Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1694: Explain

If he manages this matter well, he can rely on the big tree Jiang Wenyuan, and he will be able to make progress in the future, if he can hold onto himself.

Now in the office of the director of the Dongcheng Police Station, Weisuo looks very sluggish.

There was heavy smoke in the office. The cigarette case on the desk was full of cigarette butts. There were a few packs of opened cigarettes nearby.

Wei Suo held a cigarette in his hand. The cigarette had been lit, but he seemed to forget to smoke it, so it burned.

The cigarette burned and white smoke appeared on his face, and he inhaled the white smoke through his nose while breathing.

Wei Suo is in trouble, explain, explain, how to explain?

The first is to explain to the families of the victims, the second is to explain to the society, and the second is to explain to the top.

Explaining to the top is to let them go.

Explaining to the families of the victims and society is to bring them to justice.

How to fix it?

Wei is in trouble.

Two hours later, he still couldn't think of it. In desperation, he could only call the top for advice.

Yesterday he got the phone number of Secretary Jiang Wenyuan, and the secretary also said that he could call if there was anything.

This is a very good signal. Wei didn't want to use this, because if you use it less once, if you use it more, it seems incompetent.

"Secretary Wei, hello, um, it's me!"

"It's Wei Suo, um, you and I are my own family, you are older than me, just call me Xiao Wei!"

"No, no, so I can just talk about business, I..."

"Wei Suo, Bureau Jiang knows that you will come to ask. I have already told me that you must act according to the rules. You must not let an offender go unpunished, and you must not be wronged. For such offenders, you must be severely sentenced, and for accomplices, you must be executed according to law. Well, that's it, Wei Suo, Jiang Bureau pays much attention to this case!"

"Yes, I understand, then I won't bother Secretary Wei!"

After Wei Suo hung up the phone, he thought carefully about what Secretary Wei said, thinking about him and laughed out, sure enough, sure enough, Jiang Ju is not easy!

The key lies in two sentences: for such offenders, he must be sentenced severely, and for accomplices, he must be executed according to law!

In other words, do it separately, and divide the importance!

"Come here, I want to personally examine the Malaysians!" Wei Suo seemed to be beaten with blood.


At this time, Zhang Feng was in the wild street with the two women. Actually, Zhang Feng didn't like this kind of thing. It was too boring, and he would turn his head back 100%. The target of Zhang Feng's attention again was the enemy of the whole people.

So when he passed by an Internet cafe, he slipped in, and the two women turned back and disappeared.

"Hey, where did you go?" Xu Qiuping asked.

Yuan Yongying reluctantly pointed to the Internet cafe behind him.

"Oh, let's go in!" Xu Qiuping said.

"I won't go to this kind of place! He may have gone to the bathroom, let's wait for him!"

But after waiting for ten minutes, Zhang Feng still didn't come out. Xu Qiuping pulled Yuan Yongying in. Yuan Yongying was unwilling in every way, but she had to go in because of Xu Qiuping's drag.

This Internet cafe is fairly high-end, very clean, without any smell of smoke, Yuan Yongying is satisfied.

But I didn't see Zhang Feng, there are hundreds of machines here.

Xu Qiuping pulled Yuan Yongying to find seats one by one.

This is incredible. The two big beauties walked in, both at the level of the country and the city. The single dogs in the Internet cafes are flowing out, how can they even care about eating chicken? They stood up and watched.

The owner of the Internet cafe was alarmed. The boss was a fat elder brother. He immediately recognized that they were the beautiful teacher from Southwest University and the mayor's daughter. He thought of a way to make money, so he went over immediately.

"Two girls, who are you looking for? I'm the boss here!" The boss smiled, his eyes afraid to be presumptuous.

These two women can only watch from a distance and cannot be profaned.

"It's none of your business to find someone!" Yuan Yongying said grimly.

"Yes!" The boss walked away griefly.

The two women continued to find people, and finally found Zhang Feng in the innermost corner.

He was sitting there with big ears on his head, fighting on the large screen, his left hand flying on the keyboard, and his right hand pressing the mouse vigorously.

Yuan Yongying was thinking, is this someone her brother admires? What is the difference between him and the internet addict here? There is no difference at all.

He sits here and no one else pays attention to him, so he can blend in.

Playing the game is like a great god.

Xu Qiuping didn't bother Zhang Feng, but still sat beside him silently looking at him.

"Girl, let's go!" Yuan Yongying didn't want to stay here.

"No, wait for Zhang Feng here, anyway, we don't have much to do now, right?" Xu Qiuping said as she took her hand, worried that she would leave.

"Why not? We are going to buy things on the street, and then I have to go back and prepare courseware!"

"What are you buying? If you don't buy it, you don't lack clothes. Anyway, whatever clothes you wear looks good. I will prepare the courseware tomorrow, sit down, sit down!" Xu Qiuping took her to sit down.


Yuan Yongying was speechless, almost hopeless.

After half an hour, Zhang Feng took off his headphones, saw them here, and asked in confusion: "Oh, don't you go to Mad Street?"

"Don't go, play here with you!" Xu Qiuping said.

Yuan Yongying was silent, but she wanted to see how Zhang Feng did it?

"Oh, then I'll go buy some water!" Zhang Feng said, standing up.

Xu Qiuping said quickly: "I'll buy it for you!"

"Thank you!" Xu Qiuping went quickly.

After a while, I bought a lot of things, mostly snacks.

Zhang Feng ate without a word of thanks, and then continued to play the game.

At this moment, many people gathered around them, all of them came for the two girls.

In less than an hour, the hundreds of machines in this Internet cafe were full because someone posted it online before the two of them came in, and everyone nearby came.

The boss seized this opportunity and started a small event to apply for a card, a goddess card.

The next son charged a lot of money and laughed from ear to ear.


"Boss, what shall we do now?"

In a room of a hotel in Southwest City, several people were sitting and talking.

These people are all fresh faces, that is, they are not from Southwest China. One of them is from Malaysia, with European descent, wearing white sportswear, and over forty years old.

The man who was speaking to him was a very strong man.

"I'm going to see Dong Mao tonight!" the boss said in a deep voice.

"Boss, he has been spotted by the police, and he cannot protect himself!"

"That's why I went to see him, we have to do, let him take everything down, the whole thing has nothing to do with us!" the boss said.

"But boss, he didn't get involved, and he didn't get any benefits. What would he do?"

"It was his son Mao Xiaorui who did it, so he did it! Understand?" the boss said.

"Yes, boss!"

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