Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1680: The cry of the winner

The fighting lasted for more than an hour. There were many people lying on the ground, and many doctors and ambulances were waiting near the schoolyard.

The other two divisions in the barracks came, and they all came to see, one by one was stunned. What happened? Why is this necessary?

Did Xing Changyun drank again and drank the soldiers crazy?

"Lao Xing, what are you doing? Tell them to stop!"

The political commissar of Division 315 is here. His name is Qi Changjing. He is Xing Changyun's assistant. He has just rushed back from the outside. Such a big thing happened at home and he died of anxiety.

"Old Qi, I can't take care of this!" Xing Changyun said in a deep voice.

Qi Changjing is about the same age as Xing Changyun, and he usually has a good relationship.

"Our teacher still has things that you can't manage?" Qi Changjing asked uncomfortably.

The soldiers of the 315th Division were absolutely obedient to the orders of their division commander, and obeyed in their hearts. Because Xing Changyun treated them very well, he gave them many opportunities and honors, and he was very short-sighted. In peacetime, Qi Changjing's words are often useless. .

Now the teacher says he can't take care of this? Ghosts believe it.

Then I looked at Jiang Wenyuan over there, asking what he was doing here?

"I can't control it!" Xing Changyun said.

"Why can't it? How many people will be killed or injured if this continues? How do you tell me to explain to them, how to explain to their families? Is it a martyr?" Qi Changjing was anxious.

Xing Changyun said: "I will be responsible for something wrong!"

"You..." Qi Changjing was so angry that he knew that it would be useless to tell him that way, so he quickly stopped.

Qi Changjing went down to the school and shouted: "Stop for me, stop for me, can't fight anymore!"

But no one listened to what he said, or could not hear him at all, all were shouting murderers, and they beat their heads and broke their heads.

Qi Changjing was heartbroken, and he loved his soldiers too.

"Ah, kill, I'll do it, I'll fight, ah...fuck your mother..."

Qi Changjing felt like a gang fight on the street, what a decent way!

"Stop, stop..." Qi Changjing yelled.

But there was another voice covering him.

"Don't have the strength? If you don't kill him, he will kill you..."

It was Zhang Feng's voice, which was loud.

Qi Changjing saw this person, he didn't know this person, why did he come here? Being able to command the army can still make Xing Changyun unable to manage? Who is he?

There is a very powerful relationship here, which Qi Changjing could not have imagined.

"Comrade, comrade..."

Qi Changjing went up and called Zhang Feng loudly.

"I am not free now, you will come to me in half an hour!" Zhang Feng said.

"This..." Qi Changjing was dumbfounded, with such a big shelf, what can I do? So he changed his attitude and said with a smile: "Sir, sir, can you take a step to speak."

It's not easy for Qi Changjing, because he didn't notify him in advance.

But even so, Zhang Feng still ignored him. Political commissar Qi had no choice but to wait there. After waiting for a few minutes, he resorted to a method that was not a way and reported the matter.

Since it can't be managed, let it be managed!

It is said that Zhang Feng has stabbed the sky.

After another half an hour, the fighting finally stopped, and only fifteen people stood on the school field except for unrelated people.

A victor standing beside Zhang Feng scanned the surroundings, looked up at the sky, and shouted: "Ahhhh..."

It was the voice of the victor, resounding throughout the audience, like a king standing on the mountain of corpses and winning victory, despising all beings.

All beings tremble.

The other victors also made noises, and the surroundings were silent. Except for the soldier lying on the ground groaning, one person stood up, and the victor gave a punch when he went up, completely unconscious.

"Very well, you are the victors, you are the strong, you are the strongest fighters in the Southern Military Region, I am proud of you!" Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Give you three days to heal your wounds, and then follow me. , I will take you to witness death!"

Zhang Feng turned around and left.

At this moment, the surrounding talents went up to save the people, and they were busy. The entire military camp was boiling. Don't do anything else, just treat the wounded.

The battlefield hospital could not accommodate so many people and had to be sent to the major hospitals in Southwest City. More than 10,000 wounded people entered the major hospitals in Southwest City at once, making the hospitals full.

Those reporters went to report again, the breaking news was unprecedented, and various news media windows used this to make a big fuss.

There are different opinions, and there are all things to say, just waiting for the official to speak.

But this is not so fast.

At this moment, the instigator Zhang Feng was having dinner with Xing Changyun and Jiang Wenyuan. It was in Xing Changyun’s residence. Three men were sitting in the lobby drinking tea while his wife was cooking.

"I really didn't expect such an effect, haha, the little rascals now know that it hurts, this **** nature floats up all at once, haha!"

Xing Changyun was very happy. The scene that I saw on the school field just now made Xing Changyun see a lot of things that he hadn't seen for a long time, the bloodiness of the soldiers, the spirit of seeing death as home.

This is only in the war years!

Xing Changyun participated in the war against the white-eyed wolf that year. Soldiers who have experienced war are different from those who have not.

There will be no war in a peaceful age, but as a soldier of the people, you must always maintain a wartime state. If a war breaks out, you can charge immediately.

After this battle today, the 315th division continued to distance other troops from its combat effectiveness. This is a matter that is worse than short-term pain.

"Lao Xing, the military and the society have fallen out, and I have been stabbed in the sky, there must be a statement!" Jiang Wenyuan is more cautious and not as big as Xing Changyun.

Xing Changyun looked at his old friend: "To express my position? What do I want to express? This is the normal training of the military, and to express my position is to express my position to the families of soldiers who may have sacrificed. I am wondering whether this matter can be handled as martyrs. You help me think. Want to be in compliance?"

"It's a bit difficult, because there is no precedent, and now there will be pressure from public opinion, and the above will be held accountable. You should think about how to deal with it first!" Jiang Wenyuan said.

"What are you afraid of, let's talk about it when you come, what to come, what to block!"

This is Xing Changyun's temperament.

Zhang Feng didn't speak, because what he said didn't make much difference, he was still thinking, it seemed that the problem was big.

Let's look at the situation first.

If it doesn't work, someone has to admit responsibility, and Zhang Feng will take it.

Zhang Feng still has confidence in the above, and they have a sense of crisis.

Can there be not many problems in the peace era doing the things of the war era?

"Xiao Zhang, you have to come to us often in the future and give us some fresh blood!" Xing Changyun said earnestly.

Zhang Feng said: "Sir, I am causing you trouble! If you need me in the future, I will definitely be there!"

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