Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1689: How are you going to work?

Xu Qiuping asked a male student around to help. The male student was so nervous that he was trembling: "Okay, okay, okay, I'm willing to help, you, you, how would you like to shoot?"

"Just take any pictures!" Xu Qiuping gave him a smile and gave him the phone, and then trot to Zhang Feng.

This time Xu Qiuping will never let Zhang Feng go again. She took Zhang Feng's arm and put one face on Zhang Feng's shoulder, looking very intimate and happy.

The male student shook his hands.

"This classmate, you can shoot, don't shake your hands!"

Xu Qiuping's words seemed to be commands. The male student stopped shaking his hands and pressed the shutter a few more times.


Xu Qiuping let go of Zhang Feng and trot over to take the mobile phone handed by the male classmate and smiled: "Thank you very much, thank you!"

"No, no, you're welcome! Goodbye!" The male student ran away quickly.

As if she was scared away, Xu Qiuping giggled and was very happy. Anyway, I can take a photo with Zhang Feng here. Even if I can't be together in the future, I can leave a thought, right?

Xu Qiuping stopped smiling, stopped to look at Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng's fiery eyes made her blush and heartbeat, and then she thought whether there was something dirty on her face, she twiddled her hair and clothes and said: "Me, is there anything on my face? Look at me like that!"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng said.

"Ah, what is it?" Xu Qiuping was so nervous, she couldn't let Zhang Feng see her bad side.

Zhang Feng looked at Xu Qiuping without speaking.

Xu Qiuping took out the phone and looked at it with the front camera, but there was nothing unclean on her face.

"What's the matter? Otherwise, it's ugly!" Xu Qiuping died anxiously.

Zhang Feng said solemnly: "I just saw the most beautiful words in the world blooming!"

"Oh, where, can you take me to see it?" Xu Qiuping said curiously.

It must be very beautiful to make Zhang Feng feel that it is the most beautiful flower in the world.

"Yes, wait!" Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone, opened the front camera and said, "You smile, just like just now."

Zhang Feng's words are the same as commands. Xu Qiuping smiled at the camera without any hesitation. Zhang Feng took the opportunity to say, "Did you see it? This is the most beautiful flower in the world."

"Ah, you..." Xu Qiuping blushed all of a sudden, no matter where he dared to look at Zhang Feng's phone, not to mention how beautiful it was, as if something strong had touched the most beautiful soul in his heart.

Xu Qiuping felt that her whole body was weak, especially her feet, and she wanted to go to Zhang Feng's arms. Everything in the world has nothing to do with her.

That's right!

However, Zhang Feng remained indifferent, and did not take him into his arms, but took a step back, and Xu Qiuping was awakened all at once.

The last second was still in the sky, the next second was on the ground. The contrast was too great. Xu Qiuping wanted to cry, but she couldn't, couldn't show the weak side, and couldn't put pressure on him.

"Let's go over there and take a look!" Xu Qiuping smiled, her eyes dimmed.

"Okay!" Zhang Feng didn't notice her strangeness, because she was still smiling. When a woman was smiling, she could cover up the so-called ugliness and psychological activities.

The two of them just walked, sitting under the early small pavilion, like a small couple, but it was a bit embarrassing. Zhang Feng didn't talk much. Most of them were Xu Qiuping talking, comparing her and Yuan Yongying's college time. It's even something that some best friends said, such as Yuan Yongying's embarrassment.

Zhang Feng also responded without saying a word, and finally Xu Qiuping simply stopped talking and just sat like this.

It's good to be able to sit with Zhang Feng, even if you don't speak.

"I have been in school for these two days. I have been a student for three days. Can I sleep here?" Zhang Feng said.

"Oh, good, okay!"

"Can you borrow your leg as a pillow?"

"Of course no problem!"

Xu Qiuping smiled again.

The smile is sweet.

Zhang Feng fell asleep on the bench with his head resting on Xu Qiuping's lap. The long skirt Xu Qiuping wore today was of very good texture and carried her body.

Furthermore, it is soft and elastic, which is Zhang Feng's second feeling.

The world is most beautiful, but this is the case. There is a military genius who does not say that there are two great things in this world: one is to fight on the battlefield while alive; the other is to die on a woman's belly when he is dead.

Zhang Feng at this moment has this idea. If his life reaches the last moment, it would be good to end in this way.

Xu Qiuping was very happy, really happy, feeling that Zhang Feng did not reject her, but he did not hurt himself.

He knew that he couldn't give himself a future, he couldn't give himself happiness, and he didn't want to hurt himself, so he kept his distance.

Xu Qiuping doesn't blame him.

There is a saying that is not like this: If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the midst of the day.

Xu Qiuping thinks like this.

Now Zhang Feng is very satisfied with his lap, right?

Zhang Feng actually fell asleep at this moment. It was too quiet and comfortable in such an environment.

I don't know how long there was singing in the school. It was the sound of getting up. Zhang Feng opened his eyes, his head still resting on her lap, and Xu Qiuping's body came from his nose, which made people fascinated.

But Zhang Feng still got up, and he saw Xu Qiuping looking at herself with a smile on her face, and said softly, "Are you awake?"

"Well, how long have I slept!" Zhang Feng asked.

"Two hours!"

"Oh, it's been so long!" Zhang Feng didn't expect that he had slept for so long. The quality of his sleep just now was very good: "Thank you for your thighs!"

"Ho ho!" Xu Qiuping smiled and didn't feel tired at all.

In fact, she couldn't sleep last night, so she squinted in the car when she came back in the morning.

"We are going to class!" Xu Qiuping smiled.

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng stood up, raised his foot and left, and did not wait for others, he was a little bit grumbling in his heart.

"Yeah..." Xu Qiuping suddenly screamed, her body fell down, there was nothing to grasp nearby, and Zhang Feng was already four steps away.

Seeing Xu Qiuping fell to the ground, her beautiful skirt was dirty, and Xu Qiuping's face was pale.

Suddenly she was hugged by a warm and strong arm, showing joy.

It's Zhang Feng.

He came so fast, he almost came by.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Feng asked softly.

Xu Qiuping said, "It's okay, but my feet are numb. I'll just sit down for a while!"

"Class is coming soon!" Zhang Feng didn't want to be late.

"Then you go first, I'll be there later!" Xu Qiuping said: "Let me down!"

Zhang Feng couldn't do this kind of thing, so he hugged Xu Qiuping horizontally, um, it was the princess: "Ah, Zhang Feng, this..."

"Hold your neck, or don't blame me if you fall!" Zhang Feng said as he walked out of the pavilion.

Xu Qiuping bit her lip and held Zhang Feng's neck, and her little heart was about to jump out.

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