Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1722: Got caught


In one room, George Kings burst into laughter: "I really didn't expect them to be caught by us so easily. They didn't dare to resist like bear packs. Are they agents? I think they are homeless. It's not as good!"

There is also a person in the room. He is the highest commander of this arrest, Captain Vaders. He is already on the side of the middle game. He has become half of the middle game. The reward he will get will be the previous one. Several times, why not do such a good job?

"Yes, he seemed to be very powerful in the restaurant that day, he was so unbearable!" Vaders also smiled: "Mr. George Kings, what do you want to do with them!"

"Lock them up, leave them alone, wait until we get Dr. Loves Frank, then deal with him!"


In fact, George Kings didn't tell him one thing, it was that this matter had something to do with Area 52, and Tyrone had to live the best in prison.

The most guards have been arranged there to take care of him.

He can run away from Area 52, but he can't run away from the prison, because this place is dedicated to prisoners.

George Kings felt that he could escape from Area 52 because Area 52 was careless and not prepared.

Now there are many people in the prison staring at him, his every move will be discovered, and then he will be punished.

"Captain Vades, we need to arrange more manpower on the periphery of the prison. If he escapes, your people will catch him immediately!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements!" Captain Vaders still has great authority.


After Captain Vades went out, George Kings called Roger and asked him to send someone to stare at Zhang Feng.

"I will send someone over. After we get the PhD, I will send him to District 52. You ask your people to step up their search for his son. We are running out of time."

"Don't worry, leave this to me!"


Early the next morning, when sunlight came in through the bars and hit Zhang Feng's face, he opened his eyes and saw such a ray of sunlight, Zhang Feng did not close his eyes, but let the dazzling sunlight shine on his eyes.

A few seconds later, Zhang Feng closed his eyes and burst into tears, then stood up with a touch of the back of his hand.

This is a single room, but seven or eight square meters, one iron window, two palm-sized windows on a three-meter-high wall, the iron door is five centimeters thick, not to mention the wall, one-meter-thick reinforced concrete, the floor is also like this.

He was taken here last night, Zhang Feng did not resist, nor did his team members resist.

Because the crime would be heavier if you resist, they can be arrested blatantly.

However, they were detained here immediately after being arrested. This should have been done by the middle game, and only they had this kind of unwarranted accusation against others.

And now Zhang Feng still doesn't know what crime they used to arrest him. Although it is useless, there must be a crime because they arrested him honestly.

I don't know where Li Hongan and the others are locked up. Have the team members who were performing tasks outside been arrested?

These Zhang Feng did not know.

Zhang Feng's arrest was unexpected, but the problem was not big, and it was not easy to get out.

Even the hands and feet are locked.


There was the sound of a person walking outside. This person's footsteps are light and neat, and he should have practiced.

A small hole in the door opened, and a face appeared, saying, "Get up..."

Then the door opened,

"Come out, come out!"

This is a prison guard, a guard with a strong spirit.

Zhang Feng walked out slowly. Many prisoners came out outside. They all looked at Zhang Feng curiously. An Asian who lives in a single room?

It doesn't look great. Even the prison guards are unfamiliar. If you have to take care of them alone, they must be difficult people.

Zhang Feng ignored them and watched where the prison guards took him. Zhang Feng also wondered where Zhang Feng and Li Hongan were detained.

And look at the deployment of all the guards here, etc. Zhang Feng will not wait to die here, and find a way to get out.

After sneaking outside for more than half an hour, Zhang Feng didn't see Li Hongan and the others, maybe they were locked in another place.

On the playground, Zhang Feng saw a yellow-skinned man being bullied by a **** man. He was an Asian. Zhang Feng was not sure if he was a compatriot, so he looked at it first.

After being beaten a few times, he was battered and the prison guards in the distance remained unmoved.

Finally he couldn't stand it anymore and shouted: "Don't fight, I'm going to kill me, help!"

This is spoken in Chinese.

But a few black people yelled at some nasty things like yellow leather, Zhang Feng hurried up and beat the big guys to the ground in three or two.

When he was about to pull this person up, five or six people came. Zhang Feng also solved them all at once. Now no one dared to come up. Zhang Feng helped the blood-stained compatriot up, with concern. Asked: "How are you?"

"I, I, I'm fine, thank you, you should come out, they won't let you go!"

The Chinese he spoke was a bit crappy, not as good as the one he called out in an emergency.

"It's okay, I can't watch you get beaten, they won't beat you anymore!" Zhang Feng said.

The prison guard standing five or six meters behind him did not go up. The order he received was to stand against this person. As long as he was not suspected of running away, he could do anything.

"thank you!"

"It's okay, how do you call it?" Zhang Feng asked.

"My name is Zhong Mingkang and I am an overseas Chinese. A few years ago, I was imprisoned for a foolish crime. I still have a five-year sentence!" Zhong Mingkang smiled bitterly, looking a bit hideous with the blood on his face.

"Oh, I also committed something and came in yesterday!" Zhang Feng said.

Both of them didn't say that they came in because of something committed. Anyway, they were very speculative. Zhang Feng felt that this person was good, full of connotation, and very good-minded, but unfortunately he had no power to bind a chicken, and he looked very much like himself. About the same height, the face is a little black, and the head shape is similar.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Feng smiled in his heart.

There is no way.

So, in two days, Zhang Feng was able to get along with him very much, talking about women, talking about ideals and the like.

But I didn’t talk about being locked in for committing anything.

"Brother, I think you want to go out?"

Zhong Mingkang asked suddenly.

Zhang Feng nodded.

The two chatted in the sun.

"There is a big, big thing to do, they deliberately arrested me!" Zhang Feng continued.

"I can see that you are not an ordinary person!" Zhong Mingkang is not blind, just Zhang Feng's skill and the scars on his body, the most important thing is the hands.

There are calluses on the hands, on the mouth of the tiger, and index fingers.

Plus he was taken special care of.

He saw that Zhang Feng was full of righteousness, he was a person who could do big things.

"Hehe, there is a task, it is really helpless to be locked here by them!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhong Mingkang's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "If you need me, just say it!"

Zhang Feng nodded.

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