Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1690: The most beautiful thing

At this time, almost all the students of Southwest University were on their way to the classroom. The road was crowded with people. They were all rushing to class. Some of them were still sleepy.

But they saw Zhang Feng hugging a girl who looked like a fairy, the girl was nestled on his chest, her eyes closed and her face was flushed with happiness, and their sleepiness disappeared.

The school road was full of people, and Zhang Feng walked indifferently, seeing everything around him as air, as if he had entered a man's land.

Zhang Feng's cheeks have long been so thick.

Since this morning, Zhang Feng has appeared in various forums of Southwest University, and in almost all group chats, and has become a hot topic. Even Xu Qiuping’s identity has long been known to the majority of students. As for Zhang Feng, he was dug up in the morning. He came to report a few years ago, but a student who just stopped reading.

Because Zhang Feng had a conflict with Mao Xiaorui at that time, many people saw it, and it was also photographed and posted on the Internet. The conflict at that time was just for school flowers.

And this morning this person had dinner with the beautiful teacher who was also one of the school flowers of the year;

What about this afternoon? He wandered around the campus with the beautiful mayor daughter of the top school flower level who could not be surpassed for many years, and spent two hours under the small pavilion. He still slept on the school flower’s lap.

Now it's even more excessive, even holding the school flower.

How could this person be so shameless! ?

I have already scolded Zhang Feng’s eight generations of ancestors on the Internet, and I have used all the words I can use anyway.

However, no one dared to come out and scold Zhang Feng in front of Zhang Feng, let alone beat him.

Because Mao Xiaorui was a testimony back then, everyone knows it, and Mao Xiaorui has already been arrested. Was it one of his little assistant policemen who did it?

If he doesn't have the patience, will those school boys follow him? The school girl is not blind.

So nobody came to bother them. Zhang Feng hugged Xu Qiuping and entered Yuan Yongying’s classroom. She was already sitting here waiting for the students. When she saw Zhang Feng holding Xu Qiuping, she was frightened. She hurried over to see: "Niu, what's wrong with you." Zhang Feng, what have you done to her?"

"Ying, I'm fine, I'm fine, but my feet are a little numb!" Xu Qiuping explained.

Yuan Yongying doesn't like to stare at her mobile phone, she just reads books or does courseware when she is free, so she doesn't know that the school has already fried the pot for this.

She was not concerned about Zhang Feng or the relationship between the two of them, but about Xu Qiuping's body, whether she was injured or not.

It really is a good girlfriend!

Zhang Feng had to admire.

"Oh, Zhang Feng, you let her down and go there!" Yuan Yongying said, pointing to the seat over there and not letting them sit together.

But Xu Qiuping said: "I just sit here, Ying, go to class, students are here!"

"But..." Yuan Yongying looked at Zhang Feng with a calm face, and felt that there was bad water in this kid's belly.

So we have to separate them quickly. Niu is a good girl and can't let him ruin it.

"It's okay, go, go!" Xu Qiuping smiled, her face still flushed.

Where would Yuan Yongying give up, pointing to Zhang Feng and saying: "Zhang Feng, go over there!"

"Oh, good!" Zhang Feng stood up and left.

Then Yuan Yongying pointed to Xu Qiuping and said, "Sit here and don't move, or you will leave my classroom!"

Xu Qiuping replied: "Well, I'm not leaving, I'm here!"

"It's about the same!" Yuan Yongying returned to her podium with a smile.

Now the classroom is almost full of students, and there are many students outside the classroom to watch the excitement. It will be time for class in a few minutes.

The students didn't think it was strange that Xu Qiuping appeared here, because Xu Qiuping would occasionally appear in her classroom before.

Today's situation is very special because of Zhang Feng.

Everyone is curious about the relationship between Zhang Feng's identity and Xu Qiuping.

After the class started, Xu Qiuping could hear nowhere, took out a pen and paper to write, and then passed it to Zhang Feng through a female classmate nearby.

Fortunately, there are only two female classmates between them, and they are very enthusiastic to help.

Zhang Feng quickly got the paper, with beautiful and beautiful words: Are you serious, and you still take notes, how boring her class is.

Behind is a smiling face.

Coming and not going to be indecent, Zhang Feng also went back.

Write it like this: What kind of hole is separated by a film that men like to go, and when it goes, red liquid comes out?

Zhang Feng passed on like this.

Soon there was a voice: "Yeah..."

Xu Qiuping's face flushed, and she wondered why this Zhang Feng is so bad, if someone sees it, that's it?

So she replied: "What kind of hole is it?"

After writing this sentence, Xu Qiuping felt that this was the dirtiest time in her life, and she felt that she had been damaged by Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng immediately went back: "I'll tell you if I have a chance!"

"Say now!"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Of course, hurry up!"

"Bottomless pit!"

"Then why is there red liquid?"

"Bottomless pit, there is magma under the ground, it is red!"

"Then why do men like it?"

"Sun Wukong, he is a man!"

"Then why is there a film?"

"The bottomless hole is also called the Pansi Cave, and the Pansi Cave has spider webs!"



Most of the classes were gone after they came and went. Neither of the two female classmates were able to listen to the class well. Yuan Yongying had been on the stage for a long time.

Expose them in public? Yuan Yongying couldn't do it, it was her best friend.

Towards the end, Yuan Yongying came down and took the note from the female classmate. Xu Qiuping was terrified by this, and she whispered, "Yingying, give it back to me!"

"Huh..." Yuan Yongying snorted and left.

Xu Qiuping blushed, what can I do? How dirty the words on the note are.

She glared at Zhang Feng fiercely, and said in her eyes: Look, it's all you...

But Zhang Feng didn't even look at her, as if it were all right.

Teacher Yuan, who took the note, returned to the podium and opened it during the gap time. Her murderous gaze turned to Zhang Feng.

I want to call out Zhang Feng, but let's forget it. This matter can't be publicized. It is not good for my girlfriends. Just talk to Zhang Feng in private.

They were very disciplined in the next class. Yuan Yongying finally got through to the end of get out of class. She asked the two of them to go to her office and let Zhang Feng cool outside first.

Zhang Feng is very honest, just a student, a student who has done wrong things.

"What's the matter? Girl?" Yuan Yongying came.

"I..." Xu Qiuping didn't know where to start.

What should she say? She didn't know Zhang Feng's identity, she knew he was a very powerful person.

But no matter what, Xu Qiuping knew that he was a very decent person with a sense of justice.

But when it comes to the relationship between herself and him, she herself doesn't know, and Zhang Feng has other women. If Yuan Yongying knows this, she will have to break the casserole and ask them to the end, endless.

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