Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1747: The boss personally waives the bill

The boss nodded after hearing this: "Since this card does not have a password, let's see how much money it has!"

"Okay!" The manager took out the tablet and put the bank card on the back.

It was immediately realised on the screen, a long string of numbers.

The manager was so shocked that he couldn't speak, swallowed his saliva, rubbed his eyes to see, there were still so many numbers.

"Show it to me!" The boss took it all at once.

The boss was stunned. He was a person who had seen the world, but he had never seen so much money. You can imagine what it would be like if the money were cash.

"Boss, boss, is this fake?"

The boss suddenly woke up, thinking of the old friend's reminder, and eagerly asked: "What is this person's name?"

"Boss, I, I will ask." The manager took out the walkie-talkie from his waist and asked.

Last name Zhang!

The boss heard it.

Sure enough!

The boss broke into a cold sweat, who is such a powerful person! ?

"Quick, quick, take me to see him right away!"

The manager has never seen the boss nervous, he is also nervous: "Old, boss, then this list..."

"What is the order, hurry up, otherwise we will all be finished!"

"Yes Yes!"


"What's going on, so long!" Yun Cong was very impatient, and it has been more than 20 minutes: "I'll say if you have any money, just say it if you don't have money!"

"Yun Cong, how do you talk?"

Yun Qian said angrily.

She could see it just now, how the waiter would call Zhang Feng all at once, it must have been arranged by this kid.

"Sister, it was originally. Although our family is very poor, we still have one hundred thousand yuan. If it doesn't work, I will come!" Yun Cong said aggressively.

Yun Jin said: "Okay, Yun Cong, wait a minute, maybe he has money, if he doesn't, I can give it too!"

Neither Yun Qian's parents spoke, nor did the uncles say that the two of them pretended to be noble and rich.

Just wait to see Zhang Feng's joke.

After a while, a group of people arrived in a hurry, and the waiter was also very nervous.

He came to Zhang Feng and stammered speechless: "Please, please..."

The boss pushed the waiter away from behind, stood in front of Zhang Feng, and asked carefully: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Feng looked at him and said, "I am!"


The boss breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's great. I am the owner of the shop, Liu Delin. It is my honour to welcome Mr. Zhang to the shop. All your consumption in the hotel will be waived for me to express In the friendship of the landlords, I hope that Zhang will become complete first!"

"No, go and swipe the card, give me the card! I have limited time!" Zhang Feng coldly

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