Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1724: Split action

In the middle of the road, Zhang Feng took all the players into the car, and all the big cars hit the roadside and exploded.

The strong power of the pickup truck will not affect the speed even if there are three more people.

In the valley is a road halfway through eighteen bends. Car accidents often happen here, so even old drivers must be careful.

Chasing in this place, that is the best, the comparison is the car skills!

If you have bad car skills, then finish playing.

Zhang Feng followed more than a dozen cars. They had discovered that all the people in the car had reached the pickup truck in front, but they had doubts. What about the others?

Now that I don't care about that much, I've torn my face, let's do it.

He is fighting undeclared!

The people in the middle game and the 52 area were so angry that they called in a helicopter to chase and intercept the pickup truck.

Li Hongan was surprised with Zhang Feng's driving skills. They kept maintaining a speed of more than 100 per hour on the winding and dangerous roads. They were all a little frightened and clung to the handrails tightly.

Many times the wheels went under the cliff, and if it weren't for sideways inertia, they would roll over, and they would be scared with cold sweat on their heads.

The car behind came to catch up, relying on the helicopter above, but in this valley, the helicopter is not as good as the car, because the wind direction in the mountains is unstable.

A few minutes later, three of the chasing cars fell down the mountain, one of them exploded, and the others were afraid to go too fast.

They cherish their lives.

On this mountain road, no matter how many people there are, no matter how many cars there are, it is useless.

But they have helicopters.

"Kill them, Tyrone is already in jail!" Roger in the car said fiercely.


There was a sound from the helicopter in the sky.

After shaking off the vehicle behind, Zhang Feng said: "Kill the helicopter!"

"I'm going!" Li Hongan took off his seat belt and climbed onto the roof of the car from the window. He came in the back compartment with many weapons in the car.

Among them is the Stinger anti-tank rocket.

Li Hongan carried it on his shoulders, aimed at the target and launched it, and the rocket dragged the flames to fly to the helicopter.

The helicopter quickly responded with an early warning, and the fuselage was tilted and avoided, but the missile came back. The pilot wanted to intercept, even if the distance was too close, a missile was sent to intercept it.


It was intercepted, and the after-waves of the two missile explosions shook the helicopter. Coupled with the airflow in the valley, the helicopter shook and almost crashed. Fortunately, they had a powerful pilot.

But they didn't expect a second missile to come, and it was too late for the pilot to react.


The helicopter exploded, and the entire valley shook here.

Roger in the car behind was angry and cursed: "Trash, trash..."

"Boss, or else, we won't chase them anymore, they are just ordinary agents, because we have already lost a lot!"

One team member said.

"Trash!" Rogier cursed again.

He even scolded himself in, isn't he in command? The subordinates dare not speak.

After a while, Rogier said: "Let's go, we won't chase! Go back to the doctor's son, we must find it in these two days!"


Everyone is eager to do this, what is the use of chasing those people, these desperate Chinese people.

"They are gone!"

Inside the car, Yu Zihua said.

"Well, let's go back too!" Zhang Feng had noticed it a long time ago and walked back.

The short road is not easy to walk. There is a rugged trail from the other side of the top of the mountain. If it hadn’t been explored before, Zhang Feng would not take this one. Although it is rugged, there are no big pits and boulders, so there is no problem with the height of pickup .

But it requires high car skills.

It's easy for Zhang Feng.

While descending the mountain, it maintained a speed of eighty to ninety, and the suspension was strong.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhang Feng changed a car and returned to the city, and came to the outside of Shengdian University.

"I'll go in, you are waiting outside, Yu Zihua, put the signal jammer in the original position, gather here, and I will start the plan to return to China as soon as I bring people there!" Zhang Feng said.

Li Hongan said: "Then what do we need to do?"

"Do your business well, don't worry about other things!" Zhang Feng said, "Oh, yes, there are many agents around, there may be a fierce battle, we must divert their attention and create a little movement nearby!"

Li Hongan said, "Boss, don't worry, I'll take care of this!"

"Go get ready!"

Zhang Feng turned around and quickly disappeared into the darkness.


"What? Rubbish, it's all rubbish, how could Tyrone disappear? What are your eyes used for? Don't you know that that person is not him?"

Roger in the car was furious again, and then he thought that the car that had entered the valley before was Tyrone. It was the car he drove, but they didn't chase it. He ordered not to chase, and he was tricked. Was tricked by Tyrone.

As for how Tyrone got out of prison? In addition to using that person to cover him, you need to know how strong the defense of this prison is. There are more than 200 people who are dedicated to staring at him, plus there are thousands of guards in the prison and the prison's defense system.

Is he superman?

That’s right, it’s Superman, it’s a super warrior, it’s the result of their 52 area. Thinking of this, Rogier's heart is itchy. If he is his own, if there are more such super warriors, he is still worried about it. Something?

Now that Tyrone is gone, it is impossible to find him. In the bathroom, he ordered: "Continue to look for the doctor's son and leave the Chinese agents alone!"

Then he will report this time, his immediate boss Jason.

Jason was much calmer than him, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be nervous, don't mess up. Our goal is Dr. Loves Frank. If we want to watch him, we must not let others take him away, especially Chinese people. In a few hours, I will arrive in Holy Di’an!"


Rogier breathed a sigh of relief. It's easy to handle when the boss comes, at least he doesn't have to bear such a big responsibility.

He gathered all the elites around San Di'an University. In the surrounding heights, nearly a hundred snipers were staring at the apartment where the doctors lived on campus, precisely at the window.

There are also ground personnel, all hidden in the dark. They have nearly 300 combat personnel, plus more than 200 almost all-powerful agents.

Except for the hundreds of people who were looking for the doctor's son everywhere, all the power they could use was used, and it was the power that Jason could mobilize.

It can also be said to be Jason's family.

Of course, as the highest combat commander of Area 52, he can mobilize not only these, but he also has to defend the newly rebuilt Area 52, which is the top priority and cannot be destroyed.

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