Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1695: Name correction

"Fu An, don't you know him? Ask him out at night!" The boss said, "Tell the people below not to come out. The police are looking for us! Mario and the others can't speak, don't worry!"

"Yes!" The man named Fu An agreed and went out.

After half an hour, Fu An came back. He said that Mao Dong had been controlled by the police.

The boss asked: "They move so fast?"

"Not because of his son's case, but because his company is not clean! There are many illegal activities!"

"Forget it, he's over, let's think of a way, we will leave Southwest City and go to the countryside if we don't work!"

"Boss, if we go to the mountains and the conditions are not good, I am worried that the brothers will complain, and as long as we show up, someone will recognize us!"

"You are stupid, go to the country to do a small business cover, or collect garbage, who would doubt us?"

"The boss is still smart! So we can do some other business!"

"You guys go out!"

"Yes, boss!"


Goodlin, this boss is called Goodlin, from a small place in Southeast Asia. I walked out of that small place a few years ago, started a trafficker, and transferred money.

There are dozens of people under his hand, and the business is very big.

Human traffickers in the civilized age are more cruel, not labor, such as tricking and kidnapping.

Deception is the most common, such as where to make a lot of money, intermediary services, overseas labor, etc.

Later, they started to work on organs, which was nothing short of profit.

So, they are very arrogant and bold.

Gudlin thought for a while and still felt like getting rid of that person, because the market in Southwest City was huge and he didn't want to give up.

So he took out his cell phone and called: "Boss, I’m making a mistake here. Several people have been arrested. They haven’t spoken yet. Well, I know, I can’t arrange for someone to go in. It was too sudden when I was arrested. Feng Gao, used to be an assistant policeman, now he is the captain."

"They can't speak, they are very reliable. I want to rescue them, but the police have enough evidence, and our fairy lineman has been arrested! Okay, I will definitely kill this person! Maybe he We have some information about us and we must get rid of him, otherwise we will not be able to gain a foothold in Southwest City! Yes, boss, we will definitely do it very cleanly! Our line will be restored immediately!"

With the support of the boss, Goodlin's heart is low, and the boss will send someone soon.

It will be there tomorrow at the latest.


Gudlin thought, it seemed that he needed more combat-type subordinates, otherwise he would be passive in everything.

Originally, he could solve the matter this time, but the assistant police named Feng Gao was very powerful. In order to stop the accident, he had to ask the dignitaries for instructions.

He took out his mobile phone and called his subordinates,


During this period of time, Feng Gao has always been high-profile. Although he does not want to be like this, he must be high-profile, because the people need a hero-like character.

He was promoted to three levels in a row, temporarily replacing Gu Changhang's position, which can be said to be an exception.

He also held a commendation meeting for him. More than a hundred reporters came to the news windows of major newspapers.

In fact, Feng Gao is very low-key and doesn't want to be like this. He doesn't even know what to say from the podium, if not for the manuscript.

As a celebrity, he is touted wherever he goes, which is very different from the previous neglect or passerby.

His wife, who didn't wait much before, came, and took the initiative to have a meeting with him.

All the friends who seldom communicated before have sent messages, and many people have invited him to dinner or the like.

In this regard, Feng Gaodu just smiled, still maintaining his trademark silence.

He continued to go to work that day. Although he did not need to patrol as the captain, he still went. He went on patrol alone.

I was in trouble at a corner at night. There was a car blocked in front and back. Five or six people got on and off. They were wearing black masks and holding weapons in their hands.

Feng Gao had learned to calm down after experiencing the incident with Zhang Feng, immediately issued a distress signal, took out the pistol and disconnected the gun.

Because this was revenge, they came to revenge.


With a gunshot, a masked man fell in front of him.

Feng Gao continued to shoot, and fired at the three people in front.


The two fell, but when the third person saw him take out his pistol, he pointed it at Feng Gao.



Two gunshots sounded almost simultaneously, and both of them fell at the same time.

There were a few people behind, two of them had guns. They thought Feng Gao had fallen, and Feng Gao didn't move anymore, because one of their companions was hit on the eyebrows, and he couldn't die anymore.

They walked forward slowly, and the two gunmen walked in front. They were not sure whether the person behind the motorcycle was dead.

He was very fierce just now, and killed a few people at once. His marksmanship was very powerful, so be careful.

Feng Gao was shot at this time. He didn't understand how the gangster's marksmanship was. He actually hit his thigh, and also hit his aorta, causing blood to gush out.

He tried hard to calm himself down, not moving, not nervous, and squinting to see the few people who were slowly coming up.

The muzzle is already the fuel tank of the motorcycle.

It is impossible to be killed or captured by them, and they are gone.

The fuel tank of this motorcycle has just been filled, and it's into the soul!

The motorcycle was three meters away from him. If it exploded like this, he would be ruined. He couldn't control that much.

I think Feng Gaohui will end up in this way, and it is very good. To die on his own battlefield is the best ending. Life has almost reached the peak, although he is just a serious fake.

This is called just accept it.

They approached step by step, and when they were no more than one meter away, Feng Gao pulled the trigger when one of them raised a gun at him.

Bang... Bang...

The gunfire and the explosion sounded almost at the same time. Feng Gao saw the exploded flame and the gangsters exploded and flew behind him. Feng Gao himself was also swallowed by the flame. Feng Gao turned around reflexively and used himself. Blocked behind.

Then there was a burning pain in the body, and then I didn't know anything.

It was a few days after he woke up. In the past few days, too many things have happened. Feng Gao became a hero again. He faced several bandits alone, killed four people, and returned with the four. It's gone, but fortunately he has a hard life, not dead.

When he opened his eyes, the whole room was filled with flowers and pennants.

Feng Gao calmly closed his eyes, this time he paid for his name, he is not a fake!

It doesn't matter how the physical injury is, is it healthy? ?

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