Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1673: Stay out

"I can tell you first, your farm has been sealed by us!" Feng Gao said.


Mao Xiaorui's last point of defense collapsed. He knew that this case was huge, and it was useless to struggle again.

It's over, he's over!

"Last year, they found me..."

Mao Xiaorui said it!


The next day, Liu Haizhong's adopted son, Liu Pingan, left the operating room and transferred to the ICU. His life was saved. The kidneys and the cornea were able to recover, depending on his own good fortune.

The old couple breathed a sigh of relief. Mother Liu collapsed on the ground. She was still in the hospital. She was rescued immediately and had a good rest. The problem was not serious.

But Liu Haizhong was very calm. He asked Zhang Feng and said, "Xiao Zhang, how is my daughter?"

"Still in detention, probably closed for half a month, this case has nothing to do with her!"

Zhang Feng didn't say it too clearly, Liu Haizhong was clear.

"Oh..." Liu Haizhong just sighed, and didn't say anything, as if Zhang Feng's daughter was urinary before.

Who is to blame? Liu Haizhong felt that he was blaming himself for not teaching well and for being poor!

He doesn't blame his daughter for doing this!

Self-blame, Liu Haizhong blames himself, and he can only sigh.

"Uncle Liu, there will be nothing wrong, don't worry too much!" Zhang Feng didn't know how to comfort people. This sentence is barely okay.

Liu Haizhong said: "Xiao Zhang, thank you!"

"Then I will go first!" Zhang Feng said.

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng is gone, and all he can do is this.

He still has a job and a mission. Now there is not enough manpower in the institute. Although Wei Suo dare not command Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng doesn't engage in this special kind of speciality.

In addition to Feng Gao, I know that Zhang Feng's good status is Wei Suo, a man with all sides.

"Xiao Zhang, there is nothing for you in the institute. Go patrol and leave the college town area to you!" Wei Suo said when Zhang Feng came back.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Yes, director!"

"Don't be good at what you are good at. You will call me in the future. Well, I will be a few years older than you. Just call me Big Brother Wei!" Wei Suo smiled.

"Don't dare, don't engage in special, then what, Wei Suo, I'm busy!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, go!"

Watching Zhang Feng walk out, Wei Suo's smiling face was immediately taken back. Zhang Feng didn't give him face. This is a bad signal. Wei Suo wondered whether to stand by Jiang Wenyuan's side?

Alas, Feng Gao is already in the line, this kid will soar into the sky, and it will be troublesome to push himself down.

After this case, Jiang Wenyuan had more political capital, and this big tree became more and more lush and strong.

It's so cool under the big tree!

Yes, just do it!


Zhang Feng continued to patrol. The storm in Southwest City seemed to have nothing to do with him. Sitting on the patrol motorcycle at the gate of Southwest University, watching the students coming in and out, and the energetic, young and beautiful school girl, Zhang Feng felt that he was enjoying life.

I feel that I like college life. This idea goes deep into Zhang Feng's bones and cannot be changed.

Before I met Uncle Luo, this was Zhang Feng's ideal.

Even after so many things in the past few years, this ideal has not changed.

But there is not only one ideal of man, there are many.

Here Zhang Feng is getting stronger, and then getting stronger, he feels that he is not strong enough. There are too many people stronger than him in this world. Only by being stronger can you live and protect your family.

Zhang Feng never wants to see his family shed tears for him, or his family shed blood.

Not allowed!

So we have to become stronger, but now Zhang Feng feels that he has reached a bottleneck.

How can we break through the bottleneck?

Before, Zhang Feng had hoped that the dragon warrior research of the old beggar would change him, but now he can't count on it, at least in the near future.

Moreover, the information in the hands of the old beggar was obtained by Zhang Feng from District 52. Those things can only create the current Zhang Feng. It is impossible to break through this.

Thinking about it, Zhang Feng suddenly felt at a loss.

Because it is difficult to improve through regular training. It is difficult.

At least Zhang Feng can't think of any training methods that can significantly improve.

I thought that the Halberd of the God of War training camp could be changed, but not.

"Let's do this first!" Zhang Feng said helplessly to himself.

There was a traffic jam at the gate, and the guard was too busy, so Zhang Feng went to help, because arrogant people stopped the car at the gate.

"Old Wei, what's the matter?" Zhang Feng asked the guard over there.

Security guard Wei, who is in his forties, doesn't happen much.

"That BMW has been stuck at the exit for ten minutes. I called him, but I still can't drive away!" Old Wei was sweating in a hurry.

This is not the first time, and Wei still can't solve it.

"Officer Zhang, can you help!" Old Wei called.

Zhang Feng said: "Old Wei, it's okay, I'll come!"

Speaking of Zhang Feng, he went up and knocked on the window of the BMW car, but the owner did not move, let alone lower the window.

Zhang Feng went to the front windshield again and said loudly: "Drive your car away, don't block it here."

The owner of the car is a young man, disdainful of Zhang Feng.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Feng was annoyed. Many people around him accused the owner of the car and threatened to call the trailer.

But the trailer can't get in either.

Because this BMW was parked sideways at the gate, as if he had an grudge against the gate.

But this car can be driven away from the side, but he just doesn't move.

No matter how much, Zhang Feng walked to the side of the car, squatted down to support the car with his hands, his feet pushed hard, the car moved, and the two wheels even left the ground. The owner inside panicked and quickly opened the window.

But instead of begging for mercy, he cursed: "Let it go, let it go, let it go, or I will kill you..."

The crowd was annoyed, and came to help and overturned his car.

This is not over yet, a group of people continue to roll out the car like a rolling ball.

A way was finally given up, and the BMW car was completely unrecognizable. The windows were broken and the owner was choking.

He finally got out, with blood on his head, he covered his wound and cursed, remembering each of them, and settle the account afterwards.

Then he started calling.

His people didn't come, and there were policemen. They were two policemen. They saluted Zhang Feng and then took the owner away. A tow truck came behind.

"Let go of me, let me go, do you know who I am? Do you know who my dad is? My dad is Li Zhongkai, you are done..." the owner yelled.

The police didn't care about his words, how could he be frightened by his words, he struggled to get a punch in the stomach by a policeman, he was honest.

Cheating, this is really cheating!

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