Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1698: Transfer to online

When Chen Wanru said this, she was quite competent. When she went home, it was her home. She regarded the place where Yun Qian and Haohao lived as a writer, and that was really thinking of herself as Zhang Feng's woman.

There is a room of her in that house!

"At noon, there was a kid in the village who was caught by the bandits, I will definitely catch them!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

Chen Wanru was silent for a while and said, "I will go back in a while! Call Yun Qian to see!"

"it is good!"

The place where they live is the safest, even safer than the army, so naturally there will be nothing wrong.

After a while, Zhang Feng called Yun Qian.

"Are you okay?" Yun Qian said.

These words seem very common, but they are very connotative. There is Yun Qian's infinite miss and care for Zhang Feng.

"I'm okay. I'm staying here. Today, I saw the gangsters grabbing the children in the village. Where is Haohao, are you sleeping?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Yes, he slept by himself!" Yun Qian said, "Can you rescue that kid?"

"Will do!"

"Yeah!" Yun Qian didn't know what to say to Zhang Feng, because there were too many things to say, and she didn't know what to say at once.

Zhang Feng said: "You have worked hard at home!"

"No hard work, he is a lot more sensible now! Don't worry, he and I will be fine, you have to take care of yourself!"

"What did you wear today?" Zhang Feng asked.

Yun Qian paused and said, "What you like is waiting for you all the time!"


This is the most intimate words between the two couples.

"Be busy, I'm going to sleep!"

Although Yun Qian didn't want to hang up, she already thought that Zhang Feng must be very busy and in a very dangerous environment.

Zhang Feng, who had spoken a few words with Yun Qian, calmed down a lot, and felt relieved. With Yun Qian at home, Zhang Feng was relieved.

Early the next morning, there was a situation on the Baixiong side. It was said that a kindergarten school bus was approaching the waste station, and it was posted with the sign of Xiangyang Kindergarten, the only kindergarten on the street.

"Staring!" Zhang Feng's voice was somber, he seemed to have thought about what they were going to do, and was very angry.

Now that the police have paid attention to this place, there are police officers watching in many areas. They still dare to come?

Just so urgent?

Yes, they are very anxious. They can't stay here anymore. They didn't expect the police to react so much and forcefully when they first took action, so they hurried to get a vote and leave.

"Watch me closely, and be ready to attack at any time!" Zhang Feng said: "The sniper arrives at the scrap station, to the sniper point!"

Zhang Feng made the deployment decisively, because if they took so many children away at once, the scene might be uncontrollable.


They acted, and the points that had been squatting for two days could finally move.

It's daytime, and they have a lot of equipment on their bodies. It's a little difficult to move their positions. Fortunately, it's raining now, and few people come out. Just camouflage them well.

"The school bus has arrived in Ertun!"

"Successfully pick up the walking child!"

"Go to the next one!"

Zhang Feng said: "Don't act yet!"

Are the kindergarten teachers and drivers in the car? Parents and students should know each other.

"Is the kindergarten teacher in the car?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Report Langtou, it's a kindergarten teacher!" Bai Xiong said.

"Why does it appear in the junkyard?"

"Wolfhead, the driver is one of the gangsters!"

"Why not?"

Zhang Feng was very angry.

"Yes, not as an example!"

Now is not the time to be held accountable.

"Follow the school bus! Get ready to save people!" Zhang Feng said.


The two motorcycles moved and followed the school bus unhurriedly.

The school bus quickly picked up a dozen children from the village, and then returned to the kindergarten. At the intersection on the street, the police did not stop it, but let it go.

"No need to follow the school bus!" Zhang Feng said.


They are testing, and only school buses will not stop.

"White Bear, stare at the person who sneaked into the kindergarten!" Zhang Feng said.



This evening, Bai Xiong had news that the kindergarten car broke down and the repair shop in the town could not repair it, so he had to go to the city.

It was more than a hundred kilometers away from the city, and a tow truck was invited. It was the gangster driver.

"They are going to act, we follow, and leave two people to stare at the waste station!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, wolf head!"

The driver drove a trailer to the junkyard, and then went to the kindergarten to pull the school bus.

The school bus stopped at the junkyard for ten minutes before leaving.

"White Bear, how is the situation?" Zhang Feng asked.

"The child has been in the car, and the child is fine, but it is **** and placed in a breathable suitcase."

The work Bai Xiong did was very good, and Zhang Feng affirmed his ability.

"Very good! Others follow me!"

"Yes, wolf head!"

As night fell, they were given good cover and successfully gathered around the school bus.

Just waiting for the school bus to leave.

In the darkness, Zhang Feng heard them talking.

"Ms. Tang, are you in a hurry to go downtown?" the culprit asked.

It turns out that there is another woman here.

"Today and tomorrow is the weekend, I'm going to play with my friends!" said the female teacher.

"Oh, it's your boyfriend!?"

"No, just an ordinary friend! I heard that you make a lot of money to make this waste product. It's more profitable than our teacher. We only have two thousand yuan a month, and we are exhausted!"

"There is a little money, but it's all hard money!"

"How many of you have?"

"Seven or eight people, a few cars, go to the village to collect waste every day, regardless of wind or rain!"

"That's hard work too!"

"It's hard to do anything now, you go to the car and wait, I'll get things! My two friends also go to the city!"


After a while, three men came out from the inside. Two of them carried a suitcase and put it on the school bus, just placing it randomly.

"What's in it?" the female teacher asked.

"It's some valuable things, such as silver, which are obtained from electrical appliances!"

"Wow, that's very valuable!"

"This is the most valuable one!"

But how did the female teacher think these two men were weird, they didn't talk, they looked fierce.

When the trailer drove away, Zhang Feng said: "Prairie wolf, go ahead!"

"Yes, wolf head!"

The prairie wolf took four people and drove a car.

The people behind drove to follow, pinching the trailer and the school bus back and forth.

When they left the main road of the township, they were stopped by the police and searched. Zhang Feng and others were also stopped, along with a trailer.

Can pass safely.

It can only be said that the gangsters were very successful and passed the test successfully.

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