Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1682: Put people out

This was something Xing Changyun didn't expect. He had originally thought of changes, but he didn't expect such a big change.

The first is that their eyes are full of murderous intent, just like prairie wolves.

Xing Changyun said to them: "There is a task that you need to complete, and I will not force you to go, because it is very dangerous, maybe you won't be able to come back, and you all have injuries. You choose whether to go or not, no matter what you do. The elections are all my best soldiers, and I am proud of you!"

They have been interviewed by many reporters since today, but they didn't say anything.

I vaguely knew what was going on, it was not that simple for that person to choose someone.

"Commander, we are not afraid of death, we are prepared to sacrifice long ago!" a soldier said firmly.

"Okay, the officers and soldiers of the whole division and I are waiting for you to come back!" Xing Changyun said.


The next day Jiang Wenyuan came to the Dongcheng Police Station to inspect. He said it was an inspection, but he actually came to see Zhang Feng.

In Weisuo's office, Jiang Wenyuan was talking with Zhang Feng.

Wei Suo didn't dare to speak because he knew that Jiang Wenyuan was not here to find him, nor could he go out, because Zhang Feng could not be made too special. This was what Wei Suo figured out Jiang Wenyuan's mind.

"Xiao Zhang, I won’t say much about anything else. This case has just begun. There are several cities in our country. There are several children missing in each city. There are even more people under the towns. They are rampant. There are many leftovers in the village. The children in the village do not have a camera. They drove a deck car into the village to catch a child in just a few seconds... The situation is very serious..."

A township police station had concealed a case before, and the director had already been held accountable, and no one dared to hide it again.

Jiang Wenyuan continued: "In the past two days, news of our Southwest City's case investigation has spread all over the world, and they should have seen it too, but instead of converging, they have become more frantic. It will be difficult for us to do so and cause panic. Very serious consequences!"

"The highest instructions have been reached above. You must bring this kidnappers to justice as quickly as possible!"

Zhang Feng listened quietly without speaking.

"This group of kidnappers is committing crimes in many places. It is very likely that it is the criminal group in South Asia. The Interpol has already acted. We have asked us to endure and cooperate with them. The above has already sent people. Let's eliminate the domestic kidnappers. In several provinces and cities, crime detection teams have been set up. When that happens, you can cooperate with each other!"

Jiang Wenyuan looked at Zhang Feng after speaking.

After a while, Zhang Feng said, "Where are the Malaysians?"

Jiang Wenyuan looked at Wei Suo, who said, "It's closed! They didn't say a word."

"Be careful of their suicide!" Jiang Wenyuan reminded.

"Director, don't worry, I have sent someone to watch them all the time!" Wei said.

"That's good!"

Wei Suo is very happy. It is the best to be able to perform well in front of the boss. Wei Suo is already in line.

This is his political capital, relying on the big tree Jiang Wenyuan, it is good to enjoy the cold.

"Three days later, they were released and acquitted!" Zhang Feng said.


At the same time surprised.

Wei Suo said: "Release it? The evidence is solid, they can be shot, and we finally caught them, how could it be released!"

Zhang Feng was not in a hurry to express his position, Jiang Wenyuan thought of it.

"Let's put it, just as Xiao Zhang said, haha...this trick..." Jiang Wenyuan frowned, with a smile on his face.

At this point, Weisuo will pass. They are bait, or long-term.

But what should I do?

We did not expect this at all, because the case was too big, and if it was let go out of thin air, people would be angry, and the families of the victims would not agree.

"Just do it, do it on your side, if you need me to come forward, just say it!" Jiang Wenyuan said.

This gives Wei Suo a lot of power. It is also a hot potato. He needs to face the anger of everyone.

Wei Suo said: "I will plan now!"

"Remember, during these three days, we must ensure their safety and daily interrogation will continue as usual!" Jiang Wenyuan added.

"Yes!" Weisuo went out.

There are only two of them in the office.

Jiang Wenyuan said: "Xiao Zhang, are you sure?"

"After they go back, they will inevitably arouse their upline vigilance. They have two kinds of end, the first is to be abandoned; the second is to be silenced."

Jiang Wenyuan trembled, he naturally thought of these two points.

But isn't this long line broken? Whether they are abandoned or exterminated, what is the difference between this and shooting them to death?

Jiang Wenyuan's eyes wanted Zhang Feng to continue talking.

"I hope they will be silenced, so that this line can be connected to the last one!" Zhang Feng analyzed.

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Jiang Wenyuan couldn't help but admire Zhang Feng. Gao is really high. Why didn't Jiang Wenyuan think of this when he was a policeman for so many years? They want to kill people and they need someone to do it, right?

Those who connect this line are the people who come to do it.

As for how to grasp this crucial connection moment, it depends on Zhang Feng's skill. Jiang Wenyuan is very confident in Zhang Feng.

But what if they are abandoned?

How to operate this?

Zhang Feng continued: "Jiang Ju, what do you think if they are abandoned?"

When such a question was thrown over, Jiang Wenyuan was taken aback, and he secretly cursed that this kid was going to test me?

The difficulty lies in their relationship with the online? Is it a one-line contact or a secret signal? Or they don't even know who is online.

Even more difficult is that they will choose to hide temporarily and wait for them to come out once the wind has passed.

"Xiao Zhang, what about the specifics? You will be fine at that time!" Jiang Wenyuan said.

Old fox!

Zhang Feng smiled in his heart.

"Jiang Ju, the French Open is full of negligence without leakage, they can't escape!" Zhang Feng had to say so.

Jiang Wenyuan stood up wheezing, and said excitedly: "It's so sparse and not leaking, Xiao Zhang, you are right. If they can't escape, this case will work hard for you!"

"This is my job and should be done!" Zhang Feng said, "Jiang Ju, what else do you have instructed?"

"No, you have a good rest these two days, so you don't use it for work! I will tell Wei later!" Jiang Wenyuan said.


Zhang Feng stood up and turned around in a salute. Jiang Wenyuan sat here thinking about Zhang Feng's words, the case, and Xing Changyun's affairs, followed by the media.

After a long time, he called Wei Suo to come in. He said that Zhang Feng would be given a holiday. Wei Suo naturally agreed. After the two talked for a while, Jiang Wenyuan returned to the game.

He still has too much to do!

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