Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1744: Unwelcome

Before leaving, Yun Qian said to everyone: "It's okay, don't worry, everyone, I have visited my grandma and will be back!"

"Godmother Chaoyun, Wan as godmother, Aunt Emiko, goodbye..."

After Haohao's voice, Zhang Feng drove.

Now there are only three of them at home, and I don't know if anything will happen, especially Zhuo Chaoyun, will it embarrass Emiko?

Fortunately, with Chen Wanru here, there shouldn't be any major incidents, and Zhuo Chaoyun also knows how to score.

Watching Zhang Feng's car go away, Chen Wanru called to make arrangements. She always takes precautions in doing things, so that she can always control the initiative and preemptively.

Chen Wanru has too many resources in his hands, and she can be her people from the traffickers to the court officials, and many of these officials are supported by her.

These people are decent people who can do things and can control them.

Otherwise, Chen Wanru has a thousand ways to deal with them.

Then there is a question, what position is Chen Wanru?

Not sure, even she herself did not know, everyone called her Missy, Miss Chen.

In fact, there is no particularly powerful Chen family. Those families surnamed Chen are very ordinary. They belonged to her hundreds of years ago.

Of course, anyone who understands knows that Chen Wan is like the old beggar Mr. Gusu's, right-hand man.

Who is Mr. Gusu? A person with a very special identity and very old qualifications.

No one can shake its status.

All the things he did were great things that benefited the country and the people, and some tricky things he could solve through abnormal means.

For example, Zhang Feng is his sharpest blade, and it is also national.

What he did was abnormal means to solve the problem.

Zhang Feng also has private affairs to do, for example, this time he wants to do private affairs.

But here in Chen Wanru, there is no personal matter with Zhang Feng, and she will still do what she can do.

It can help Zhang Feng solve more complicated problems at critical times.

At this moment Zhang Feng drove the car on the highway without hurries, Yun Qian said: "You can drive faster!"

Yun Qian didn't worry about accidents, it didn't exist.

"Okay!" Zhang Feng increased the throttle accordingly.

The car doubled its speed. This classic car is still very stable, one hundred and fourteen.

Haohao is not afraid at all. How could he be afraid? He has used almost any transportation. He has used tanks that can't be used by ordinary people, such as tanks. He also fired cannons. It was just pressing the launch button. He is also very excited.

There are planes, helicopters and more!

He is very excited now, lying on the car window and looking out the window curiously. He is curious about everything, as if to remember everything.

Zhang Feng looked at Yun Qian from the rearview mirror. She was closing her eyes with tears in her eyes. It was obvious that she was thinking of her grandma.

Going home like an arrow.

Zhang Feng drove the car steadily.

The goal is Shuiquan City, a coastal city in the south of the Yangtze River more than 800 kilometers away, a second-tier coastal city.

A very quiet city, the development is not fast or slow, the population is not large, it is a city where the people's life is very slow.

It seems like a small town in Jiangnan.

It's just that the scale is now large, and there are still many ancient buildings in many places, which are well preserved.

Over 800 kilometers, Zhang Feng drove for almost nine hours, rested twice in the middle.

It was not until the evening that she arrived in Shuiquan City. When she arrived at the hospital, Yun Qian went straight to the hospital. The location of the ward was already in her mobile phone.

Outside the ward, seeing ordinary people waiting anxiously, Zhang Feng knew that Yun Qian's grandfather had passed away in his early years.

The Yun family is an old man.

There were almost twenty people in the corridor. Zhang Feng stood on the side of the corridor with Haohao in his arms, and did not walk up, but Yun Qian ran over and shouted, "Mom..."

A dignified and well-maintained middle-aged woman in the crowd walked over: "Yun Qian, you are finally back!"

"Mom!" Yun Qian cried.

The mother and daughter hugged each other, and Yun Qian asked, "How is my grandma?"

"Your grandma is still fainting! The doctor is inside, you will see it later!"

Her daughter is a very good doctor.

Mica looked at Zhang Feng in the corridor.

One big and one small, he looked very lonely and helpless. Zhang Feng's face was a little dark, and his clothes were very ordinary. At a glance, the mica was piled up in that kind of hypermarket and there was forty-nine yuan. The kind of sixty-nine yuan.

Zhang Feng hugged Haohao and walked over and stood in front of the mica. Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Mom, hello, I am Zhang Feng, Haohao, call grandma!"

This tone seems to be familiar, or a good relationship.

"Hello, grandma, my name is Zhang Hao, Zhang Haoran, Zhang Hao is my nickname!"

Mica looked at Haohao's slick mouth and smiled: "Haohao, how are you!"

Then he looked at Zhang Feng, changed his face and said coldly: "You should call me auntie! Isn't this appropriate?"

"Auntie!" Zhang Feng called out immediately, and Yun Qian and I are just right.

For Zhang Feng, this trip was for Yun Qian, and there was no need to gain the favor of the Yun family and admit him as an aunt.

It's unnecessary, don't you admit that he is both.

"You are Zhang Feng?"

At this moment, a man in his thirties came up: "The **** who lied to my sister?"

"Brother, don't say that, he didn't lie to me!" Yun Qian hurriedly resolved.

Zhang Feng was silent. This person should be called Yunjin. He was Yun Qian's brother and a shareholder of a listed company. He seemed to be quite rich.

The people in their family look very good, Yun Qian is very beautiful, this Yunjin is also handsome, almost 1.8 meters, there are others.

I knew from Yun Qian's mouth that their people had some temperaments. Almost everyone's eyes were on the top of their heads, and the family had money.

His ancestors also served as officials, very awesome.

Now there are people in their family, and there are two cousins ​​in Shuiquan City.

"Hello everyone, this is Zhang Feng!"

Zhang Feng said loudly to everyone.

Ignoring their strange, strange, contemptuous eyes, Zhang Feng bowed deeply.

Zhang Feng had to admit that he was wrong in dealing with Yun Qian and her family, because after being together for so long, let alone the wedding, he had never been to his house or made a phone call.

So before coming, Zhang Feng was mentally prepared and didn't share any insights with them.

Zhang Feng's heart is someone who can tolerate the world. As for their little people, that's very simple.

It is already a good attitude of Zhang Feng to give them a bow.

Yun Qian came over and hugged Haohao.

No one responded to him, they were all looking at Zhang Feng with the eyes of the enemy.

The scene was embarrassing and the atmosphere was subtle.

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