Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1745: Yun Family

At this moment someone stepped forward and pointed to Zhang Feng and said, "Boy, you are not welcome here, you go, Haohao will stay, and my sister will not leave in the future, go away!"

"Yun Cong, what are you talking about!" Yun Qian quickly accused him.

Yun Qian can't blame her elder brother, but her younger brother can still blame.

"Did I make a mistake? What kind of person is this person? Is he worthy of you? I said, sister, why do you look at Shan him? Not as good as a tramp!" Yun Cong said.

"Why don't you say it!" Yun Qian said angrily.

Yun Cong said, "Hehe, sister, did I get the mark? It's really shameful to follow this man!"


Yun Qian slapped his face with a slap, and said angrily: "Pay attention to your words, he is your brother-in-law!"

Yun Qian is saving him. No one knows better than Yun Qian how many people's blood is on Zhang Feng's hands. If he gets angry and starts his hands, he will be killed by then.

"Sister, you hit me for this person? You hit me as soon as you come back?" Yun Cong looked at his sister incredulously, becoming so strange.

Yun Qian said, "I am saving you!"

"Humph!" Yun Cong snorted and turned around and went to the back.

Hao Hao watched silently and didn't cry or make trouble, he could feel that this time was not a time for him to mess around.

"Yun Cong!" Yun Qian called.

But Yun Cong did not respond to her, and the scene was very embarrassing for a time. Yun Qian said to Zhang Feng, "I'm sorry, my brother..."

"It's okay, as long as you don't hit me!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"He dare!" Yun Qian said angrily.

She is also a hero in female high school. Although she looks soft and weak, she has shot and killed people when she was in Africa.

In fact, the middle-aged man behind the mica that Zhang Feng paid attention to was similar to Yun Qian. He should be Yun Qian's father, Yun Zhongliu.

Zhang Feng walked up without admitting his birth, and then said to the middle-aged man: "Uncle, hello, you are Yun Qian's father, Yun Qian often tells me about you!"

Yunzhongliu said with a straight face: "You don't have to talk to me, just look at Yun Qian's mother!"

When I said this, I didn't look at Zhang Feng, as if Zhang Feng was smelly.

Zhang Feng smiled awkwardly, took out the cigarette and handed it to Yunzhong Liu with a smile: "Uncle, smoke!"

"No!" Yun Zhongliu's face suffocated.

Zhang Feng sent the cigarette to the man behind, who was an uncle's man.

"Uncle, smoke!"

The man waved his hand and said, "I don't smoke!"

But Zhang Feng knew that he was a smoker, his thumb and index finger were blackened by the smell of smoke.

Zhang Feng continued to give to the next person, with the same result, none of the seven or eight men took Zhang Feng's cigarette, and finally Zhang Feng had to smoke himself.

What they didn't notice was that Zhang Feng's cigarette would not be smoked in their lifetime.

No one has seen clearly just now, what good smoke can there be with an identity like Zhang Feng?

Zhang Feng stood smoking a cigarette. He was obviously an outsider. Yun Qian held Haohao. He seemed to have never been so behaved. Yun Qian didn't care about this anymore. It would be fine to let him stay there to avoid anger.

And they were talking, as if they had forgotten Zhang Feng. What they cared about was grandma's condition, whether to continue treatment or let grandma leave quietly, and no longer endure the pain.

At this time, grandma's life was not determined by her herself, but by her children.

Grandma is in the ICU with a lot of pipes in her body, so life is better than death.

In this matter, Zhang Feng has no right to speak.

Half an hour later, the majority finally defeated the minority. To save grandma, let her live a few more years at any cost.

Yun Qian didn't have the right to speak, the elders had the final say, and she still didn't know the situation of her grandma.

She went to a doctor to find out about her grandmother. It was very simple. There were many senile diseases. In short, it was organ failure.

Most of this time, the elderly will leave without pain.

But there are a few.

Yun Qian took out her credentials and explained that she would participate in the medical action to treat her grandma.

But the doctor did not recognize her documents, nor did she recognize them, so she asked her to treat her without interfering in the hospital's work.

Yun Qian had no choice but to come back. This hospital is a tertiary A hospital, which is considered a very good hospital with very good medical conditions.

Now the doctor has received the wishes of the family, that is to save the patient.

Surgery should be arranged as soon as possible. There are many lesions in the body of the elderly, whether the organ needs to be replaced, etc.

They want a meeting.

Yun Qian is going home, and a group of people are going back, leaving one person to guard.

Zhang Feng naturally followed, but no one said that Zhang Feng could not go. No matter what, his son had called Mica as his grandmother, Yunzhong Liu was called his grandfather, and Mica was also holding Haohao.

But it's okay to give him a cold face.

The sad thing was temporarily put aside. They booked a place in the hotel to pick up the wind from Yun Qian. For the past few days, everyone has been in grief. They have not been able to eat well, and they just dealt with it casually.

Today, I came back with Yunqian. Everyone wants to eat a good, luxurious hotel selected by Yunjin.

There are nearly twenty people in the family, and the table is full of food, all of which are hard dishes, not including water and wine, this meal costs tens of thousands of yuan.

All were decided by Yunjin, and everyone acquiesced that they might be holding back some bad idea.

Yun Qian and Zhang Feng were sitting together, but Hao Hao did not recognize the birth and was in grandma's arms.

Everyone has fallen in love with the clever calf and seems to have forgotten the existence of Zhang Feng.

When the banquet was about to start, Yun Cong went to the bathroom to find his brother.

The brothers chatted in the bathroom.

"Brother, you are crazy, order so many dishes, tens of thousands, right? I tell you, my store is tight but there is no money to give it, you are a big money, you give it!" Yun Cong said actively.

Yun Jin smiled and said, "Who said I have to pay?"

"Then who pays? Is it possible to ask parents to pay? They don't pay, no, they are usually thrifty. They haven't come to the hotel to eat home-cooked food in a few years, but today you order so many dishes and didn't say anything !"

Yun Jin smiled and said, "It's no wonder your shop keeps getting up, it's a pig brain, you!"

"What does this have to do with my shop? I just said that I have no money. No, it's..."

"I never said it!"

Before Yun Cong finished speaking, Yun Jin smiled wickedly.

Yun Cong could see through at a little bit and smiled: "Brother, you are still taller!"

"Learn something, I'm sorry for your sister if you don't let him bleed this time!"

"Yes, hey, can I order a good bottle of wine later?"

"Whatever you want."

"I can finally taste it this time, hehe!"

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