Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1733: Jason's halo

The venue was full of people, as well as the teachers and professors of the whole school and so on.

At the same time, Dr. Loves Frank was already sitting there. There was a notebook on the table in front of him. If you look closely, there are many dense formulas, except for the formulas that no one can understand.

In the past two days, the doctor was conquering a problem, so he told Zhang Feng that it would take three days, and the time has not yet arrived.

Zhang Feng also came, still in his costume, with a guitar and a peaked cap on his back.

Sit down in the back row and stare at Dr. Loves Frank.

The distance is seventy or eighty meters. If the doctor is in danger, Zhang Feng's steel nail can be hit, and then he approaches at a speed, the doctor will not be in danger of life.

Besides, Jason didn't dare to kill Dr.

Li Hongan came in with four people as reporters, saying that he wanted to record this historic moment.

There were also a lot of agents coming in, no fewer than fifty!

At 3:15, the host came to the stage as a beautiful teacher. After speaking some scenes, Jason Marshall, the protagonist of the day was invited.

This is a muscular man with a height of over 1.9 meters and a sturdy head.

His appearance made the girls in the audience cheer, handsome uncle, and more gold, girl killer.

Jason began to speak, but he was too lazy to listen, just paying attention to his gaze, looking at Dr. Loves Frank from time to time.

This scene was caught by Zhang Feng, as expected, the purpose was not pure.

"Dear principals, professors, teachers, and juniors, hello everyone, my name is Jason Marshall, many years ago..."

Jason started to speak, I have to say that his eloquence is very good.

The eloquence of big people is very good, otherwise they can't be big people.

Bang bang ......

His speech won countless applause. When he said that he would donate five million US dollars, the scene reached a climax.

Then came the interactive session, first interacting with students, then school teachers and professors, and Professor Loves Frank was naturally there.

In fact, when Jason appeared suitable, Dr. Loves Frank recognized this person, but he just didn't know if he was still in Area 52, because Area 52 was destroyed by Zhang Feng before.

No feeling for this person.

When the host read Dr. Loves Frank’s name, Jason came down with a surprised expression and enthusiastically held the doctor’s hand and said excitedly: "I’m very sorry, Dr. Loves Frank, please forgive me for my recklessness and innocence. Li, I have heard about you a long time ago. You have made an outstanding contribution to our humanity. I have always wanted to see you. This time I finally have a chance."

Dr. Loves Frank did not speak, but just nodded.

In the past two years, Dr. Loves Frank has been sitting here, and the reputation of San Di’an University has gained worldwide fame. Many people from all over the world have come to listen to the doctor’s lectures.

But Dr. Loves Frank felt that Jason was just talking about it, didn't he have seen himself long ago?

Why do you say that now?

Dr. Loves Frank had doubts in his mind, but he didn't think too much about this question, because he was thinking about his subject and research in his mind.

"Doctor, can I invite you to dinner?" Jason asked.

Dr. Loves Frank didn’t want to agree, but the principal said first: "Okay, Jason, we will have a banquet event, and we will all attend by then, including Dr. Loves Frank, Doctor, you say yes ?"

"Alright!" Dr. Loves Frank really didn't want to reject the principal. The principal usually treats himself well, so he just has a meal.

Jason was very happy: "Great!"

He held the doctor's hand and said excitedly: "Thank you very much, thank you very much, because you have always been my idol."

Dr. Loves Frank just smiled, he was not good at words, and he never cared about people's opinions and feelings.

He used this energy to do topics and research.

More than half an hour later, all the students who performed on the stage finished their performances. By this time, the speech would come to an end. Jason prepared gifts for them. Every student who came up to perform had them, and he gave them personally. .

He worked hard to become a senior, and he felt airy. He knew that there were a lot of agents, and even many agents who were not on his side, but he was not worried at all. As long as he won the favor of the doctor, this matter It's half done.

It's not too difficult. All of my subordinates eat dry food. They can't do it after such a long time, and they have to go out by themselves!

Alas, it's still tiring to do everything personally.

Jason thought to himself.


Zhang Feng followed the students out of the campus and whispered as he walked: "The school will have a dinner in the evening, and the doctor and Jason will be there at that time. Attention, we must protect the safety of the doctor, and other things stay aside!"



What made the president of San Di'an University need not worry is that towards the evening, the school finance told him that the donated funds were already in place, a full five million dollars!

This made the president of San Di’an University a little shake. With this money, the quality of the school can be upgraded to a higher level and squeezed into the world’s prestigious schools because of the presence of Dr. Loves Frank.

With money and people, this is the general trend.

"The dinner party must not be sloppy, go and prepare!" the principal shouted.

"Yes, principal!"


The people who can attend the banquet are not simple, they are all respectable people in the school, even the mayor of this city.

The specifications are very high.

Zhang Feng successfully mixed in, mixed in as a waiter, and many of the dishes at the banquet were Chinese colors.

They ordered directly from the Chinese restaurant. Zhang Feng applied for a waiter and gave one hundred dollars to the lobby manager. Zhang Feng was dispatched, and Zhang Feng's foreign language was good, which was the most appropriate.

Zhang Feng was wearing a waiter's uniform, a hat, and a simple make-up on his face. This was required by the school, saying that he should have a good image.

If you are unfamiliar with Zhang Feng, you can't tell that this person is the super soldier who destroyed Area 52.

Even Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng can’t tell at a glance, because they don’t even think of Zhang Feng as a waiter.

Even Jason couldn’t think of it. He asked his people to guard against it, and the strength of the guard was very loose, because he felt that there would be no fighting here, and he would not force Dr. Loves Frank here, just communicate. Simple communication.

Jason has changed into a tuxedo, tall, handsome and full of extravagance.

He immediately became the focus of the audience as soon as he appeared.

The principal is dressed in a suit, gray hair and beard. He clapped his hands and said loudly: "The banquet begins, everyone has a drink."

This seemed to be an order. The waiter came up with the dining cart, and Zhang Feng pushed the dining cart with wine into the venue.

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