Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1742: Mystery

Emiko is called "Zhang".

"Okay, are you coming together?" Zhang Feng asked.

Emiko said, "I'm going to prepare your meals. If this is your order, I will stay and sleep with you!"

"Not an order, not an order!" Zhang Feng said repeatedly.

Emiko said, "Then I will prepare your meals first!"

"Okay, go, go!"

Emiko stood up and bowed to Zhang Feng and went out.

There is a reason why men all over the world like women in this country. Zhang Feng feels very good about her anyway.

The key is whether the cooking skills are good, so that Zhang Feng can taste the top food of their country, which is rich in nutrition.

This is of great help to Zhang Feng's recovery from injury.

After Emiko left, Yun Qian came in and gave him a hug as soon as he came in, and asked with concern, "How is the injury today?"

"You can almost walk down!" Zhang Feng said.

Yun Qian shook his head and said: "Not yet, your injury is so serious. It's only a month. As the saying goes, it takes at least half a year for your injuries. Thanks to Emiko, she takes care of a lot. Okay, if she takes care of you, I'm relieved!"

Zhang Feng sat up and gave her a warm hug and said, "Thank you!"

"Thank me for what?" Yun Qian asked.

Zhang Feng kissed her forehead and said, "Thank you for believing in me."

"I don't believe you, who else can I believe?" Yun Qian looked at him.

Zhang Feng likes Yunqian like this, which makes people feel distressed and affectionate.

"I'll tell you what happened to her!" Zhang Feng whispered.

Yun Qian looked at him with wide eyes.

"In Shengdi’an City, there is a restaurant there. I went together to make trouble. There were some unclean things in their food. Then four ninjas came and wanted to kill me as soon as they shot me... …"


Yun Qian was frightened when he heard this. Ninjas are all terrifying. If you want to kill your own man, it's strange not to be scared.

"Don't worry, listen to me!" Zhang Feng said: "When one of us shot, I also shot. Their movements were too slow, and I killed them in a few seconds."

"Do you kill it?" Yun Qian asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Yes, it's killed, the death is terrible!"

"Good kill!"

"Then I left. They didn't catch up and didn't ask me to settle the account. When I went there for the second time, they simply went to eat and didn't want to make trouble, but after I finished eating, they invited me inside. Yes, I saw the person I wanted to meet."

"He is Fujitaichi. He is a running dog with people in the 52nd area and the middle game. He said he wanted to compete with me, but he actually wanted to kill me. They ambush dozens of masters outside, and they are probably all of the Zhongnin level. Ninja, I saw Emiko when I went in. She was Fujitaichi’s life officer who served him in his daily life. She was the winner of the contest. I think this woman is not easy. Later I won and killed Fujitaichi. There are those ninjas outside, take her away."

Yun Qian listened with gusto, it can be described as thrilling.

"Later in the battle to eliminate Jason, she suddenly appeared, and everyone was surprised. The marksmanship almost matched the judge!"

"After the battle, she was going to leave, but I don't know what happened. I left her. I didn't expect her medical skills to be very good. She is also a nutritionist. She is simply omnipotent!"

Yun Qian nodded and said, "Yes, she is a treasure, she is almighty. Just now you said that you won her?"

"Yes, Fujita lost her to me!" Zhang Feng said.

"Then what is the prize you gave Fujitaichi?"

Zhang Feng was taken aback, and just skipped this by himself. Now she was picked out by her, she was really smart, and she deserved to be my Zhang Feng's woman.

"If I lose, let Fujita deal with it!" Zhang Feng said.

"Oh, you, you are taking your life for her. If she betrays you, I won't spare her!"

Yun Qian said domineeringly, already thinking of this result.

Zhang Feng was silent, and didn't know how to say it. Hui Meizi's identity was very suspicious.

But Zhang Feng chose to believe her anyway, just keeping a heart that guarded her.

During this period of time, Yun Qian has arranged Emiko to be next to Zhang Feng's room so that he can take care of Zhang Feng easily.

And this room originally belonged to Zhuo Chaoyun.

In this family, Emiko seems to belong to Zhang Feng alone, and she only knows Zhang Feng alone. She is neither lukewarm nor lukewarm to others. Although she greets and bows to everyone, she has no feelings, and she is only in person. When facing Zhang Feng, Yun Qian could see that Emiko's eyes were gentle.

Based on a woman's instinct, Yun Qian believes that Emiko will not betray Zhang Feng, at least not harm him.

Yun Qian did not ask about the identity of Emiko, nor did Zhang Feng say, just like that, Emiko stayed with Zhang Feng.

One day, General Wan came over to play and saw Emiko. He reminded Zhang Feng to be careful of this woman.

Zhang Feng asked why, but General Wan couldn't say anything.

But Zhang Feng believed in his old man's intuition that General Wan was a senior spy of the older generation, and he was the best in this regard.

In the second month after returning to Kyoto, Dr. Rowan has changed his face. He has an identity as a guest professor at Kyoto University without students.

He has an independent laboratory, a very confidential laboratory, there are many people watching, only he can get in and out.

Many research results from here are all sent to Longxue, which is the Dragon Warrior Research Base.

Will be tested here.

The current test donors are only on animals. Tens of thousands of mice and other small animals are kept in the base.

For this, Dr. Rowan was very happy, they did not arrest anyone to do the experiment.

And Professor Rowan sees his son Jerry almost every day. His son lives here very happily. Professor Rowan thinks this place is right.

Will live with peace of mind.

These are not things that Zhang Feng can manage. After he recovered from his injury, he visited Professor Rowan and Jerry.

Zhang Feng was very pleased that the knife was not in vain, and the efforts in Shengdi'an City were not in vain. All these were worthwhile.

In just over two months, Dragon Warrior's research has broken through the previous bottleneck. These were the previous results in Area 52, which were not obtained by Professor Luo Wen. You must know that he is the chief scientist of the entire project.

Now he serves the Dragon Warrior wholeheartedly.

All researches are studying the human body, how can we stimulate the human body's potential to the greatest extent, and improve the overall combat effectiveness in a short time without side effects and sequelae.

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