Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1723: Escape the golden cicada

In a few days, Zhang Feng discovered that they would release Zhang Feng to bask in the sun every other day, and then close it back. It was very humane, which means that Zhang Feng spent two days in this small room. inside.

Except for bedtime, Zhang Feng is doing exercises or meditation, which is a short retreat and practice time.

If it weren't for a task, Zhang Feng wouldn't want to go out. The food they gave was very good and a lot of food.

And Zhang Feng already knew that there was a person from Area 52 watching him, and there was a tattoo of Area 52 on the guard's neck.

In fact, this sign is not a tattoo, but a chip under the skin, which is used by the 52nd headquarters to monitor them.

It was determined that they were from District 52, and Zhang Feng was more relieved, because they not only wouldn't hurt themselves, but they would raise themselves in vain and fat.


On the fifth day, Zhang Feng was released to bask in the sun and said directly to Zhong Mingkang: "I want to go out. If you need my help outside, you can do everything for you!"

Zhong Mingkang trembled and finally came. Since Zhang Feng rescued him that day, he was able to walk sideways in the prison. The black people turned their heads when they saw him.

And what Zhang Feng said, he understands that people like Zhang Feng are here to do important things, and it is an honor to be able to help him.

"Bring my family back to my hometown!" Zhong Mingkang only said this.

"Don't worry, I will do this the first thing I go out!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhong Mingkang nodded: "What should I do?"

"Jin Chan escaped!" Zhang Feng said.


The dark night is the best natural cover, even if the lights here are brightly lit, even if there are layers of guards here.

Zhang Feng still came out. He quickly got a phone call and called the old beggar.

"Old guy, I'm out, where are my people?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Hehe, you have finally figured it out, otherwise I will send someone to take your place!" the old beggar said angrily.

A few days ago, after he heard Zhang Feng's rest, he was angry. They always used this method to get the treasure of Zhang Feng and use it for research.

But he cannot openly convict Zhang Feng, or ask a lawyer to do so, and he cannot do it through officials.

Now that Zhang Feng came out, and escaped silently, only he could have this strength.

"If you have something, you will do it right away, I promised it!"

"You said!"


Li Hongan and others were released the day before yesterday. They were publicly arrested by the authorities on charges of failing his repair shop.

The police suspected that there was a crime, and later found that there was no evidence of a crime, that is, the repair shop needs to be rectified.

This decision is very unacceptable. If someone else puts forward the above, I will sue Captain Vaders.

But Li Hongan will not.

Zhang Feng returned to the repair shop through the surveillance of layers of agents. They were surprised to see Zhang Feng suddenly appear, but Zhang Feng's first sentence was: "Action!"

"But boss, there are at least three hundred agents armed to the teeth around us!" Li Hongan said worriedly.

Zhang Feng said: "Split into two teams, one team leads them away, the other team is preparing to pick up the doctor to leave!"

They had already prepared the way back home and arranged the manpower. As long as the doctor agreed to leave with them, they could leave immediately.

"Okay, I'll lead them away!"

Li Hongan didn't ask Dr. Zhang Feng whether the negotiation had been done. Now Zhang Feng is so sure that he must have planned.

"No, I'll lead them away, you go to receive the doctor!" Zhang Feng said.


Zhang Feng said: "You wait for me near Shengdian University. After I lead them away, I will pass!"


Yu Zihua asked: "Boss, are you alone?"

"Yes, I'm alone, and you all have to live!"

"how about you?"

"The one who can kill me is not born yet, don't worry about me, do your business!" Zhang Feng said coldly, "Execute it!"


There are dozens of cars behind the repair shop, all of which are usable. One of them is from China.

Great Wall Pickup.

This is not a simple pickup truck. It was modified by Yu Zihua and converted into a light armored car. The glass is bulletproof, and it uses liquid propellers. The speed can reach more than 300 in a few seconds. The suspension system Doubled, two six-tube Gatling machine guns and small rockets were installed at the front and rear of the vehicle.

The wheels are bulletproof, and this car alone costs $300,000 in modification fees.

It looks no different from an ordinary pickup truck.

Zhang Feng drove this car out, and a few rockets were fired at a group of agents hidden in the grass.

Bang bang...

The explosion burned, and the agents there were crying and howling, and the other agents were dumbfounded. What kind of trick is this?

And Li Hongan and others in the repair shop were also stunned. They didn't expect the boss to be so fierce and fight without declaration.

"Ready to go!" Li Hongan said.

At this time, Zhang Feng had fired many rockets continuously, and the fire around the repair shop was in the sky.

The agents had already reacted and started to counterattack. Unfortunately, they were all light weapons in their hands, which could not cause any damage to the pickup.

After annoying them, Zhang Feng fled grandiosely. They chased after them, but not all of them were chasing them. There were still twenty or thirty people.

Li Hongan had been prepared long ago and ordered four people to drive in four large vehicles, and then all of them entered the basement and blew up the entire maintenance station.


The earth-shaking explosions and the flames illuminated the agents, and they were confused again. What is going on? Could there be other agents to deal with them? Is it from the black dragon?

Impossible, or is it an agent from another country?

In any case, the people inside can't survive, if anyone is inside.

The people who are alive are in those four cars.

So all the agents caught up.

After confirming that the agents were gone, they came out. A group of people ran out of the fire with thick wet quilts on their bodies, and then threw the quilts into the fire and burned them. They quickly hid in the jungle behind. in.

Vehicles have been arranged one by one in the forest.

The car does not turn on the lights, and follows a predetermined route to the city.


Zhang Feng went to support the four team members. They attracted most of the agents, and one of the team members had overturned, injured, and was arrested by the agents.

"You drive to the valley side!" Zhang Feng said.

That side of the valley is where Zhang Feng's trailer sunk that day, there is almost a dead zone, cliffs.

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