Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1709: So-called rules

Li Hongan said: "There are also Japanese people, but they are under the cover of evil forces, and their intelligence personnel are mixed in them!"

"This person, Fujitaichi, Taekwondo Black Belt 7th Duan, Fighter, etc.!"

On his phone is a middle-aged man in loose gray clothes, with the sharpest pair of eagle eyes.

They are not idlers.

Next, Li Hongan talked about intelligence personnel from other forces. Almost all of the world's major countries have come.

It can be seen how important this Loves Frank is.

And after the heavy hit in Area 52, the need for Loves Frank became even more urgent.

So they sent Jason this guy!

"Is Fujita? You said he is the owner of a restaurant?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Yes!" Li Hongan didn't know why Zhang Feng wanted to ask, as he had just said.

The so-called boss is just a cover for identity.

"Then we will meet him!"

"This... would you like to ask for instructions? It's too direct! After all, they don't have a direct conflict with us!"

Zhang Feng stared at him as if he was about to see through him. Li Hongan was terrified in his heart. This person's eyes were terrible, as if he was about to kill.

"I, I just follow the rules, so I need to ask for instructions for such a big action!" Li Hongan said.

Zhang Feng sneered. No wonder they didn't get much results here for so long. It's like that sentence. By asking for instructions, the day lilies are cold and the battlefield situation is changing.

Now they are here on the battlefield, a tough battle.

"In the future, those rules will be ignored. Listen to me. I have the final say on all actions. I am responsible for what happens. We have only one purpose. We will invite Dr. Loves Frank back as soon as possible. Do whatever it takes, you understand?"


Li Hongan is very scared of this person. He has a feeling that if things are not done well, he will really kill people!

The domestic estimate is really urgent, sending such a person.

But that's okay. This task will go a lot smoother. Just work harder and do your best.

He has already said what he is responsible for, what else can he worry about?

What he said before is correct, this is their fate, will you withdraw?

What does it mean if you quit? It is estimated that they will not live long, they have long understood this truth.


There is a very authentic Japanese restaurant in Shengdiancheng.

All the ingredients, including chefs and waiters, are shipped from their country, and even the materials used to decorate the shop are also sourced from their country, which can be said to be the most authentic.

The shop is not very big, but it is very refined and elegant. The waiters here are very beautiful and they look pleasing to the eye.

Behind it is a private place, where ordinary people can't get in, some people guard it specially, there is a practice room.

Fujitaichi usually practices swords and daily life in it, there is nothing special, he will not leave the restaurant.

There is also a woman serving him in his daily life, of course, there are other services, after all, Fujita is a normal man, he is alone and needs a woman.

Fujitaichi is a strong man, very attractive, and he likes a woman. Once he is attracted to him, he can't walk away and will stay by his side willingly.

Emiko is like that, she can't do without this man.

Although he looks a bit old, it doesn't affect his charm, and his status is very high. How many men can be so good in this world?

Now Emiko is wearing a national costume kneeling and watching Fujita's sword practice. She is waiting for Fujita to come to rest, then hand over water and towels, and then serve him for a bath.

Women in their countries don’t look good on their knees because they often kneel, and it’s not all about helping men solve men’s problems. Of course, a large part of it is because of this.

Emiko likes watching Fujita Kazuki the most, so charming!

But someone called.

Da da……

The delicate bamboo door was knocked lightly, and Fujita stopped and looked at the door, Emiko quickly got up and knelt down and opened the door gently.

Standing outside was a man wearing a wide gray long coat. He bowed his head and said respectfully: "Boss, two Chinese are here, one of them is Li Hongan!"

"What are they doing?"

Asked Fujita inside.

"Come to have a meal, there is no other intention!"

"Akiyama Lee, you don't need to bother with you!"


This is the lobby manager Akiyama Toshi, one of Fujita's assistants. In the restaurant, there are only two people who hide their identities, one is Fujita himself and the other is the lobby manager.

Emiko doesn't know the true identity of Fujita.

She was just one of the waiters before. She was invited from a high salary in China, but when Fujita saw her, she came to the back. It was a lot easier and the money was several times more. It only has special services. This is for Emiko who is in urgent need of money. She said it was acceptable, and she was very happy. She was satisfied with her job and would do the job well.

Qiu Shanli went to the lobby, because the ingredients here are very good, exquisite and delicious, so there will be a lot of people coming, you need to make an appointment to have a place.

Zhang Feng and Li Hongan needed the afternoon to sit here when they came. It was a bit deserted at this time, because the meal was over and it was not time for dinner.

"Call them the waiter!"

Zhang Feng suddenly became dissatisfied while eating, and called the waiter loudly.

Soon a waitress came over with small steps and bowed and said: "Sir, what do you want?"

The waitress speaks bad Chinese language, which is an essential skill for them as a restaurant.

"What's the matter with this fish? It's not fresh, and it has a strong smell!" Zhang Feng said dissatisfiedly.

The waitress said: "Sorry sir, I'll change it for you!"

"Hurry up!" Zhang Feng said angrily.

The waitress immediately took it down and ate here. If you are not satisfied or have doubts about the ingredients, you can change it or not pay, but you must give the restaurant a good reason, otherwise it will be regarded as malicious and cause trouble, and they will call the police. .

For example, Zhang Feng said it was not fresh and had a fishy smell. This is the reason they can accept it.

But Zhang Feng is very suspicious of this reason, because he ordered tuna.

Since it is fish, there is always a fishy smell.

Soon the waitress changed: "Sir, please take your time!"

Zhang Feng waved his hand to let him go quickly.

But she was stopped by Zhang Feng before she took a few steps.

"and many more!"

The waitress came over and asked respectfully: "Sir, what else do you have? Tell me, please!"

Zhang Feng asked her to look inside a bowl of soup.

"Ah, this is?" The waitress was shocked.

"Hair, this is hair!" Zhang Feng was very dissatisfied: "Do you think this is my hair, I put it in deliberately?"

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