Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1697: They acted

Zhang Feng is waiting for this moment!

Wait for them!

Others were nervous and worried that they had hurt their children, but they were afraid to say anything without Zhang Feng's order.

This child was alone, three or four years old, very cute and chubby. They aimed at no adults around, and drove over without stopping at all. Instead, they pulled the car door and stretched out a pair of devil's hands to grab it. The child's clothes went into the car, and then the door was closed.

The whole process takes only two seconds.

After capturing the child, they did not drive away quickly, but continued to promote it.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, another van came. When the two cars passed by, the two cars slowed down at the same time and did not stop but opened the door at the same time.

Passed it!

That's right, it just passed and transferred the child to another car, which quickly left.

"Watch the van, they won't hurt the children!" Zhang Feng said.

The white bear on a Honda 125 motorcycle parked outside the village followed.

This motorcycle is too ordinary and very old. No one will take a look at it when riding on the road, and the rider is even more ordinary, a sloppy big man who doesn't wear a helmet.

His task is very simple. It is to keep an eye on the van, and the van with the old cell phone changed to another village, and they have been wandering around all day long.

The van that picked up the child returned to the waste collection station at the market.

This station is very special. Cars can be driven into the house, and all the waste is piled up outside.

Close the door as soon as the car enters the house.

The white bear said: "Wolfhead, they entered the waste station and closed the door!"

"Okay, you stare there!" said the wolf head.


Ertun here.

The tragedy is that it has been half an hour, and the parents of the kidnapped children still haven't noticed that their children are missing.

Until lunch one and a half hours later, an old woman in her fifties was yelling. She yelled for ten minutes and found no child. She was not nervous, just walking slowly in the village road, calling So, maybe that's how it is called on weekdays, Zhang Feng can vaguely understand it, probably means going home for dinner.

The old woman's voice is so loud that she can be heard in almost half of the village, but the people seem to be used to it.

After calling for twenty minutes, the old woman became nervous.

After half an hour, many people started to move, looking for children everywhere. They came out of the house, and some people were still holding rice bowls.

Before long, they gathered in the van that was still advertised under the big banyan tree. They suspected that they had taken the child and asked to check the car. The two gangsters let them check the car.

Naturally, nothing was gained.

The old woman slumped to the ground, crying, calling the child's name, and how to explain to the parents of the child who works far away...

Zhang Feng had witnessed all this and was shocking. If this happened to him and Haohao disappeared, what would he feel like?

can not imagine.

Zhang Feng looked like he was going to catch the culprit and rescue the child now, but he couldn't. He had to bear it, as long as the child was fine now.

The other team members are also very anxious, looking very anxious, how much they want to save the child!

Nearly three hours after the child disappeared, they called the police. The police from the police station near the township government arrived at the scene and vigorously launched a search operation. They blocked main roads with a radius of several tens of kilometers and checked out vehicles. Several township police stations took action. Up.

Five hours later, everyone was mobilized, all media searched, notices of missing persons in Moments, etc.

But these are all in vain. The gang of gangsters are very clever. Bai Xiong has seen the police go to search their waste station, but he did not find the child. Bai Xiong is sure that the child is still at the waste station.

In the middle of the night, the child’s parents came back, and the young mother was crying dimly. The old woman muttered in a daze: If I didn’t go back to cook, it would be fine. If I hold him... .

The father was smoking hard there!

Tonight is a sleepless night in Ertun.

Zhang Feng and others could not rest either.

"Black bear, go for the white bear. You two take turns looking at the junkyard. The yellow and green bears. Go too. If the culprits leave the junkyard, follow!" Langtou ordered: "You plan to take turns to rest."


It was really time to take action. They were silent here for two days.

Zhang Feng couldn't sleep, thinking about **** these people.

This is the dirtiest and most evil money, and it is even more sinful than poison. They have no conscience.

Zhang Feng called Jiang Wenyuan and said: "Jiang Bureau, they acted!"

After a long time, there was a voice over the phone: "Hmm!"

Then Jiang Ju said: "We must ensure the safety of the children!"


Now Zhang Feng is still Jiang Wenyuan's soldier and is directly responsible to him.

It mainly depends on how Zhang Feng acted.

Half an hour later, Chen Wanru called and said that he was done with his affairs? Zhang Feng said that it is estimated that it will take a few more days.

"Zhang Feng, the research of Dragon Warrior has reached a critical moment, and according to intelligence, Dr. Frank has been placed under house arrest, and his son has also been monitored. The people in Area 52 are persuading Dr. Frank to return to Area 52. By then, they will lead. If you lose us, then it will be troublesome!"

"Dr. Frank is the key person. Only he can solve the problems we encountered with Area 52, and he has a crackable method in his hands, or it is installed in his mind."

In fact, Zhang Feng also knows this problem, that is, he can succeed in himself, but he cannot succeed in others.

At present, District 52 may not know that their research has been successful on Zhang Feng. If they know, they will catch Zhang Feng at all costs.

The old beggar knew it, Chen Wan knew it, and the bosses above knew it too, so he was very anxious.

"I know, but now I have to ensure the safety of our motherland's flowers, and nothing else!" Zhang Feng's attitude is like this, and these bandits must be uprooted.

Chen Wanru said, "Do you want me to ask the above to ask the king of Yan to help you?"

Now Caldera, Silgarva and the dancers are training in Huangquan.

"No, it's not a matter of manpower, but time. I need time!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, you can solve it as soon as possible, and I will let the intelligence personnel stare at it!" Chen Wanru also understood this truth.

"Where is Haohao?" Zhang Feng asked.

Chen Wanru was taken aback, how did she ask herself this question, shouldn't she ask Yun Qian?

"I should be at home, why didn't I go there?" Chen Wanru asked, "I haven't been home for three days!"

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