Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1734: Doctor's choice

Many young and beautiful female students in dresses came to the scene. This was specially arranged by the school. How could there be no beautiful women at the banquet?

There is also music. Female students have already invited Jason to dance. This is a great opportunity for them to rise. If they get to it, they will have to struggle for ten years.

Women abroad are more realistic and open-minded than domestic women.

Faced with so many young and beautiful girls, Jason would naturally not refuse. Today he has two tasks, one is to get close to Dr. Loves Frank to get his favor, and the second is to play.

He hasn't played this way for a long time.

In front of these young people, he felt that he was old.

Isn’t there research that says that the more you are with young people, the younger you look? For example, those who are in their seventies and eighties take young and beautiful girls in their 20s and 30s, and they become younger and younger.

This is correct.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can't face the aging situation.

The first thing people get old is their mentality, not age!

Some people feel that they are old when they are 30 and can't do anything.

And some people think they can do many things when they are 80 years old.

Mindset is very important.

Jason wants to maintain this mentality and make himself younger.

Not long after the banquet started, Zhang Feng was very busy. He was busy taking the food, especially the wine. He walked around the crowd with a bottle, pouring wine for those who had empty glasses.

When he walked to the doctor, he was calm, silent, and lowered his head slightly. Even the doctor did not notice him, because the doctor was thinking about his own research and topics.

He felt a little dizzy after drinking a glass of wine and didn't like this feeling.

"Waiter, bring me some juice!" the doctor called.

Zhang Feng nodded and said nothing.

After a while, Zhang Feng’s juice came, and Jason had already come here to talk to the doctor. Zhang Feng could hear what Jason said from afar. Zhang Feng judged it by seeing him move and he also accepted the lips. .

"Mr. Doctor, can we take a step to speak?"

"What's matter?"

"There is an important thing, about a research project, is the study of all mankind."

"Are you going to invest in research?"

Dr. Loves Frank was puzzled, because his research can only be supported by the resources of the great powers.

"The same can be said!"

Dr. Loves Frank said: "Mr. Jason is too dear to himself? Do you have enough resources?"

"Uh... of course enough, no one in this world has this resource to support your research and benefit mankind!" Jason laughed.

The tone of Dr. Loves Frank's speech doesn't care how he feels, he can say whatever he thinks.

Hearing what he said, Dr. Loves Frank's face changed and said, "Farewell!"

When he said that he turned around and left, Jason's face also changed. This old guy had already guessed his identity.

Do you want to catch up now?

If you don't chase, the five million dollars will be spent for nothing.

After thinking about it, Jason still caught up, and he whispered: "Go!"

The button on his coat is a wheat.

At this moment, Zhang Feng was also slowly approaching the door, and Li Hongan's voice came from his ear: "Boss, it's not good, they went to Dr. Loves Frank's house!"

"Let everyone come to the school, they have to use it!" Zhang Feng said anxiously.

Zhang Feng didn't expect Jason to come this hand. Did he know Hart was at home?


The tense moment has arrived.

Zhang Feng followed.

The banquet was suspended because the two big figures had left. The principal came out and wanted to ask what happened. The sergeant who was Jason's secretary stopped him.


Jason has stopped Dr. Loves Frank, and said with all his heart, "Mr. Doctor, yes, I am in District 52. I am here to invite you back. There can’t be without you there. If you have any requirements, we will do it all. As for your objection to using humans for experiments, we no longer use humans. If you don’t believe me, you can follow us to see!"

"No, I won't believe you anymore. This is a human disaster, and I won't be a sinner of history!" Dr. Loves Frank refused directly.

What kind of urine they are, the doctor knows no more, so he won't believe them anymore.

Seeing that the doctor left, Jason got anxious and chased up again and said: "Mr. Doctor, I am very sincere. Please believe me. If we use human bodies for experiments, you can leave immediately. You know that your research can change all mankind, as well as human diseases, and can save countless people. You are the savior!"

"Please get out of here!" Dr. Loves Frank said coldly.


Suddenly there was a gunshot.

In the direction of the faculty building, Dr. Loves Frank frowned and looked at Jason sharply.

And Jason's ear heard the voice of his subordinates: "General, the doctor's son is already in my hands!"

Sure enough, his son was hidden by him.

At this point, there is no need to cover up, Jason said directly.

Dr. Loves Frank looked up at him with a pair of cold eyes as if looking at a dead person. Jason was a little scared, but he was a person who had experienced a big scene and quickly reacted.

They were still found.

"Doctor, you have no choice!" Jason looked regretful.

Dr. Loves Frank thought for a few seconds and said, "I will go with you and let my children go!"

"That's right!" A smile appeared on Jason's face. This task is considered complete. It is his accomplishment. He will be promoted soon: "Drive here!"


Gunshots continued to sound, and the gunshots were different, that is, two people were fighting!

The gunfire was blatant.

Less than a few minutes later, a large-scale police arrived and joined Jason.

At this time, Zhang Feng followed Jason and shouted before he got into the car: "Dr. Loves Frank, wait a minute, I will wait for your son to come over!"

When he said that, he turned and left, grabbed a bicycle left there and left. Jason didn't even react, but isn't he a waiter looking at this person's back?

"Go to the faculty building!" Dr. Loves Frank said in a deep voice.

Jason said: "Okay, it's up to you!"


Only a few hundred meters away from the teaching staff building, Jason was very confident, because he had enough power to deal with those Chinese people.

What about super fighters? You are only one person after all, I have thousands of people, well-equipped!

Soon I arrived under the faculty building, where hundreds of people were fighting and bullets were flying randomly.

"Dr. Loves Frank, don't worry, it's absolutely safe here, no bullets can get in!" Jason said.

This is a bulletproof car.

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