has to take it, and hopes to end tonight soon.

Mao Xiaorui brought an interpreter, he was a confidant, a man, and a good foreign language.

The content they talked about involves children's products, other Liu Jiangqing can't understand it, and she doesn't bother to listen, because the customer's hands are very dishonest, and she is wearing a miniskirt today.

After more than an hour, the two sides shook hands.

And Liu Jiangqing followed the customer.

This night, Liu Jiangqing could get 10,000 yuan, plus the tip given by this client, it was 20,000 yuan.

However, on the second night, the client made an appointment with her. She naturally reported the matter to Mao Xiaorui first. The latter said that all the requirements of the client must be met. Big business is involved here.

Liu Jiangqing doesn't know what the so-called big business is, as long as there is money to make it.

She went to a remote suburb, where it turned out to be a pig farm, which she couldn't think of. After finishing the work, the client fell asleep, and she naturally couldn't sleep and walked through a room. When I looked in from the window, there were a few people in white coats.

This is a freezer. They are dealing with exquisite small boxes that are air-conditioned, many, filling up a table, and then stuffing the small boxes into the frozen pork.

She did it very secretly, Liu Jiangqing's heartbeat speeded up, she didn't dare to watch it again, and hurried away.

Fortunately, no one found her. She has been around Mao Xiaorui for a long time. She understands a truth. The more she knows, the faster she will die. Therefore, she will not ask or discover anything. She only needs money and nothing else.

The next day, she returned to school very safely. At this time, she had forgotten what happened last night. The client was not as strong as Mao Xiaorui, and she was not stressed at all.

But when I arrived at the school, everyone hated the news of a frenzied one, saying that a few children were missing. It happened last night.

This is a very bad case, and even Liu Jiangqing, who is very indifferent, thinks those people are too bad.

But after all, this news has nothing to do with her.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. It turned out that it was turned off, but it was dead. She found a power bank to charge it. It turned on after a while. The moment she turned it on, she was shocked. There were more than 100 missed calls, all of them were Mom's dad called.

In addition, a text message was sent saying that her little brother was missing. It was when a white van came over while playing downstairs at her own house, and then the child disappeared.

Although Liu Jiangqing has no affection for this younger brother, she is the younger brother after all. She has hugged him several times and bought him a lot of clothes. Now that he is gone, Liu Jiangqing is very anxious.

Call her mother immediately.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard my mother’s cry: "Woo, sunny, it’s all me, it’s all me, if I didn’t take the food back and let him play there, I wouldn’t be carried away. ,This is how to do?"

"Mom, don't worry, have you called the police?"

"I called the police yesterday!"

"Come back, your dad has gone out to find him, and he hasn't found it for a night!"

"Mom, I will go back now!"

When Liu Jiangqing came home, the house was in chaos, and her mother was crying there, very embarrassed.

She didn't know what to do, so she went out to find it and posted it on the Internet and in the circle of friends.

In fact, she has very few friends. Fortunately, she can have some effect, spread out.

Her brother is Liu Pingan, who is only four years old. He was one of the missing children last night. The police have been investigating vigorously. This case is very serious.

Zhang Feng and Feng Gao also went to look for it, because Liu Pingan was snatched from their jurisdiction. They were also responsible for patrolling on the other side, but they were helpless, what could be done.

Zhang Feng didn't close his eyes all night. What he hates most is this kind of thing, because he is already a father. If his child disappears, he can feel what kind of mood he feels.

And Feng Gao, he is also very anxious.

One night, the police mobilized hundreds of police forces to mobilize cameras across the city, but found no clues. The criminals were very clever.

Early in the morning of the next day, the whole city was full of news windows and circles of friends with this news.

However, there was still no clue until the evening, and the police must find out the police force that can be used in the city.

It can be concluded that this is a criminal gang.

If this case fails to give an explanation to Southwest City, the problem will be serious. Whoever has a child is at risk. Such a responsibility is that Zhang Feng, the assistant police officer who just went to work just a few days ago, cannot bear it.

In the evening, Zhang Feng changed his casual clothes and rode a small electric donkey to look for in the small alleys of the city.

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