Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1731: He is death

"Boss, good job, I should have given them some color long ago!" said one of the team members.

"It's the boss, kill them all!"

Everyone said, I said, the scene is a bit messy, Zhang Feng said: "Okay, don't care about this, let's wait for the arrival later!"

With that said, everyone was quiet.

"Boss, what's the situation on Dr. Loves Frank, did he agree to go with us?" Li Hongan asked.

This is something everyone wants to know, and Zhang Feng didn't say it.

Zhang Feng looked at them. One or two of these people are unreliable. What is the best in the middle game?


In other words, their entire country is good at this, digging people from all over the world to build their country.

So, they lead the world.

"We haven't found his son yet. Everything is difficult. Haven't you any news after so long?" Zhang Feng asked them.

Li Hongan said: "No, his son seems to have evaporated from the world, so many people can't find him, maybe he is dead!"

"But you can see the corpse even if you die?" Yu Zihua continued.

"They are hiding!"

"Who is hiding, is it the person from the middle game? Jokes, they still want to get the doctor soon, and hide!"

"I mean the doctor hid his son himself!"

"This is possible. If it were me, I would also hide my son, but how difficult is it to hide under the noses of so many agents? And it has been nearly three months!"


Seeing them arguing again, Li Hongan said angrily: "Okay, look for clues!"


They went out one by one, and there were still many people under them, and those were outsiders of intelligence personnel.

There are only two of them left. Li Hongan said, "Boss, are you sure?"

Li Hongan knew that Zhang Feng had been to the teaching and administrative building several times, and he would not return without success.

"Yes, you just need to do your own thing, pay attention to the people in our team!"

This is Zhang Feng's intuition.

"I know, I will pay attention and find out what's inside and out of this food!"

"No, don't blame them, now is a critical period, as long as they do their own things well, don't make them difficult!" Zhang Feng said.

Li Hongan said: "Should we let him stay in our team?"

"No, they will be cleared at that time!" Zhang Feng said.


Li Hongan doesn't understand why he has to wait until later, can't he deal with it now? Is it pity for them?

As far as Li Hongan knows about him, how could he be pity for them, he should hate this kind of talent the most, eating things inside and out.

In Shengdi'an, is there still little blood on Zhang Feng's hands?

I guess he can't count it himself.

"You also have to know in your own heart, secretly find out whose family is here, remember, you check it by yourself!" Zhang Feng said.

"I understand!" Li Hongan nodded.

Zhang Feng hit the point.

"Also, in these two days, your main task is to watch the doctors. You can't let them do it first!"

Seeing what Zhang Feng said, Li Hongan was puzzled. If they wanted to do it, they would have done it long ago.

"Probably not, otherwise Dr. Loves Frank would rather die than surrender. If the Doctor is forced to commit suicide in a hurry, no one can bear the responsibility!"

This is very serious, because Loves Frank is a world-renowned scientist. If they use despicable means to subdue the Ph.D., they will be condemned by the world. Once so many people follow, their secrets will not be kept. .

And the secret of their previous research with the human body will also surface, which is anti-human behavior.

One person in the world can drown them with one spit, so what else can be done?

So do they dare to take risks?

It is precisely because of this that the agents of various parties have been in the Holy Di'an for half a year, and the intelligence personnel of the Central Bureau and Area 52 have been here two years ago, the purpose is to target the doctor.

The difficulty lies here.

That's why Li Hongan thought so.

"A dog will jump the wall when he is in a hurry. Not only do we want the doctor to come back with us, this is our task, but also to protect his safety. He does not belong to any country, but belongs to all of us. The things in his mind can be Let the civilization of the world progress!"

Li Hongan was stunned. He didn't expect Zhang Summit to have such a high-level thinking and overall view.

"Boss, I understand! We must first protect the doctor's safety. As for whether he will follow me, we can't force him!" Li Hongan said.


Zhang Feng patted him on the shoulder and walked out, Li Hongan was stunned for a long time.


In a house in Shengdian, Jason, who had just arrived here, met with people from Black Dragon.

It was a person from Qiu Shan Li. He was seriously injured, covered with a white bandage, lying on a stretcher.

He insisted on coming to see Jason.

"General, he killed our guild leader, and all fifty-five people died. Our power in Shengdi'an has almost been lost, and there is no strength to serve the general anymore!"

Akiyama Lee's body is not good, and his spirit is not good. He is in a state of excitement, malaise and loss, as if he had survived from a demon.

That's right, he survived from the devil.

Grim Reaper is even scarier than the devil!

"He is the **** of death, the **** of death who harvests all lives!" Qiu Shanli was already scared.

Jason naturally knows this situation. He knows Tyrone's combat effectiveness too well. He has seen his performance data in Area 52 many times before.

It's just that in the past three years, he has become stronger and faster than before.

"I see, you go, take good care of your injuries, I need you to control the Black Dragon branch in Shengdian in the future!" Jason said.

Qiu Shanli couldn't be happy at all, because he was abandoned, abandoned, what if he became the president? Can you obey? It's better to be an ordinary person.

But can it? He knows too many things, it is impossible to be an ordinary person.

This is his fate, he can't escape, but he doesn't regret it.


Jason came to the Holy Land in person, and brought a lot of masters.

In fact, the so-called master is the failed or defective product of the super soldier.

Before they were trained, their physical talent level was S grade, SS grade is very difficult to find, and the success rate of being able to become a failed product is less than 10%.

The most successful super soldier ever in Area 52 is Zhang Feng.

Before being cultivated and evolved in Area 52, Zhang Feng's physical talent had reached the SSS level.

Few people in the world have such physical talents, which shows how difficult it is to find donors.

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