Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1752: Hurry up!

It seems to have come for Zhang Feng's face, but apart from Liu Delin's meeting with Zhang Feng, no one else has seen it. It is the first time to come. Fanfen greeted Zhang Feng.

Seven or eight bosses came and sent some things, such as flowers and fruits, all within a safe range.

Yunzhongliu had noticed that they were really looking for Zhang Feng's face.

One thing is certain: Zhang Feng is not a bad person. Otherwise, why would there be so many positive figures over here?

He Yun Qian called aside and asked, "Daughter, what does Zhang Feng do?"

"He, didn't I say that? He is a vagrant and has no serious work!" Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng's identity is very confidential, and his family cannot disclose it.

"Then what does he usually do? Where does the money come from?" Yun Zhongliu didn't believe it.

"I usually do some odd jobs, and I do all the dirty work if I have any strength!" Yun Qian said.

Yunzhongliu said: "Then how come so many big people know him?"

"He accidentally saved a big man before, and that person has always been very grateful to Zhang Feng. You also know that Zhang Feng has great strength!" Yun Qian said.

It is acceptable to say that, and Yun Zhongliu stopped asking.

It's okay to know such a big person, and it can be used now.

Surgery can be arranged the next day. With Yun Qian, the Yun family will not worry so much, and the dean will take care of him personally, so what are they afraid of.

It's just that Yun Jin and Yun Cong didn't come the next morning. They didn't come to take the old man into the operating room, and went busy with their own affairs.

No one can say anything about this.

Zhang Feng didn't bother to care about them. In front of Zhang Feng, they had no sense of existence.

Zhang Feng probably knew who did those things about them, but Zhang Feng remained silent.

Waiting outside the operating room, Zhang Feng was playing with his mobile phone, ignoring these people.

They no longer dared to provoke Zhang Feng. They saw so many people coming yesterday.

Yun Jin did not come until two hours after the operation. He looked sluggish, his tie was loose, his eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was messy. It was obvious that he didn't sleep well last night.

He went to the company this morning, then picked up things in a desperate way and left.

He still doesn't know what it is for.

Mica came to comfort him, but it was useless. At Yun Jin's age, there was no need for comfort.

Ling Ling...

Yunjin's cell phone rang, and he didn't bother to pick it up. Maybe it was from the bank. The noses of these people in the bank are better than dogs.

Ling Ling...

It rang again, he took it out to look, and quickly answered: "Brother Dakang, it's you!"

"Where is the idea?"

Yun Jin looked at Zhang Feng, who was playing on the phone, and suddenly thought of something. Isn’t he very good? The matter between himself and his younger brother must have something to do with him, otherwise he will have continuous changes, and it's been fine before, it's not who he can have.

Must teach him.

"I'll position you!" Yun Jin said.

After giving Tang Dakang a position, Yun Jin walked to Zhang Feng and said, "Zhang Feng, come with me!"

"If you have a fart, let it go!" Zhang Feng's eyes didn't leave the phone screen.

"follow me!"

Yun Jin doesn't want to say anything to him here, so keep it secret.

Zhang Feng still ignored him now.

"You, good, did you make a ghost?" Yun Jin's words meant questioning.

The tone is very bad.

"What am I doing?" Zhang Feng asked casually.

"I was fired by the company and my brother's shop partner withdrew from the capital. Did you make a ghost?" Yun Jin asked.

His voice was very loud. He heard it from Mica and other relatives. Thinking about it, it is very possible. Mica came over and cursed at Zhang Feng: "Boy, did you do it? Say, otherwise you good-looking!"

"Yes, kid, you say it!" said another relative.

"speak out!"

"Say it!"

At this moment Zhang Feng finally raised his head to look at them. A group of people questioned Zhang Feng, but Yun Zhongliu was standing behind him. He looked neutral, but he looked at them coldly and expressed his expression. attitude.

Looking at Hao Hao who was finishing over there again, he stopped and looked at this side curiously, thinking that his father had been scolded!

No, it can't be like this, so he ran over to these people and shouted, "Don't scold my dad!"

Yun Jin's big hand went to Haohao's face, Zhang Feng's speed was very fast, and he flashed over and knocked out Yun Jin's hand with a snap.

Yun Jin was in pain, and was about to do it. Zhang Feng picked up Haohao and glared at Yun Jin: "If it weren't for Yun Jin, you are dead now! This is the last time."

"Zhang Feng, don't be arrogant, otherwise you don't know how you died!" Yun Jin didn't dare to fight Zhang Feng, because he knew he would suffer and this was not a place to fight.

Yun Cong came here too. He was very anxious. When he came, he asked, "Where is my grandma?"

"Operation!" said Mica.

"What's wrong with you?"

The atmosphere of the scene is strange and tense.

Yun Jin said: "Yun Cong, your friend's divestment is related to Zhang Feng!"

Just like that, a stinky hat was buckled on Zhang Feng's head.

Zhang Feng didn't bother to argue with them, holding Haohao aside.

"That's it!" Yun Cong suddenly figured it out: "I'll just say, Zhang Feng, your energy is so great, the dean, mayor Liu and everything are here, it's you who made the trick, huh, you I'm dead, I don't care what you have with Yun wait!"

Speaking of Yun Cong called, he still called someone to repair Zhang Feng. He could still afford the money.

Half an hour later, a few sturdy men came in the hallway. At first glance, they were not good at them. They were all ruffian and had a lot of tattoos on their bodies. A nurse came up to inquire, and the leader said: " Come to visit!"

The nurse stepped aside, not wanting to provoke these people.

Yun Jin greeted him, took out the cigarette and handed it up: "Brother Dakang, you are finally here!"

"Good talk, good talk, where's the money? Hurry up, I have to catch the next one!"

The person who came was Tang Dakang, a local snake in the Dongcheng area of ​​Shuiquan City. He was particularly short of money recently. He found that starting a company was too difficult. It was too hard to please, and it didn’t make money. The only advantage was that it could attract those beautiful and sing songs. The beautiful woman who can dance comes, but he has been tired in the past few years. It is not physically tired but heart tired. It is very troublesome to be entangled by them. It needs money to support it, and the company does not make money.

He still feels that his old business makes money, and it is not profitable.

As long as the click ends, nothing happens.

So he went out in person, very arrogant, and came straight to the hospital.

Of course, he doesn't want to hit someone here, or he will be finished, just warn the other party and let the employer vent his anger.

"It's him!" Yun Jin pointed to Zhang Feng who was sitting there looking down at the phone and holding Haohao in his arms.

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