Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1708: Intelligence work

This time, Zhang Feng had to go on his own, because it was relatively secretive, crowded with large targets, and not easy to act.

According to intelligence, Dr. Loves Frank lives in a city called San Di’an.

The city is a short distance from District 52, which is located on the southwest coast and Shengdian is on the east coast.

I want to come to Loves Frank just to escape Area 52, otherwise I wouldn't choose this way.

But can he escape? It is impossible to think about it.

He also knew that he could escape them only by going to China, and that he could not go to other countries.

So after he knew that a Huaxia agent had come, he picked it up, but at the same time people from Area 52 were there.

This is their territory, and Huaxia agents can only operate secretly.

There was an accident a few days ago. His son was watched closely by the people in District 52 at school, but he didn't know why he disappeared.

After Zhang Feng arrived here, he picked up a Huaxia agent, a man named Li Hongan, an agent driving a taxi, in his thirties, had a green card, and had been lurking here for a long time.

He took Zhang Feng to a simple residence with more than a dozen people, located in a house on the outskirts of Shengdian City.

There is a road passing by the house, and they operate auto repair here.

"Brother Li, how is the situation now?"

Although some information has been learned, Zhang Feng still wants to ask.

"Dr. Loves Frank is looking for his son, saying that whoever finds his son, he will go with him. It is very difficult. We don’t have enough manpower. It’s fine if you come, but the manpower is still not enough, because 52 People in the district are also looking for his son!"

"He only had one son. His wife died after giving birth to his son, so this son is his life!"

"We and Area 52 are the main parties who need him, and there are many people who want what is in his mind!"

"Now his son doesn't know where he is going, there is no clue."

Li Hongan seemed helpless and helpless.

"Then what is your progress now?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Before we had the trust of Dr. Loves Frank, and we planned to return to China in a few days, but the disappearance of his son made this plan frustrated!" Li Hongan looked disappointed.

It seems that they are graded.

"Very good, now I'm here to direct!" Zhang Feng said: "All actions are up to me!"

"Yes!" Li Hongan yelled. He just waited for Zhang Feng to come. If someone is taking care of this, he won't have any problems.

Because this is very tricky and there are too many enemies.

Is Dr. Loves Frank really that important? So many people come to grab it!

Li Hongan didn't know how important Loves Frank was, he didn't know that he was an important scientist in Area 52, or even the ‘super soldier’.

Just know that he is a very important person.

In the end, Li Hongan is just a fringe intelligence officer, not a core person.

Zhang Feng said: "Call everyone back!"


Li Hongan went to do it, and all the personnel arrived three hours later. Zhang Feng did not blame them because the personnel were located in scattered locations.

In the room, dozens of people were standing, a little crowded.

Li Hongan is the person in charge, and the first task is to transfer power and let Zhang Feng take charge.

"Everyone has seen that this is Zhang Feng in China, and he decides everything about Dr. Loves Frank. Now we welcome Comrade Zhang Feng!"


Li Hongan applauded.

Sparse applause below.

Zhang Feng raised his hand to calm them down and said, "I know that you were just under the care of Miss Chen and you are still uncomfortable, and now I am here again. You don't know who I am, but these are not reasons. This task concerns our country. The prosperity of the nation is just like the scene when they went to the world to grab talents to make atomic bombs, but we are a lot of civilizations, and the truth is the same. They succeeded. Now, it is our country’s turn. The key lies in this move. , Do you all understand what I said?"

Looking at everyone with sharp eyes, they all lowered their heads.

"Let’s tell you this. I have no more than a thousand people's blood on my hands. These are enemies. If anyone neglects to make a mistake, he is my enemy. My approach to the enemy is very simple, that is, death. It is your destiny!"

When it came to this, they were touched and looked up at Zhang Feng.

"Yes!" Li Hongan's consciousness is higher than them.

Zhang Feng said: "Just do your best. This is done. Everyone is a hero, and you will stay in history."


Only then did they take it seriously and became nervous.

In Zhang Feng's words, it can be said that both kindness and power were applied, and it calmed them.

"Okay, let's start assigning tasks now, in groups of three, staring for 24 hours, team up by yourself, and report the list to me in five minutes!" Zhang Feng said as he sat down and smoked.

A few minutes later, Zhang Feng held a piece of paper in his hand.

Zhang Feng didn't even look at it and said, "You take the task yourself. The supermarkets Dr. Loves Frank often goes to, along the way, the gym, and his home farm, his colleagues, etc., I want everything about him, Then analyze it for me! That's it, go ahead!"

"Zhang Feng, what about his son?" Li Hongan said.

"I'm going to find his son, Ike Private School!" Zhang Feng said, "You are my assistant!"


This is acceptable to everyone.

After they all left, Zhang Feng asked Li Hongan: "Where are the people in Area 52? There are other forces!"

Li Hongan took out his mobile phone, called up the photos inside, pointed to a European and American man and said, "This is the intelligence officer in District 52, called Jason!"

"Tell me about this person!" Zhang Feng said.

"Jason, the former instructor and intelligence leader of the Black Panther special team, he has participated in large-scale wars in the past 30 years, and he has been on the front line. Although he is more than 50 years old, his combat effectiveness is very strong. He is two years old. I was transferred to Area 52 for intelligence work. He has nearly 500 world-class agents under his hands!"

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "What is he best at?"

"He hasn't shot for many years. He served in the Marine Corps in his early years. He was an excellent sniper. He once killed dozens of general-level figures in Ike in the Middle East War. There are many ordinary soldiers in the enemy, some say 1,000. It’s said that it’s five hundred, but at least a few hundred people anyway."

"And now it is him who is competing with us, our biggest opponent!"

Zhang Feng asked: "Did we follow him?"

"Yes, but no effect, his alertness is very high!"

"Well, I remember this person! What about other forces?"

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