Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1681: There is wine and story

Zhang Feng still has to express his opinion, he caused this matter.

"Haha, how could it be troublesome? We thank you for being too late!" Xing Changyun smiled.

The advantages of this matter outweigh the disadvantages, and a clear whirlwind will be blown in the army. How long this clear whirlwind can blow and how wide it can blow depends on the meaning of the above.

"Sir, today is quite abrupt. Jiang Bureau is short on time. The gangsters are at large and commit crimes in other provinces and cities. If it weren't for this case in Southwest City, Southwest City would not know how many children were suffering. Zhang Feng said: "I will take people away the day after tomorrow!"

"Aren't they hurt?" Xing Changyun was worried.

These fifteen people are his treasures.

Zhang Feng said: "Sir, don't worry, I will bring them back in full!"

"That's good!" Xing Changyun was relieved.

If you can go out with Zhang Feng, you will definitely be able to learn a lot. When the time comes, the light on the face of Master Xing will be brighter.

These fifteen people are the reason to stop everyone from acting against him this time.

And the above will not easily condemn him.

"Okay, come over for dinner!" Xing Changyun's wife prepared the meal.

Xing Changyun stood up and said, "Hurry up, go to dinner, and taste your aunt's craft!"

The two went over and sat down without pretending, Zhang Feng said to the well-maintained housewife in her forties: "Auntie, thank you!"

The criminal mother smiled and said, "Where, where, no hard work, no hard work, I'm glad you can come, Xiao Zhang, come here often!"


Xing Changyun has a daughter who is studying a Ph.D. She rarely goes home and has no son.

"Xiao Zhang, you have to come often in the future. Your aunt's craft hotel chef won't let him. If Lao Xing doesn't cook in this life, he will starve to death!" Jiang Wenyuan laughed Tao.

"Then I'll eat more later!" Zhang Feng smiled.

There is a big pot for cooking rice at home, which is specially prepared for Xing Changyun. He has a big appetite.

Today, I cooked a full pot, Xing's mother went to serve Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng was not welcome.

Sitting there waiting for the host to cook.

"Lao Xing, did you forget something?" Jiang Wenyuan said.

Xing Changyun looked at him blankly and said, "Is there? No, I have a very good memory, but I haven't forgotten anything today!"

"Wine, wine, I think you did it on purpose!" Jiang Wenyuan was not polite to him.

Don't let him down the steps.

Speaking of this, Xing Changyun's face is not good, and he glared at Jiang Wenyuan: "You are thinking about my wine, hum, today, Xiao Zhang is here, I will take it out, and I will give you a drink, old lady, go and get it! "

The criminal mother knew what this meant, and smiled: "Hey, I'll get it now!"

She is most opposed to Xing Changyun's drinking, and she has been against it all her life.

Bring a bottle of antique wine, the handwriting on the bottle has been rubbed off, and it can be seen that it is a bottle of old wine.

"Pour wine!"

I took three exquisite small glasses eye-catchingly, then opened the bottle, a pure aroma of wine rushed out, even those who did not drink were moved by it.

Zhang Feng was a little surprised, because this wine is not ordinary. If it is put on the market and auctioned for high value, would it be drunk like this today?

And Zhang Feng understood that Jiang Wenyuan was always thinking about the reason for this wine, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

For Xing Changyun, this is life.

"Come on, haha, you can finally drink, haha, come on!" Xing Changyun can't wait.

The three toasted and drank all at once.

Xing Changyun couldn't get the wine glass down for a long time, but he actually shed tears.

"Lao Xing!" Jiang Wenyuan whispered.

"Oh, my old squad leader, he gave me this wine. He gave it to me before Lao Shan charged that year. He said he came back to drink, but he never came back..."

Zhang Feng was stunned. It turned out that there was still such a thing, but the weight of the wine was too heavy.

The criminal mother shed tears on one side.

"Xiao Zhang, don't you know, your aunt is the younger sister of Lao Xing's monitor! Back then..."

Jiang Wenyuan talked about the past, and said that the criminal mother kept crying.

Back then Jiang Wenyuan and Xing Changyun were in the same company. Jiang Wenyuan was a correspondent and intelligence code, and Xing Changyun was to protect him.

At that time, the Zhuangxing liquor was Moutai, and all the drinks in the army were Moutai. Everyone could get a few bottles.

After listening to the story, Zhang Feng stood up and bowed deeply to them, and said: "The blood of the ancestors is not in vain, it will last forever!"

"Well, old ginger, what to do with these things, come and drink!" Xing Changyun said, "Xiao Zhang, sit down, sit down!"

Zhang Feng sat down and drank another glass. The taste of this wine was different from the previous one because of the story.

There was only one bottle of wine for this meal, but it was enough. Xing Changyun was unusually drunk, talking about the past, and finally lying on the table.

Everyone is drunk if alcohol is not intoxicating!

The criminal mother helped him back to the room to sleep, and then the real meal.

Zhang Feng ate there silently. The food was really delicious. Anyway, Zhang Feng is very appetite and eats quickly. Jiang Wenyuan looked at Zhang Feng’s appearance, but he just smiled and ate. Bowl of rice, eat slowly.

In fact, Jiang Wenyuan was worried about Xing Changyun’s wine, not because of the wine, but to let go of the miss with the old squad leader, stop fighting with the past, relax and live a good life. Today Zhang Fenglai finally let Jiang Wenyuan finish this thing. .

Before long, the dishes on the table were almost eaten by Zhang Feng, and the criminal mother went to get some small dishes, but Zhang Feng was not at all polite.

"This child, see you hungry, eat slowly!" The criminal mother was very happy.

This is the best compliment to her cooking.

"Auntie, I usually eat like this. When I was a child, I never had a full meal. I haven't been able to change it for so many years. Auntie laughed!" Zhang Feng said.

"What a terrible child! Eat more, Auntie will cook!"

"Thank you auntie!"

"you are welcome!"

Zhang Feng was very satisfied with this meal, and it was no problem not to eat for the next three days.

After coming out of the Xing family, Zhang Feng returned to the institute. The waiting time for three days was actually two and a half days. Those fifteen people were not seriously injured, and two days of training was enough.

In the past two days, the affairs of Division 315 have continued to ferment, and the official has never made any statement, and the injured have been treated.

Fortunately, no one sacrificed.

When Xing Changyun heard the news, he exhaled for a long time. It’s fine if there are no dead people, and there are no dead people!

If it were dead, the nature of the matter might change.

Xing Changyun visited his subordinates in the hospital, and almost everyone came to see him.

For the veteran, he can call out the names of the veterans he has seen and talked with. This is what Xing Changyun excels.

After seeing the fifteen winners, Xing Changyun was very touched, they changed!

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