Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1721: Meet the doctor

Therefore, these agents will also come here to eat and treat themselves as students, just like Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng has not seen him since the appearance of the doctor, not even a glance. They are all special agents here, and their alertness is still very high, so naturally they will not be discovered.

However, Zhang Feng's gaze is also targeted, that is, those female students with superb builds.

The gaze is very presumptuous, Zhang Feng famously said that he was covering.

The girls here are different from those in China. Their aesthetics is healthy and sunny.

Most of the domestic ones are sickly white, so-called beautiful, white and tender powder. They are afraid of the sun at all, rarely exercise, and are too tired to run a hundred meters.

Zhang Feng still likes it here, just like Sharapova and Alice.

The two of them are superb, sporty beauties, with sports cells on their bodies, and their skin is not rough but very delicate.

Zhang Feng ordered a large plate of food, found a place to sit down and ate it.

At the meal window, a girl screamed, saying that her meal card was missing. She was looking for her clothes and bag, but she still couldn't find it.

Her classmates had to pay for her, and then took the food to the side to eat.

Zhang Feng bowed his head to eat, this kind of thing is not glorious, but there is no way, otherwise Zhang Feng will not be able to eat here, just wait and give her back.

Zhang Feng eats quickly, and quickly sweeps away, and walks outside to wait for her.

This is the festival to return the meal card to her. How could Zhang Feng be so stupid to pay it back in person?

He followed the female classmate to find opportunities to her silently.

But what Zhang Feng did not expect was that she returned to the girls' dormitory, and Zhang Feng had no chance to give it to her, so she had no choice but to give up.

Now going to Dr. Loves Frank's apartment.

After Zhang Feng got there, he found that there were a lot of agents nearby. They were rampant and didn't seem to need anything to hide.

This apartment has more than a dozen floors, and the doctor's house is just one of the houses. There are several houses around it. On some windows or on the roof, many agents are watching around the clock.

Each agent has a lot of equipment on his body, with wireless headphones in his ears.

It's a pity that the curtains of the doctor's house are never opened.

Zhang Feng didn't go up, but passed downstairs naturally. It is not the time yet.

Wait another hour, and it will be dark in an hour.

Zhang Feng found a place to play the piano, and sent a message to Yu Zihua asking him to bring a set of signal jammers and put it next to the doctor's apartment.

Half an hour later, Yu Zihua brought it and hid it in the grass. This is a small signal jammer that can interfere with some signals within a hundred meters.

As soon as this thing came out, all the agents were making their ears almost at the same time, Zhang Feng looked at it and wanted to laugh.

The sky gradually darkened, and Zhang Feng placed a trash can on the outer road. A car drove over and was forced to stop. The driver got out of the car and removed the trash can before driving away.

At this time, Zhang Feng was already under the car.

His equipment was left in a secret place, and Yu Zihua would come and take it away.

Zhang Feng entered the apartment building smoothly, but he didn't care about it. There were secret agents in the building. They were squatting in many corners. Some even lived in the apartment half a month ago.

They follow the doctor's movements at any time.

It's horrible, there are agents everywhere!

His home is on the eighth floor. Zhang Feng has already arrived here. He saw a sneaky man at the top of the stairs on the eighth floor. He came quietly behind him and hit his shoulder with a hand knife, and he softened. Up.

Zhang Feng dragged him away and stuffed it into the trash can.

Looking at the empty corridors and the closed doors of the doctor's house, Zhang Feng was a little embarrassed.

How do I get in? Go in secretly? What a secret?

Or break in and threaten him?

How can a big man like a doctor be threatened?

In fact, Zhang Feng is a little strange. People like Doctor are precious. Don't their relevant departments guarantee his safety?

What if it is killed by agents from other countries?

This is not impossible. I can't get it, and you can never expect it.

They will all have this kind of heart. Zhang Feng had this idea before he came. If he refuses to come, he will be killed and the people in District 52 will not get it.

But the old beggar criticized him, and we must adhere to the principle of voluntariness. We are different from others.

In other words, it’s best if you can invite it, if you can’t, don’t force it.

But the old beggar said so, and what Zhang Feng does depends on Zhang Feng. If it doesn’t work, he will be forced to voluntarily. For example, if possible, send his son back to China, at least when Zhang Feng Think so.

But his son is gone, and he has to re-plan.

After waiting for two hours, Zhang Feng still didn't think of any tricks. Could it be that he was leaving empty-handed tonight.

This is not Zhang Feng's style.

After much deliberation, Zhang Feng knocked on the door and explained directly.

Loves Frank is a smart man, and it is easy to negotiate with smart people.

By the time he arrived in the corridor on the eighth floor, Zhang Feng had already processed all the invisible cameras, pinhole cameras, and bugs in the corridor. Now the signal has been blocked and they cannot receive it.

Then Zhang Feng knocked on the door.

Da da……

Zhang Feng knocked on the door gently, and he was almost asleep at this time, and the agents would not come to this floor.

Da da……

After a few more taps, there was finally movement inside, the sound of soft footsteps.

He was standing behind the door.

Da da……

After Zhang Feng knocked again, he said in Chinese: "Dr. Loves Frank, hello, I am from China, my name is Zhang Feng, and some people call me Tyrone. I have no ill intentions. I would like to invite you to work in China. I will To ensure the safety of you and your son, you know I have this ability!"

Zhang Feng's voice is not high, almost speaking close to the door, Zhang Feng can hear the doctor's breathing inside, although it is very slight.

After ten seconds of silence, the door opened.

Zhang Feng smiled!


Three hours later, Zhang Feng left Shengdian University and drove back.

When he went to the repair shop, he found a dozen police cars and dozens of police officers with shell guns.

I also saw Shen Wenguang, Li Hongan and others being arrested, as well as Yu Zihua who had just returned from San Di’an University.

Zhang Feng turned off the lights, reversed and left. This is someone else's site. It is impossible to force him, and he can't let the doctor see how unreliable Zhang Feng is.

But the car didn't drive tens of meters, and seven or eight cars were blocked before and after. There were helicopters in the sky, and Zhang Feng couldn't open his eyes with the bright lights.

Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, he knew that it was an Apache helicopter.

"Listen to the people in the car, you are already surrounded, get out of the car immediately, or you will be punished for arrest!"

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