Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1746: Zhang Feng

The two of them got out of the bathroom and called the waiter over and said, "Wait a moment when you ask that person to check out, he will be wearing a gray T-shirt and jeans. A man with a dark face will check out. It was he who treated the guest. Remember!?"

"Okay, sir!" The waiter responded.

This kind of thing often happens in hotels, and they are not surprised. They have seen all kinds of people, from the officials to the civilians, and the waiters have seen their ugliness, their hypocrisy, and how they count the wine tables. People who are called brothers and sisters.

The banquet was opened, and everyone moved their chopsticks. The food here is very high-quality and tastes good. It is one of the best hotels in Shuiquan City. It is said that the chefs here have cooked state banquets.

The taste is really good and the ingredients are good. Few middle-class families like them can eat these, let alone others.

For example, oysters are the best imported oysters from France. They are completely pollution-free and cost about 300 yuan each.

There are also truffles, lobsters, king crabs and so on slowly.

"I don't have any alcohol at all, but I'm addicted, or order a bar!" Yun Cong said.

They all knew that he was drinking, Mica said, "Drink if you want. You can't drink too much. You can't drive after a while!"

"Okay, mom, don't worry! You don't know how much I drink." Yun Cong raised his hand and called the waiter over as he said, "Three bottles of ten-year national wine, and four bottles of Lafite, 1987 is fine. , That's it first!"

Waiter surprise: "Three bottles of ten-year national wine, four bottles of 1987 Lafite!"

"hurry up!"

"Good sir!"

The waiter went down, these mentions belong to him.

The wine came up after a while and opened it all.

Women also have to drink a little red wine. Men drank all white wine.

Good wine is not too much, three bottles will be gone after one round, Yun Cong shouted again: "Six more bottles!"

"Okay, sir!"

Speaking, he stood up and held up the wine bottle and shouted: "This glass of wine, I toast grandma, hope she gets better soon!"

After speaking, he drank it, and they all drank it too.

The waiter came up and filled them with wine.

Yun Cong said again: "I toast my sister with this glass of wine. I am glad to see my dear sister again!"

There was juice in Yunqian's cup and said, "Xiao Cong, I will come back often in the future!"

"That's the best!" Yun Cong sat down.

Yun Qian drank a little and didn't care about it with him.

Then everyone ate dull and dull. There was a glass of wine in front of Zhang Feng, but he didn't drink it.

He was eating the dishes, and the dishes in front were almost eaten by him, which made them look at them with contempt. I really haven't eaten such delicious food before, haha!

Yun Jin and Yun Cong are happy in their hearts, and they are real turtles.

In fact, Zhang Feng is really hungry. He has been on the road without eating anything today. Even if he is not hungry, he will try to fill his stomach as much as possible, so that he feels safe. He has been like this since he was a child. , Do not need to change.

He doesn't care what these people think.

Hao Hao ran in the private room after he was full. He was very happy. He didn't have as many troubles as adults, so he was happy with Noh and let go.

An hour later, the meal was almost finished, but no one checked out, and went to the bathroom from time to time, one by one, and then sat there looking at the phone.

The waiter walked to Zhang Feng's side and said, "Sir, please check out. The total consumption is one hundred and five hundred. Just charge you a whole number, and charge you one hundred thousand. Do you use your card or cash."

Everyone was shocked, one hundred thousand? It's horrible. I asked for 100,000 for such a little dish. Mica couldn't help asking, "Why do I want so much?"

The waiter calmly said: "We are all real price tags. Just this matsutake was shipped by air from the western mountain area, and on the same day, there were hidden oysters, which were also shipped by air, plus wine. , Already very affordable!"

Mica didn't speak, she couldn't pay the money, she looked at the Yunjin brothers with a bitter look, complaining to them, asking this man to pay, that is also your sister's money, the money they brought.

But there was no turning back when he opened the bow. Mica also wanted to see if the cheap aunt had money, and if not, see how he coped.

If he patted his **** and left, it would be a good thing. One hundred thousand yuan will be exchanged for Yun Qian's freedom. The Yun family can still afford it. Then Yun Qian will marry another rich man. As for Haohao, I will talk about it then. .

At this time, Zhang Feng took out a card and said: "Swipe the card, there is no password!"

Who would bring one hundred thousand yuan in cash to eat?

The card in Zhang Feng's hand looked ordinary, neither black nor gold, but the text on it was in a foreign language, and they didn't pay attention.

"Zhang Feng, if you don't have one, you don't have to force it!" Mica said aggressively.

Yun Qian said: "Mom, it's okay, Zhang Feng is rich."

After finally catching an opportunity to grow a face, how could Yun Qian let it go? She wanted her family to accept Zhang Feng, but she couldn't tell her identity.

Mica was surprised. This is not a small amount. I saw the car they drove just now. It was not 100,000 yuan, and it was a common brand, but it was a Kyoto brand.

"Go!" Zhang Feng said lightly.

"Okay, sir!" The waiter was suspicious.

Because he had never seen such a bank card, at least he did not recognize the words on it.

He took the card to the lobby manager. The manager was also suspicious, because he didn't know him. He had already paid attention to the people at this table. After ordering so many meals and wine, he had already notified the security guard and worried about them. Will eat Bawang meal.

Now that the card was out, the manager didn't dare to be careless and went to the boss's office on the top floor.

As early as five minutes ago, the owner of this hotel received a reminder from an old friend that there would be an important guest to eat at your place. If the reception is not good, his entire hotel will be purchased at a low price, and you Will also go bankrupt.

This scared the boss very much. When asked who it was, the old friend only said that it was Zhang, because this was what others told him.

The boss has been worried about this all day long, who is it? There are many guests in the hotel every day. He pays attention to those who seem to be distinguished guests, and directly ignores the Yun family table.

The boss was also puzzled when he got this card, because he hadn't seen this kind of card. It looked ordinary, but it was even more puzzled if he looked carefully.

"He said that this card does not have a password. I think this person is dressed normally, and he was calculated!" said the manager.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"That's it..."

The manager said it, and the waiter below told the manager about the situation a long time ago, because the list is huge.

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