Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1753: Paper tiger

Yun Cong called just now, and then went to the bathroom. He hadn't let off the water all morning, and he was holding back.

After coming out of the bathroom, I saw a few guys, some of whom knew each other, and shouted, "Yo, Brother Dakang, coming soon!"

"It's President Yun, is he the person you want to deal with?" Dakang pointed to Zhang Feng.

The Yun family retreated back. Tang Dakang and the others knew that he was a big hooligan.

It was right to ask him to deal with Zhang Feng. The wicked dealt with the wicked.

"Yes, it's him, he hurt me miserably!"

Yun Cong said and looked at each other with his elder brother Yun Jin, the two of them had a sharp heart, and they were all the same.

"Okay, you give money together!" Dakang said.

This looks a bit dramatic, and Zhang Feng wants to laugh. Seeing that the brothers are a bit mentally retarded, I really don’t understand how Yun Jin became a high-ranking official. Did he contribute his ass?

And Yun Cong, it's not easy to set up a small shop.

Yun Jin said: "Brother Dakang, if we dare not give it to you, we will let this person disappear in front of me and let him leave my sister!"

"Mr. Yun's request, right?" Dakang looked at Yun Cong.

"Yes! I will give you money too!"

"Good!" Dakang walked towards Zhang Feng.

A minute ago, Hao Hao in Zhang Feng's arms asked: "Dad, that person is so fierce!"

"Don't be afraid, these are paper tigers!" Zhang Feng said.

"Oh, it turned out to be just a paper tiger, so sad!" Hao Hao said.

Zhang Feng told him about paper tigers before, he remembered.

"Look if it's a paper tiger!" Zhang Feng said.

"it is good!"

Tang Dakang was already in front of Zhang Feng, with a few younger brothers behind him. They were ready to fight, put their hands in their pockets and grabbed the knife.

"You, immediately apologize to the two President Yun!"

Tang Dakang was not afraid of this person. He was of average figure and dark skin, but the child on his lap was very bright.

"Otherwise?" Zhang Feng raised his head to look at him.

"Otherwise I will teach you how to be a human being!"

Tang Dakang habitually said this, because he himself didn't say this many times.

It can be said to be conditioned.

Seeing Zhang Feng’s face, he was puzzled, because this face is so familiar to him. People who do his job must have some ability to know who can provoke and who can’t. He just Looking at Zhang Feng's appearance, he was just a small crouch. Tang Dakang likes to provoke this kind of person the most.


He took a step back and said to the men behind: "Bring my phone!"

The younger brother at the back took his large-screen mobile phone and said that the tablet was about the same, very grand.

He called up the picture and looked at it. His hands began to tremble, and he took a step back in fear and his feet tremble.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" The subordinates were puzzled.

Before, the younger brothers called him the boss. After he was bleached, he didn't like being called him that way and changed his name to the boss.

Tang Dakang ignored the words of his subordinates, boldly stepped up and said softly, "You, your surname is Zhang?"

Tang Dakang swears that this is the softest word he has said in the past forty years.

"The last name is Zhang, then you can teach me how to behave!" Zhang Feng looked up at him.


Tang Dakang swallowed a spit. He had already determined that this person was the person on his mobile phone. He still wanted to visit him at night or tomorrow, because the group of people looked down on him and did not bring himself, so he could only come by himself. Thinking of meeting this **** here, still in this way.

He felt his blood clotting, and he couldn't speak. Why?

It's going to be finished!

The big guys who wanted to come would come in person, his little character actually offended this god, and the big guys can destroy themselves without Mr. Zhang talking.

"You, you are Mr. Zhang?" Tang Dakang's forehead was covered with sweat.

Zhang Feng said: "Today many people call me that."

Yun Jin next to him said: "Brother Dakang, what are you doing with him so much nonsense? Abolish him!"

"Yes, Brother Dakang, what's the matter with you?" Yun Cong answered.

Tang Dakang bowed his head and said softly, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I have offended you because of my lack of eye, your lord has a lot, don't care about me!"

"That's how you taught me to be a human being? It doesn't seem right!"

Zhang Feng said to his son, "I see it, this is a paper tiger, do you know why it is a paper tiger?"

Haohao shook his head.

"When you become stronger and stronger than them, they will become paper tigers!" Zhang Feng said.

"Dad, I know, I want to become stronger!" Hao Hao said.

Tang Dakang was very scared: "Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

He felt that Mr. Zhang had to deal with himself, he had to show his father's strength in front of his son!

"Brother Dakang, don't talk so much nonsense with him, why Mr. Zhang is not Mr. Zhang, he is a little hooligan!" Yun Jin was furious when he thought of his situation.

When people are angry, their IQ is zero.

"Mr. Zhang, I was wrong, please give me a chance to redeem!" Tang Dakang said in a deep voice.

His tone changed.

Zhang Feng did not speak, and continued to play with his mobile phone.

Tang Dakang understands this situation!

The most dangerous and angry thing about a big guy is this kind of silence, as if nothing happened and nothing happened.

So Tang Dakang turned to Yun Jin and said angrily: "Unload him!"

The subordinates were a little confused, but before they could react, Tang Dakang said angrily: "A bunch of trash..."

Tang Dakang stepped forward and grabbed Yunjin's hand and pulled it vigorously. With a click, Yunjin's arm was dislocated with the scream of Yunjin.

This was not over yet, Tang Dakang's fist hit Yun Jin in the stomach.

Yun Jin fell to the ground and rolled in pain. In less than two seconds, Yun Jin was no longer able to do so. Yun Cong reacted: "Tang Dakang, dare you!"

Saying that he had come up to fight Tang Dakang, but how could he be Tang Dakang's opponent, and knocked Yun Cong down in one capture.

The brothers couldn't get up on the ground. Tang Dakang had been on the street for many years. It can be said that he crawled out of the wounded people. He had seen a lot of dead people. What if he didn't have any skills?

The Yun family was stunned. Several men stepped forward and were beaten by Tang Dakang's men. The scene was chaotic and out of control. The nurses in the hospital didn't dare to come and help. They just called the security and called the police.

Tang Dakang saw that Zhang Feng still did not respond, so he knelt down in front of Zhang Feng: "Zhang, Mr. Zhang, please raise your hand and let me go!"

Before Zhang Feng could speak, Hao Hao said: "Dad, this uncle is so pitiful!"

"Poor?" Zhang Feng asked back.

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