Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1670: Zhang Feng is angry

Zhang Feng didn't move, so let him shoot first, and his speed was slow motion in Zhang Feng's eyes.

Before he took the gun out and aimed at Zhang Feng and pulled the trigger, Zhang Feng moved, because at this time, the gunner would not change the shooting position anymore, which means he had already aimed. .


With a gunshot, the bullet passed over Zhang Feng’s shoulder and hit the wall behind. The gunman was shocked. Because the distance was only ten meters, he could hide it. He was confident in his marksmanship. .

He wanted to shoot a second shot, but Zhang Feng would not give him a chance. The nail in his hand was thrown out, and the gunman screamed. The gun in his hand fell to the ground. His reaction was very quick. Want to pick up the gun and continue to kill Zhang Feng, he doesn't believe in evil, I have a gun!

"Ah..." The gunman screamed again and couldn't stand because there were two nails in the knee joint.

He stood up on one foot with a pained expression.

Zhang Feng sneered, he was a tough guy, but there were ants in front of Zhang Feng. When he took out his pistol just now, Zhang Feng could kill him, but Zhang Feng didn't.

The screams here constantly drew even more security guards. Every time a few people came, Zhang Feng would yell that whoever wanted to dare to move would kill someone. If some people didn't believe it, Zhang Feng would teach him to be a human being.

There were many people lying on the ground, bleeding a lot, and filled with a breath of terror.

Everyone was scared.

"Brother Gao, people have been basically controlled, come here!" Zhang Feng called Feng Gao.

Feng Gao came after a while and was shocked to see this scene, as well as the gun on the ground.

It was the first time he encountered such a big case in so many years. Feng Gao didn't care about the lives of these people, so he asked Zhang Feng, "What about the children?"

"In the room behind me, they were in a coma, Brother Gao, go to the back and guard!" Zhang Feng said.

Feng Gao walked in and looked at him, his heart was angry. When he came out to grab a person, he furiously said, "Beast!"

This person was beaten and dared not shout out, and endured with pain.

After a few shots, Feng Gao took out his gun and walked to the back of the house.

The case is very big. He can shoot when necessary. Originally, he didn’t have a gun. But this case was too big. When it came out today, the police gave him a gun instead of Zhang Feng, because Feng Gao is a high police officer. Now, everyone in the school knows that he is very powerful, and he can get a place in the shooting competition in the police every year.

Because this is a board room, if the enemy attacks from behind, it will be more troublesome.

Feng Gao didn't know how Zhang Feng controlled these people, he didn't know how Zhang Feng injured these people, let alone how the person who died at the other door died.

In Feng Gao's experience, the man with the crooked neck is dead.

"No, Brother Gao, those beasts are going to run, they are in the front building!"

Zhang Feng shouted.

Feng Gao quickly came out from behind, holding a revolver in his hand. It looked a bit small, but don't underestimate this. The effective range can reach one kilometer.

Feng Gao yelled a few times after going up: "Police, stop and don't move..."


A gunshot, followed by Feng Gao's shout: "Keep your head in your hands and squat down!"

Zhang Feng could hear that this shot was a warning, and if the suspect ran away, the shot would actually be shot.

After a while, Feng Gao escorted four people, including a woman, Liu Jiangqing. She raised her eyes and saw Zhang Feng, and she was surprised.

"Honestly, don't look around!" Feng Gao shouted.

Liu Jiangqing's body trembled and she was too scared, because she saw the dead, many people lying on the ground, and a lot of blood.

She doesn't know what happened, but she knows that the matter is very big, she is very scared, is she one of them?

Zhang Feng looked at Liu Jiangqing and asked her to see Liu Ping An, but let it go. This matter was done according to the rules.

The three men whom Feng Gao caught just now were Malaysians, and they were very dishonest.

"Why, why did you arrest me?" one of them said.

call out……

Zhang Feng silently threw a steel nail to his mouth, penetrated from the left side of his face, and came out from the right side.

"Ah..." The man screamed, covering his mouth, and the blood dripped down, probably passing through the tongue, otherwise it would not hurt so much and there would be so much blood.

who cares.

This scene not only frightened Liu Jiangqing, but other people really didn't dare to move, otherwise they would die miserably!

At this time, Liu Jiangqing's heart was broken. Before, she looked down on Zhang Feng and often spent time with her incompetent father. She could have anything to do with her. At most, she was a co-policeman, just like the policeman named Feng Gao. The bottom of the year is still at the bottom, really inferior to Gu Changhang.

But now their actions have subverted Liu Jiangqing's view that they are heroes.

What crime is committed here?

In less than ten minutes, a roar was heard in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw that seven or eight helicopters appeared in the sky, and there were sirens sounding in the distance. They knew they could not run.

Especially the three Malaysians were very scared.

This is over, but I still don't dare to move. It's important to save my life first, this fierce man.

It's the devil!

The helicopter quickly reached over them, and the ropes were dropped, and then the heavily armed criminal police squad descended to hold the slight impact, and immediately controlled the audience, and Zhang Feng was relieved.

The Criminal Police Captain stood in front of Zhang Feng and said to Zhang Feng in a standard salute: "Reporter, Captain Gao Yongfan, Southwest City Criminal Police Brigade, please give instructions!"

"Well, I'll leave it to you here, as well as the children in the room!" Zhang Feng said: "The entire farm is blocked, the helicopter aerial reconnaissance, and a person ran away, you can go home and grow sweet potatoes!"

Zhang Feng knew that the captain of this criminal police brigade was on Jiang Wenyuan's side, so he knew Zhang Feng, who was the number one, and Zhang Feng didn't grind anything with him, he gave orders directly!

"Yes!" Captain Gao responded, and then he directed the air force to Mai and conveyed Zhang Feng's order.

He raised his hand and moved his palm, followed by five people, and he said, "Go into the board room to search, and don't miss a corner!"

"Captain Gao, come here!" Zhang Feng called him aside.

"Sir, please direct!"

"You didn't see me just now, but the person who returned you saw Feng Gao, understand?" Zhang Feng said.

"This..." Captain Gao understood at once, just as Jiang Ju said, this person is unusual.

"Why, there is a problem?"

"No, no, promise to complete the task!"


Zhang Feng left, walked behind Feng Gao, and said, "Brother Gao, what am I going to do?"

Feng Gao was taken aback, not knowing what he meant.

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