Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1743: Something happened at Yun Qian's house

Strictly speaking, it is a kind of biomedicine, and all the research obtained will be popularized in general medicine.

For example, a simple example, improving human immunity, has already had significant results, but it has not yet been popularized, and a lot of research and verification are needed, and then to the clinic.

Therefore, this project is not just about studying dragon fighters.

This is why Jason said that whoever masters this can control the future.


While eating that day, Yun Qian received a call, she said that her grandmother was critically ill.

Ever since Yun Qian followed Zhang Feng, let alone go home. He had very little contact with his family. Before meeting Zhang Feng, Yun Qian was a promising student who studied with a world-renowned medical professor and was his closed disciple. If you follow that step by step, you will be a world-renowned doctor in the near future.

But at this time, he ran with Zhang Feng, and eloped. The family had nothing to do with her, and once wanted to sever family ties with her.

None of these Yun Qian told Zhang Feng in detail, she was responsible for it alone.

Her grandma loves her most and misses her the most. For her life-long events, only grandma supports her.

Now the 90-something-year-old grandmother is critically ill, and Yun Qian's tears can no longer be controlled and burst out.

She ran to the bathroom to cry, and Zhang Feng, who was already able to walk down the ground, went in to comfort her.

"I'll accompany you back soon!" Zhang Feng said.

"Your injury?" Yun Qian worried, feeling very moved.

This is her heart disease.

"It's okay, it's not to perform the task, no need to fight!" Zhang Feng said.

Yun Qian said: "My family will not welcome you!"

"It's okay, they will welcome me!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Yun Qian nodded, no longer worrying, she knew that Zhang Summit had a way, but it just caused some discomfort.

"Go to eat, then prepare, and set off!"

"it is good!"

After the meal, Yun Qian talked about this, saying that he was going to return to her parents' house, because her grandma was sick.

Everyone exchanged greetings, Zhuo Chaoyun only returned home today, this meal was prepared for Yun Qian.

Zhuo Chaoyun didn't have time to talk about Zhang Feng and Hui Meizi, so this happened.

"Don't worry, everyone, if anything goes wrong, I will accompany my grandma through the last moments. He loved me the most when I was young!" Yun Qian's eyes were wet.

"Or, I'll go too!" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

"No, it's unpleasant to go back this time, Zhang Summit will go back with me!" Yun Qian said.

"He's going with you too, your family will let him in?"

Everyone knows the attitude of Yun Qian's family towards Zhang Feng. They don't worry at all. They don't look down on Zhang Feng. If they know Zhang Feng's identity, it will be a surprise.

"Let's talk about it then!" Yun Qian said.

All her grandma's figure in her heart now.

When Yun Qian went to pack his things, Zhang Feng began to do his son's work, and this time he was going to take him with him.

Haohao had no feelings for his grandmother's house. When he heard his father say that he was going to his grandmother's house, Haohao shook his head and said, "No, I want to play with Godmother Chaoyun at home!"

At this moment, Zhuo Chaoyun came over and knelt down and said to him: "Haohao, are you afraid? Are you afraid of your uncle? Or are you afraid to go?"

"Hmph, I'm not afraid of them, I'm not afraid of them at all, I'm a man, and I'm not afraid of anything!" Haohao said with an air.

He is not afraid of the heavens, and everyone is afraid of him. The children around him are often beaten and cry by him, and feel that he is going to heaven.

Who gave him this courage? Naturally he is Lao Tzu.

"Well, you go, go and break into your grandmother's house!" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

"But what do I want to do if Godmother Chaoyun?"

His clingy cuteness melted Zhuo Chaoyun's heart.

"Godmother will be waiting for you at home, oh, my dear..." Zhuo Chaoyun hugged him.

When he put it down, Zhang Feng said to him sternly: "Son, listen to Dad..."

At this time, it was time for their father and son to communicate. Haohao, who had always been unable to stop as long as it was not bedtime, stopped quietly, staring at him with bright and spiritual eyes.

"Do you know how you came?" Zhang Feng asked.

"I know, it came from my mother's belly!"

This Yun Qian taught him a long time ago.

"Then do you know where mother came from?" Zhang Feng asked again.

Hao Hao thought for a while and said, "It came from my mother's mother's belly!"

"Very well, let me tell you now, your mother's mother is your grandmother. If there is no grandmother, will there be a mother?"

"No!" Hao Hao headed away.

"Then how can you be without a mother?"

Haohao shook his head again.

"Tell Dad!" Zhang Feng said solemnly.

Haohao said, "Without grandma, there is no mother, and without mother, there is no me!"

"Now grandma is sick, what should we do?" Zhang Feng asked.

Haohao said: "We are going to save grandma!"

"Very well, let's go when Mom comes out!"


Zhuo Chaoyun, who was watching from the side, was very touched. He had never seen such a father and son, a man who crossed the world, a calf who was striving for hegemony among thousands of children in the military commission compound.

After a while, Yun Qian came out, pulling a large suitcase with clothes for a family of three.

She hadn't been home for several years, and this time she didn't know what happened.

But no matter what, she still has to go back.

Zhang Feng drove a very ordinary Accord back. It has been a car for more than ten years. It is well maintained, and now there are fewer cars on the road.

Before leaving the house, he glanced at Emiko and said, "Emiko, you can live here first!"

Emiko bowed deeply without speaking.

"Chao Yun, what? Don't go to Europe yet, wait until it's safe!" Zhang Feng said again.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "You don't need to talk, it's really long-winded!"

In fact, she felt happy in her heart.

At this moment Chen Wanru drove back back, riding a black cool motorcycle, wearing a tight black leather jacket, taking off the helmet, her long black hair floating out, her superb figure, and a beautiful and cold face.

She came over to Yun Qian and said, "Yun Qian, are you going home?"

"Yes, my grandma is sick!" Yun Qian said.

Chen Wanru nodded and said, "Okay, let's go back. Call me if you can!"

"Will do!"

"I hope her old man is well!" Chen Wanru said.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, Chen Wanru has long since looked down on it, not to mention Yun Qian's grandmother is nearly a hundred years old.

Yun Qian nodded, her mood was not very good.

"Get things in the car!" Chen Wanru looked at Zhang Feng.

"Oh, good!" Zhang Feng went up with his luggage.

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