Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1704: Task for them

This is the first time Zhang Feng said this, and the old beggar did not reject it to Zhang Feng. He was the shortest guard.

But this time there was no way. The old beggar had almost no reliable way except to let Zhang Feng go.

He is a real firefighting hero. The fire has just been extinguished here, but there is a fire again.

Zhang Feng was finally busy, even eating chicken feet on the road.

Driving back to Southwest City, slowly eating lo-mei in the car, it was very interesting. Anyway, the people around were swallowing their saliva and they were too embarrassed to ask Zhang Feng to eat.

What's the matter with eating chicken feet from a stranger?

It took Zhang Feng half an hour to finish eating the big bag of lo-mei with bones in it, and then he leaned on a chair to sleep.

The speed of the high-speed rail is very fast, and Zhang Feng arrived in Southwest City in more than two hours.

No one came to pick him up as a fire-fighting hero, nor did he need it.

Walking out of the station with the bones in the bag, and throwing the bag in the food sorting trash can, Zhang Feng went to the Southwest People's Hospital.

Going to see someone, old colleague, Feng Gao.

He is no longer in serious trouble, but he can't take care of himself yet, his wife will take care of him.

After the introduction, his wife glanced at Zhang Feng and responded perfunctorily. With her eyesight, Zhang Feng is not the kind of wealthy person, and it is useless to ignore it.

Zhang Feng looked like his wife looked like, with very small eyes and average body. She was in her thirties and she was not so yellow. Although she had makeup on her face, she had many traces of years, but she looked like she was in her forties.

But the eyes are on the head.

The clothes he wears belong to the middle and high level, a pair of shoes costs 700 to 800 yuan, a necklace of several thousand yuan on the neck, and the bracelet on his hand is at least 10,000 yuan.

Feng Gao's salary is small.

"Wife, go out first, Brother Zhang and I have something to say!" Feng Gao said softly to his wife.

She was very dissatisfied and said: "There is something that can't be said in front of me, are you hiding something from me?"

"Get out!" Feng Gao said solemnly.

"Hmph, just go out, you now, your waist is straight and your wings are hard..."

The woman grumbled and went out without closing the door.

Zhang Feng silently walked over and closed the door. Seeing that she was still outside, he probably wanted to eavesdrop.

"Make you laugh!" Feng Gao said helplessly.

"Change if you can, it's no big deal!"

Zhang Feng is very open about this, and there is no moral kidnapping. These days, ordinary people live together in groups so that they can live a better life.

There is a little quality of life.

It is not easy to be alive. Who is whose?

"Hey..." Feng Gao smiled bitterly, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

It seemed that there was an unbearable past, and Zhang Feng didn't say it again.

Zhang Feng said, "What happened to the injury?"

"It's nothing serious, I can go back to patrol in half a month!"

"That's good! I wiped them all out, basically we have eliminated this criminal group in our country!" Zhang Feng told him the news.

Feng Gao felt a shock in his heart.

"Used, um, it is estimated that more than 10,000 policemen killed hundreds of gangsters and captured more than 1,000 gangsters!" Zhang Feng continued.

"It's a pity, I'm lying there!" Feng Gao blamed himself.

"You are already very good!" Zhang Feng said, "I have something to do, so take care of yourself!"

Zhang Feng said that and went out.

"Oh, by the way, this woman, change it!" Zhang Feng said again.

It seems to be an order.

Feng Gao said without thinking, "Listen to you!"

"Xiaofeng, can I still see you?"

"I guess I won't see it!"

Zhang Feng went out, but fortunately the woman was no longer outside, talking to a doctor in the corridor.

This woman really delayed Feng Gao and would tie Feng Gao's hands and feet.

Feng Gao's future is great and he can help many people, and he cannot be abandoned because of this woman.

Then Zhang Feng went to report to Jiang Bureau.

Before leaving here, there must be an explanation. Jiang Wenyuan is very welcome to Zhang Feng's arrival and personally handed him a cigarette. It was a special offer.

"You still have a mission, I won't keep you, when I want to come back, I can come back anytime, I will always have your place here!" Jiang Wenyuan said.

"Thank you Jiang Ju!" Zhang Feng smoked.

"Oh, by the way, those guys are waiting for you, they will be here soon!" Jiang Wenyuan was asking for Zhang Feng's opinion, but could not see them.

Zhang Feng said, "Okay, see you there!"

"I will arrange it!"

"Ginger Bureau, no need to arrange, just on the basketball court!"


Half an hour later, Zhang Feng came to the basketball court. There were a line of fifty people standing there. They looked tired, their clothes were dirty, and their red eyes, but they were very excited.

"Stand at attention... Salute..."

The prairie wolf Yuan Yongjin shouted loudly.

Fifteen people saluted Zhang Feng in one gesture.

Zhang Feng saluted him, and then said: "Stop!"

They relaxed, and Zhang Feng went on to say, "Sit here!"

Speaking of Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng sat on the ground beside the basketball court, looking very sloppy. They came to sit beside Zhang Feng.

"Smoke down!" Zhang Feng took out the cigarette and handed it to the prairie wolf.

"First class!" The prairie wolf was very discerning.

Zhang Feng said: "This is from Jiang Ju just now!"

Everyone became excited again, this was given to them by the chief Shun!

They were not pretending to be hypocritical, and they smoked cigarettes one by one.

Sixteen people squatted and smoked. Such a scene has never been seen in the game, but no one dared to talk about them.

"Do you have a girlfriend yet?" Zhang Feng came.

This made them very uncomfortable. Originally, they thought that Zhang Summit would say something inspiring and exciting, or it could be full of Mandarin or something, but they didn't expect such a sentence to come, and they were not prepared.

So no one spoke.

"What? Really worthless!" Zhang Feng said grimly.

The prairie wolf said: "Sir, we are all training, how can we have that time!"

"Men's maturity and growth require women's training!" Zhang Feng said: "This is also a training, you have to complete it!"

"Yes, sir!" everyone responded.

Zhang Feng threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground, stood up and stamped out the cigarette **** with the toe of his shoe, then picked it up and said: "Time is almost up, you can go back, take a good rest and train!"


Looking at Zhang Feng's background, the prairie wolf called: "Sir?"

Zhang Feng didn't answer him, and walked out.

Everyone stood up and watched him leave.

"The sir said let us find a girlfriend, isn't it just looking for a woman? Let's find it now, how about?" said a man.

"Stupid you, is it called looking for a woman? Are you looking for a woman in the alley or a hair salon? Looking for a serious girl, serious pursuit, serious love!"

Prairie wolf Yuan Yongjin knows this. "

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