Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1706: Longxue

"Check your guns." Zhang Feng followed the old beggar in and said, "You are doing well!"

"Yes!" They saluted Zhang Feng.

Watching Zhang Feng enter, they began to check their guns, and their hearts were overwhelmed.

Everyone's gun is sealed with a very ordinary steel nail in the barrel, and the gun must be disassembled to get it out.

"Who is this person? With such a terrifying strength, how did he make a move just now, have you seen it clearly?"

"I didn't see clearly, I saw that his wrist moved a bit and something went into the barrel. I didn't expect to seal our barrel at the same time. If we fired it, it would blow up!"

"You don't know him? It's the first time to meet such a great person."

"do not know!"

"Okay, don't guess!"


Zhang Feng followed the old beggar to the elevator down.

Go directly to the bottom layer.

Xiao Haohao didn't speak, he knew that nothing could be moved here, there were many people in white coats, he was a little nervous.

Because those who saw these white coats were nervous and thought they were doctors.

Zhang Feng saw that most of the areas here are imitating the previous 52 areas, such as the nutrition cabin, dormant cabin, culture cabin, and body quenching cabin.

These are exactly the same as those in Area 52, because they are all based on the data obtained by Zhang Feng.

And Zhang Feng also saw a lot of white mice, hundreds of them.

Their task is to replace the human body to carry out the experiment. The 52 area is directly used for the experiment. This is the difference. Although there are shortcomings, it is at least humane.

Experiment on humans when it is mature.

"Go and call Dr. Yang!" the old beggar said to a staff member.


After a while, a middle-aged man in a white coat appeared in front of Zhang Feng.

He was very dissatisfied and said coldly to the old beggar: "Mr. Gusu, my time is very tight. If you have anything to say!"

"Dr. Yang, don't you always want to see him?" The old beggar looked at Zhang Feng.

Dr. Yang now looked at Zhang Feng and the child in his arms.

"This uncle is fierce, I'm not afraid!" Haohao comforted himself.

Dr. Yang did not divert attention from these words.

"You are Zhang Feng?" Dr. Yang asked.

A pair of eyes that seemed to see through everything stared at Zhang Feng, trying to find what he wanted in Zhang Feng, but he didn't find it. Zhang Feng is no different from ordinary people, even the eyes are very ordinary.

Zhang Feng nodded, and said nothing.

"You got the Super Soldier data from Area 52? You blew up Area 52!" Dr. Yang asked.

Zhang Feng nodded again.

"Very well, thank you for your contribution, can I take a look at you?" Dr. Yang's tone improved a lot.

Zhang Feng understood this. Is he going to study himself?

It seems that the old beggar allowed himself to come here for these scientists to study himself.


Can Zhang Feng refuse?


"Haohao, father and this scientist go inside, you and grandpa beggar go to play elsewhere!" Zhang Feng put his son into the hands of the old beggar.

Haohao asked curiously: "Dad, are you going for an injection?"

"The same can be said!" Zhang Feng replied, drawing blood is necessary.

"Is Dad sick?"

"No, Dad is not sick, but there are some problems, this scientist wants to help me see!"

"Oh, okay, I will also be a scientist when I grow up, and then help Dad look at his body!"

"Well, I want to be a scientist in the future, so now my father is going in!"

"go in!"

Zhang Feng followed Dr. Yang in.

Inside is a dust-free laboratory with many top-notch machines. Several scientists are already waiting here. They are wearing masks and looking at Zhang Feng with cold eyes.

It's like looking at a little white mouse.

Dr. Yang pointed to the operating table, and Zhang Feng lay down and closed his eyes.

Then they began to insert a lot of tubes into Zhang Feng's body.

"No need to be anesthetized!" Zhang Feng said.

Dr. Yang was taken aback, and said, "Okay!"


A few hours later, Zhang Feng came out without feeling any discomfort.

The scientists inside have entered a state of selflessness and are studying the data of Zhang Feng's body, which is probably enough for them to study for a few days.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

"This is the strongest body in the world!"

"Unrepeatable genes, his genes have changed, he is a dragon warrior!"


Behind them came the exclamation of scientists, they were very excited, as if they had discovered a new world.

The results of the 52 area research are all reflected in Zhang Feng, and even the data of Zhang Feng's body is better than the ideal data of 52 area.

What is this concept?

If we study according to Zhang Feng's data, and let our soldiers upgrade to Zhang Feng's data, even if it is only half, it would be terrifying.

You know, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Zhang Feng, what will it be like?

Can you cross the world?

Think too much, don’t you?

"How is it?" The old beggar looked forward to it.

Zhang Feng said: "I don't know, I have to ask Dr. Yang to know!"

"Okay, you go back!" said the old beggar.

Seeing his attitude, Zhang Feng was annoyed: "Old guy, you have used me up, just kick me away?"

"Then what do you want now?"

The two of them couldn't talk well every time they talked, but they were just making their tongues.

The worse the quarrel, the better the relationship, it is so strange.

"Don't want to do anything, don't call me next time for this kind of work!"

"You thought I wanted to call you, fuck!"

Seeing the two of them quarreling, Haohao shouted: "Don't make a noise!"

"Well, no noise, I'm discussing things with Grandpa Beggar, let's go!"

Zhang Feng hugged Haohao and left: "Bye beggar grandpa!"

"Goodbye, grandpa beggar!" Hao Hao waved his little hand.

The old beggar also waved his hand: "Bye!"


"Did you see a lot of things in it just now?"

Zhang Feng asked when he got outside.

"Yeah, it's so fun!"

"Do you want to come later?"

"Yes I do……"


There is a saying, don’t let your children lose at the starting point.

In fact, it's not about going to a good school or enrolling in classes for a few weeks. You can learn ancient poetry at the age of three.

These are not the starting point, but the height of the parents.

The child can stand as high as the parent is, and the height at which the child stands is the starting point of the child.

Zhang Feng is like this. He wants his son to stand at his own height and then spread his wings so that he will fly higher.

I am now over three years old, and it is the beginning of my curiosity about everything in this world, and I am about to start contact.

Now Hao Hao can easily knock down a five or six-year-old boy and has some fighting skills.

This is the height!

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