Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1672: beg for mercy

Feng Gao couldn't help it. He had to listen to Zhang Feng now. It can also be said that the police in Southwestern City have to listen to him now.

He solved this big case alone, and Feng Gao, whom Feng Gao regarded as the greatest hero, was just the one who followed, and he did almost nothing.

But it became all he did, which made him feel weird, just like grabbing power and taking power.

It's just that the situation is different. Zhang Feng doesn't want this credit, but if such a big case is solved, there must be a hero, and Feng Gao is the most suitable candidate.

Today Jiang Wenyuan first praised him and affirmed Feng Gao's credit, so no one would doubt him.

"Boss, let's have another lean meat porridge. You don't need to put any seasonings, it's not fishy, ​​just pack it, three bowls each, and pack the rest!" Zhang Feng asked the boss to cook.


Why didn't Zhang Feng order this earlier?

Feng Gao had to wait patiently.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Feng returned to the hospital with the supper, and then took Feng Gao to find Mao Xiaorui after handing it over to them.

"Brother Gao, you found Mao Xiaorui yourself, and there are still a few people there. Be kind to them. They caught Mao Xiaorui, and they committed meritorious service! You do this by yourself, and I promised them!" Zhang Feng said .

Feng Gao listened to his lack of understanding, and was very surprised. There were so many things in it, and he didn't know if he could do it.

"Seeing them talking." Feng Gao said.


After a while, Feng Gao arrived in a small room full of smelly and messy. There were a few men sitting in it. Feng Gao could see Mao Xiaorui lying on the ground curled up in the corner. He was shaking and very embarrassed. Malaise.

But Feng Gao's attention soon fell on those big guys. It was definitely not a good bird to see Feng Gao's eyes on a few people. Zhang Feng said they should be kind to them, right?

Brother Shazi called Zhang Feng: "Big Brother!"

He didn't look at Feng Gao behind Zhang Feng.

"Are you still alive?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Still alive, brother!" Shazi brother said.

"Very good, thanks for your hard work!"

Feng Gao behind was thinking that these people committed something, what did they commit? Can he hold it?

"Let me introduce this to you!" Zhang Feng said to them.

"Brother, we know who he is, Officer Feng from Dongcheng Police Station!"

Zhang Feng was taken aback, and they knew each other.

Brother Shazi introduced: "We all know the people at the police station!"

So, are they considered high-level criminals?

It is not easy to catch such people. Feng Gao knows this, and he doesn't know how Zhang Feng managed to get these people subdued.

"That's the best, he will handle your case, confess to him now and make up for it. If you still can't make up for it, you will be wronged!" Zhang Feng said.

"Brother, we don't have any complaints. Officer Feng is the master!" Shazi said.

Now he has no choice.

Feng Gao took out his mobile phone to make a video and said, "It's OK!"

"The three of our brothers were forced..."

In this way, Shazi said for more than half an hour, involving many people's names, very detailed.

They ignored Mao Xiaorui in the corner, and Feng Gao said after Shazi brother said: "Is it all true?"

"Every sentence is true!"

"Very good!" Feng Gao said, "I want to take Mao Xiaorui away now, and you come back with me and surrender!"

"Good!" Shazi Ge said calmly.

A little brother said, "Officer Feng, shall we go to jail?"

"This is very complicated. After all, people died, and you absconded in fear of sin. The deceased is guilty of death but you don’t have the right to do that. But you can surrender, and have done meritorious services, sincerely regretting it. We will investigate the deceased, if it is like you said. , Your crime will be lighter. As for how long you will be in prison, it's hard to say now, but I can give you a reassurance, it won't be too long!" Feng Gao said.

A smile appeared on the faces of the three of them, looking at the other person and saying, "Is your injury okay?"

"It's okay, I fell and hurt my leg!"

"Can you still go?"


"Okay, let's go!"

Feng Gao walked to Mao Xiaorui's side and grabbed him: "Wake up, wake up..."

"Don't, don't hit me, please, don't hit me, I'll give you money, whatever you want, I say, I say..."

Mao Xiaorui had a mental breakdown and talked nonsense without opening his eyes. Feng Gao felt refreshed. What kind of scenery was Mao Xiaorui before, now?

It's just a pile of shit!

"Let's talk about it, what have you done that hurts the world?" Zhang Feng said.

He didn't speak just now, because there was nothing wrong with him.

Mao Xiaorui was frightened when he heard Zhang Feng’s voice. He opened his eyes, broke free of Feng Gao’s hand and knelt down in front of Zhang Feng and shouted: "Brother Zhang, Grandpa Zhang, please spare me, I don’t want the school flowers and let you. Let you, I don’t care, as long as you let me go, you can pay as much as you want!"

"The school flowers already belong to me, and I don't lack money. If you don't say anything, I will let them speak for you!" Zhang Feng said viciously.

In the case of the farm, Mao Xiaorui must be Zhang Feng's, and perhaps the mastermind, the police in Southwest City are looking for him everywhere.

He is the one to be shot, bypass him? joke.

Even if he was not shot, Zhang Feng would not let him go.

"What? I don't know what to say!" Mao Xiaorui was very excited.

Zhang Feng winked at Shazi, and Shazi slapped him when he came up.


Mao Xiaorui fell to the ground, Feng Gao wanted to stop, but still did not move, the wicked still need the wicked to grind.

Then Shazi brother punched and kicked him again.

"Ah, ah, don't fight, don't fight, please, I said I said..." Mao Xiaorui shouted, curling his body on the ground, like a bug.

Brother Shazi grabbed him and said, "Frankly explain!"

Mao Xiaorui opened his eyes and saw Feng Gao, a small person. He wanted to laugh, laugh at himself!

"I said, I said..." Mao Xiaorui cried: "Five years ago, I just went to college and I met a senior sister..."

After talking for ten minutes, he was talking about insignificant things, those things were not even detained, and it had been a long time.

Zhang Feng said again: "Brother Shazi, you can help him again!"

Mao Xiaorui was terrified and quickly backed away: "No, no, no, no, I said, I said..."

When Shazi brother was about to go up, Feng Gao raised his hand and Shazi went back.

"Let's talk about it, our time is limited, after you finish speaking, take you to eat!" Feng Gao said.

This is very humane, Mao Xiaorui is a stubborn, but it's fate, he hesitated, but under the powerful shock he had to say, otherwise he would be killed.

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