Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1671: Hospital treatment

Helpless Zhang Feng still said: "Brother Gao, you are the team led by you today, I'm just following!"

Now Feng Gao understood that he wanted to give all the credit to himself, but many of them were not clear.

"Where are those people over there? How did they get hurt? Me? Can I be so powerful?" Feng Gao said.

The sound of the sirens was getting closer and closer now.

"This is simple, you wait!" Zhang Feng walked away.

After a while, I brought a machine, which was a kind of steel nail machine, which was extremely fast without hammering.

There was a house nearby, so Zhang Feng took it.

"Okay!" Feng Gao said helplessly, just throw this thing there.

But have so many suspects seen it?

Who cares about this? As long as the people above think that these people are run by Feng Gao, they are run by Feng Gao.

No one will go to prove this boring thing, it is too late to interrogate the case, and Feng Gao has not only done it correctly, but also has merit!

The key is to look at Jiang Wenyuan!

What choice does Feng Gaoneng have, he has already stood in line, it depends on Jiang Wenyuan.


A lot of police came, surrounded the area and controlled the entire farm.

The first is to send the unconscious children to the ambulance. The hospital has already prepared a doctor.

Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Wenyuan came and Zhang Feng stood on the top of the building. There was nothing for him at the moment.

However, after seeing the following things above, Gu Changhang was taken away.

Everyone in the farm will be interrogated, not to mention the boss here.

The operation of the farms will also be suspended, and many places inside will be sealed up.

The bureau transferred a large number of personnel, as well as other departments, and the final result was jaw-dropping. It is not just a den of kidnappers. The farm itself has big problems, especially those infected pigs. On the market.

This matter can't be covered, because there are a large number of reporters coming, these reporters are not dry, they are very powerful.

The prosperity of the farm is only superficial, and it is very dirty inside, and it is indignant.

In just a little time, news about this appeared on the Internet, abducting children, buying and selling organs; viral pork entered the market.

The spread of the Internet is very fast, and within a few hours it has been fried in the whole country, and it has become uncontrollable.

The loudest call is to shoot them!

As for the number of shots, netizens have their own opinions, and some even said that the Jiu Clan was killed.

Zhang Feng didn't bother to take care of these things. The big guys in Southwest City had a headache and didn't want to take care of Zhang Feng.

He is now waiting in the corridor of the hospital. There are many parents waiting for people, including Liu Haizhong and his wife.

Several children's operations are being performed here, and all the capable people from the hospital have come, and doctors from nearby provinces and cities are rushing here.

Nothing can happen to a child!

"Woo, what can I do, I didn't expect Jiang Qing to actually..."

Mother Liu behind Zhang Feng had been crying for a long time, and her heart was already unbearable. If it were not for Liu Haizhong, she would not be able to stand still.

"Okay, don't cry, it's not only Ping An, other children are also inside, he will be fine!" Liu Haizhong comforted his wife.

But who would comfort him? Zhang Feng just said two comforting words, it was useless.

So Zhang Feng simply stood there without saying a word.

Waiting, waiting, no one in the place called Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng didn't have to go to the place, he was here.

Zhang Feng was thinking, if any child died, what would be the result? The family will collapse, thinking about slashing the murderer.

The suspects have been arrested, but this is just the beginning. This is a super transnational criminal group, which is even more serious in many countries, especially in some relatively backward countries.

Zhang Feng didn't want to care about this, so he didn't even ask, and the phone was turned off.

it's midnight.

"Uncle, aunt, I'm going to buy some supper, what do you want to eat?" Zhang Feng finally spoke.

Liu Haizhong said: "Anything!"

Zhang Feng looked at Mother Liu, who said, "I don't want to eat!"

"Why do you have to eat a little bit? When the time comes, you will come out safely, you are broken, who do you let him live on?" Liu Haizhong speaks skillfully.

"Okay, Xiao Zhang, you can figure it out!" Mother Liu said weakly.

Zhang Feng left silently, and when he reached the gate, he met Feng Gao who hurried over.

"Brother Gao!" Zhang Feng called.

"Xiao Zhang, how is the situation?" Feng Gao asked in the first sentence.

"It's still in the operation, some children are still under observation, so far there is no news!" Zhang Feng said.


"Let's have supper together!"


The two went out of the hospital and found a roadside stall to eat and order meat porridge and drank. Both of them did not speak because the guests around were talking about what happened today.

"Don't understand how they can do such a thing? Why can't they make this?"

"Who says no, you are not afraid of weaning off your children?"

"Now they are really going to wean off their children and grandchildren, and they will be shot properly!"

"It's not good to say about this. The owner of Mao's farm hasn't been found for the whole day!"

"Isn't that Mao Xiaorui?"

"Yes, just the beast, I have always looked at him unpleasantly, I didn't expect it to be like this bird!"

"If I see him again next time, see if I don't copy the brick and slap him!"

"You are an afterthought, why didn't you dare before?"

"Who knew he was so bad!"

"I heard that this kid killed a woman two years ago, and that woman jumped into the river with the child. Do you think this is retribution?"

"Yes, it's retribution!"

"Also, they can't eat the pork from their pig farm!"

"I can't help it. They don't have anything in their house. I haven't lived enough yet!"

"It is said that several people are foreigners!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"How can I talk nonsense, I have a friend who is a reporter, and he also went today!"

"So what, don't you still shoot them!"

"Will you be repatriated?"

"Brother, this is our territory. If they commit crimes on our territory, they have to listen to us. Do you understand? Come and take a..."

"Come on……"


Zhang Feng is waiting for Feng Gao to speak, although it doesn't matter to Zhang Feng.

"Mao Xiaorui is gone, his father has been summoned!" Feng Gao finally said.

"I'll take you to see him in a while!" Zhang Feng said.

Chi Chi...

Feng Gao spouted the porridge in his mouth, and then said: "Did you arrest him?"

"It's not a catch, let someone watch him!" Zhang Feng said.

Feng Gao stood up and said, "Go, go now!"

"What's the hurry, I have to pack a supper and go back to Uncle Liu!" Zhang Feng said casually.

Feng Gao was anxious.

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