Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1705: Wrong reasoning!

"Yong Jin, would you like to introduce your sister to me?" the other guy smiled.

"Yes, see if you have this capability!"

"Can you surrender his sister? I run the whole city in my underwear!"

"I also think that no one of us can surrender, I think only the chief can surrender her!"

The speaker was not interested, the listener was interested, and Yuan Yongjin was thinking.

I told my sister before, if there is another chance in the future, we must bring them together.

A person who is so powerful can't flow to others. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop.

"Go, return to the division!" Yuan Yongjin said.


A few hours later, Zhang Feng returned to Kyoto. In fact, he had two missions in his mind. One was the headquarters of the Macia criminal group; the other was to find the son of Dr. Loves Frank.

Which one should you do first?

When he went back and held his son for less than half an hour, the old beggar called and asked him to visit Longxue.

Zhang Feng didn't want to go. Although he hadn't been there yet, Zhang Feng wanted to hold his son a lot. This time he came back from Southwest City and felt very touching.

It shows how important Haohao is to him.

Yun Qian knew what had happened in Southwest City, and came over to hug Zhang Feng's back and said, "I will take good care of him and use my life!"

"I will protect him too!"

Zhang Feng believed that what Yun Qian said came from the bottom of her heart. She used her life to give birth to Haohao, and then used her life to protect him. This is maternal love.

"Let him follow me today!" Zhang Feng said.

"Didn't you go to Master's place?"

"Take him!"

"That's one of the most secret places in the world!"

"So what, he is my son, I can go, he can go too! If he can't go, I can't go!"



The Dragon Cave is naturally the place where the dragon warriors study. It is located under the 01 headquarters.

The following is a huge project, thousands of meters deep, it took half a year to complete, and it cost a lot.

But it's all worth it.

Zhang Feng embraced the little guy and entered the gate of 01. 01's location is only a few dozen kilometers away from Kyoto. In a quiet private garden, green vegetation is planted here.

Flowers and plants.

"Grandpa!" the little guy exclaimed.


Zhang Dashan quickly walked over and ran the little guy.

He is wearing garden clothes and seems to be a worker here.

"Dad, why are you here?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

Zhang Dashan said: "Recently is a critical period, and there are some unidentified people dangling around, I feel more relieved here!"

When I came here just now, Zhang Feng did see some people walking by the side of the road. These people had very good makeup, but Zhang Feng could tell at a glance that they were not ordinary people, walking steadily, and he did not see any weapons on him.

They must be smelling something, and they don't know which country they are from. They didn't come to fight and rob, but to gather intelligence.

This is a normal thing. Our people also collect information in some of their sensitive places. This is a normal phenomenon, as long as they don't obviously do illegal things.

What's more, there can be no traitors, people who are instigated by them.

If you can't show up for this kind of person, you will be charged with a felony once discovered.

Of course, 01 is doing a very good job of confidentiality of thoughts here. There was an accident with Zhao Dasheng before.

Thinking of Zhao Dasheng, I don't know what happened to his daughter Zhao Yihan.

Zhang Feng met her once, but she was a lovely little girl, very beautiful.

"Well, then I'm going in, Haohao, come, don't hinder Grandpa's work!" Zhang Feng looked back carelessly, no one was staring, or someone was watching from a distance with a telescope.

Let's see, what can be seen here?

Zhang Dashan is the most suitable guard here, he looks like a bad old man, very old and weak.

Who would have thought that such an old man turned out to be one of the best agents in the world.

Although he is old, his skill cannot be underestimated, and seven or eight first-class practitioners can't get close to him.

So Zhang Feng is assured of his father!

Haohao got down from Zhang Dashan's arms very well, and the little hand held Zhang Feng's finger and asked, "Dad, what are we doing here?"

"A fun place!" Zhang Feng smiled.

The little guy got excited when he heard about the fun place, clapping his hands and cheering: "Uhhhhhhhhhhh, oh well, you can play!"

"But we must first say yes, those who can play and those who can't! Don't touch them when you are not allowed to play! Remember?"

"Okay, dad, you have to tell me which ones can play and which ones can't play!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng hugged him in.

There were a few gardeners inside. Seeing Zhang Feng coming over, they kept quiet and continued to do their own things.

Zhang Feng walked into the house, and someone inside stopped Zhang Feng and said, "Comrade, children can't come in!"

"Don't worry, he won't mess around!" Zhang Feng said.

Before he could speak, Hao Hao said: "Yes, uncle, I'm very good!"

"No way!"

He doesn't know Zhang Feng, nor does Zhang Feng know him.

"Go aside!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

"Comrade, please take the children away!"

Zhang Feng made a shot and hit it with one punch. The guard's reaction was quick, and he dodged.

"There is a situation!" the guard shouted in a deep voice.

Suddenly five or six people appeared, and the gun pointed at Zhang Feng's brain.

"Get out of the way!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

"Comrade, please take the kids away!" the guard said again.

Zhang Feng threw out the steel nail.


All the guns in their hands were sealed, and if they wanted to shoot, they would explode immediately, and everyone was shocked.

"Kill him!" the guard shouted.

It is concluded that this person is the enemy.


At a critical time, the old beggar came.

"Grandpa beggar!" Haohao yelled sweetly, not at all frightened by the nervous atmosphere just now.

He had seen a lot of scenes. Those uncles often fought in the yard and broke a lot of furniture. The **** man pulled a tree in the yard with his bare hands and used it as a weapon.

Hao Hao is naturally not afraid of this scene.

The old beggar smiled at Haohao and said, "Xiao Haohao, why are you here? Did you miss Grandpa Beggar?"

"Yeah, I really miss Grandpa Beggar!" Haohao's mouth was sweet: "Grandpa Beggar hug!"

He passed by, and the old beggar hugged him.

"You are not his opponents, keep on guarding!" the old beggar said to the guard.

"But the chief..."

There are regulations and they are very strict.

"His name is Zhang Feng, you remember, all the rules here are of no use to him!" said the old beggar.


They were shocked, is this person of such a high level? Even the chief must obey the rules, but he doesn't need it.

Who is he?

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