Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1732: Jason Arrives

"I'm afraid your current strength has reached the SSSS level, how terrifying, what means have you used to improve yourself in the past three years?" Jason murmured.

"If it doesn't work for me, then kill it!"

"Also, Dr. Loves Frank!"

Jason already had this idea.

And this was their consistent idea. The head of state had studied the atomic bomb earlier than they did. They tried every means to destroy it and took away almost all the scientists.

With this, they continue to stand among the nations of the world and become a superpower, dragging the old man to death.

Maybe this is the trick.

Tried and tested.

Jason picked up the phone on the table and said, "Give me all of Tyrone's whereabouts!"


Now Jason is considering two questions, one is Tyrone and the other is Dr. Loves Frank.

Both of them are difficult to handle. Kill them if they are not used. This is the next best thing.

How can we let them come?

Tyrone wouldn't come voluntarily, Jason understood this, and if he couldn't, he would be arrested back, even if he was disabled.

And what about Dr. Loves Frank? He left Area 52 three years ago. He was against human testing and he was arrested, just like a prisoner.

Lie to him, lie to him that now Area 52 has been rebuilt, and people are no longer used for experiments.

Will he believe it?

Then let Thaksin!

"I will go to San Di'an University tomorrow. I will donate in my own name!" Jason said.



Zhang Feng came to Emiko to sleep again. Before going to bed early, Emiko gave Zhang Feng a good bath.

This is a high standard, probably the only one in the world, and Emiko's service is the best in the world.

It is completely different from Zhang Feng's previous experience of going to the Thailand Pavilion. Now it is not only private, but also Emiko's craftsmanship is impeccable.

Perhaps this is the reason Fujita Kazuo kept her by her side.

"Emiko, I can't live without you in the future, what should I do?" Zhang Feng said quietly.

"Sir, if you don't drive me away, I will always be by your side!"

Emiko's words came from the heart, especially when she saw the scars on Zhang Feng in the bathroom, Emiko's heart was deeply moved.

"Really? Don't you want to be home?" Zhang Feng asked.

"I don't want to!" Emiko said without even thinking about it.

Zhang Feng stopped asking, it was her private matter.

Of course Zhang Feng can force her to tell her identity, but that would be boring.

This is fine now.

"Sir, what else do you want me to do?" Emiko knelt by the bed, her body wrapped in a bath towel, and Zhang Feng's too.

Zhang Feng said, "Apart from not doing that, everything else is fine. Show off your craft!"

"Okay, sir, but that will be included!" Emiko said.

"Then skip it!"

"Okay, sir!"


Zhang Feng was completely relaxed here, deep sleep.

Two hours later, Emiko stopped, she was sweaty and tired.

Her hands supported all the skin on Zhang Feng except for one spot.

Zhang Feng opened his eyes to see how tired she was. He wanted to say thank you, but he didn't say it. If he said it, it would be wrong. They don't need such words.

What is needed is that her own efforts can satisfy the other party, which affirms her efforts and is the greatest reward for her.

"I feel very relaxed!" Zhang Feng said.

A charming smile appeared on Emiko's face.

In fact, Zhang Feng can completely push her down, but no, this can't be messed up.

Zhang Feng is firm on this point.

If you push her down, it means that she is Zhang Feng's woman.

Zhang Feng is not a lower body animal, and she does not need to consider this aspect, there are already several women.

Emiko went to wash, and then lay down beside Zhang Feng, letting Zhang Feng hug her to sleep.

She felt very safe in this man's arms. It was the safest place in the world and the quietest place.

So she slept very well.

When I got up in the morning, Zhang Feng was gone by the bed, and Emiko smiled sweetly.


Today, San Di’an University welcomes an alumnus. Many alumni years ago, it is estimated that few people know that Jason once studied here for a semester. At that time, there was an affiliated primary school next to San Di’an University, where he was studying. It was only a semester, and later his parents moved to another city, and he followed.

He is now returning to his alma mater as a successful businessman. Although the situation is a bit rush, the school leaders are very nervous. They went to look through the files last night and found him at the bottom.

Then it was arranged immediately, and a venue for his speech was arranged on the school stage.

But in the morning, the secretary of the boss Jason said that he invited Dr. Loves Frank to attend.

The school naturally agreed, saying it was doing the job of a professor.

Because Dr. Loves Frank has an unusual position here, even the principal should be polite to him.

Jason came in the afternoon, and in the morning when Dr. Loves Frank was in class, the principal found him himself.

"Doctor, in the afternoon, one of our alumni came to the school for a speech donation activity. You will also be there at that time. He said he would like to thank all the educators in the school!" said the principal.

Speaking of this, Dr. Loves Frank was not good at rejecting it, so he went to sit there.

"Okay, you just need to tell me to go!"



Zhang Feng is here.

"Boss, we got the information. In the afternoon, a businessman alumni of San Di'an University returned to school and gave a speech. Now the venue is all set up. Dr. Loves Frank is here, and he has his place!"

When Li Hongan got this information, he immediately told Zhang Feng.

In fact, this is not much information, because everyone in the school knows it.

"Who is this person?" Zhang Feng was curious.

Li Hongan said; "It's him, Jason Marshall, the security officer of District 52!"

"He's here for the doctor!" Zhang Feng thought of it immediately.

"Yes, what should we do?" Li Hongan looked very anxious.

"No hurry, I will be there at that time, and you will take five people!" Zhang Feng said.



At three o'clock in the afternoon, the school hall.

It’s already arranged here, but it doesn’t really need to be arranged, just get some people’s name tags, and there is a host.

In addition, it is enough to temporarily organize the students of the Conservatory and Dance Academy to make some programs.

The school is very solemn, because I heard that this alumnus will donate 5 million US dollars for the construction of the school.

This is a huge sum of money, and with this money, the school can be upgraded.

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