Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1755: Banquet

On Zhang Feng's side, after solving these two problems, Zhang Feng went to smoke the relatives of the Yun family again. Fortunately, he had a few packs of cigarettes with him, otherwise it was not enough.

The men who said before that they don't smoke or don't know how to smoke, now they have taken the cigarettes. Their expressions are complicated and very embarrassing.

The plot reverses too quickly, and they are all face-saving people.

One by one he gave Zhang Feng a smile.

That's the only thing. Zhang Feng didn't care. He didn't tell them anything. He walked up to the mica and said, "Auntie, I came here to see you for so long. Say, I will do it!"

Zhang Feng said to the mica very sincerely. He didn't want Yun Qian to have any worries or sadness. Zhang Feng regarded them as a family if he chose to choose something.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's fine if you are here, then what, auntie is also wrong..."

Zhang Feng gave her a step down, which is okay. If she still doesn't know how to go down, Zhang Feng won't bother to bother about it.

"Auntie, you are serious, my junior!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Hehe, okay, if you can say that, then Auntie can rest assured!"

Zhang Feng settled his mother-in-law in two sentences, and in this way, it is estimated that no one is like him.

At this time, Yun Qian was resting inside. After several hours of highly stressful surgery, she needed a rest. She also said that the hospital requested her to perform surgery on another patient.

In the evening, when Yun Qian had free time, she was happy when she came out to see the family. She was very happy, and Zhang Feng had a smiling face.

The embarrassing scene needs to be relieved slowly, and Zhang Feng has already expressed his attitude.

"How is grandma?" Zhang Feng asked.

Yun Qian said, "She will wake up tomorrow, and then they can visit her!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng said.

For the next few days, Zhang Feng stayed in the hospital except for sleeping in a nearby hotel at night.

Yun Qian has become a doctor here, and her medical skills have convinced the attending physician experts because she is too young, not even thirty years old.

It's too young to believe, genius.

The next day, grandma woke up as expected. The old man was very awake. He recognized Yun Qian at a glance and was very happy.

"Xiao Qian, it's you, you are back!" The old man was excited.

It seems that I miss my granddaughter very much.

"Grandma, it's me, I'm back!" Yun Qian's tears came out.

It has been several years, and Yun Qian has not come back, no wonder the old man missed it.

"Okay, okay, just come back, just come back!" The old man's voice trembled.

Yun Qian pulled Zhang Feng over and said, "Grandma, this is Zhang Feng!"

"Grandma!" Zhang Feng knelt down and held the old man's hand with a faint smile on his face.

The old man stared at Zhang Feng, smiled with his wrinkled face, patted Zhang Feng's hand and said, "Okay, good!"

The old man was very pleased, she recognized Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng's decent manner.

The key is that the old man feels power from Zhang Feng's hands, not that kind of brother.

From Zhang Feng's eyes, Zhang Feng was a good man and would be kind to her granddaughter.

Yun Qian took Haohao over and put it next to the bed and said, "Grandma, this is your great-grandson, Zhang Hao, also called Zhang Haoran!"

"Quickly call grandma!" Yun Qian said.

Haohao smiled sweetly: "Too grandma!"

"Haohao! Hohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The old man was even more happy, and his spirits improved a lot.

"Too grandma, you must get better!"

Haohao's immature voice moved everyone.

This was not what Zhang Feng taught him, but he said it himself.

"Ho ho, yes, yes, grandma will take you to play!" The old man laughed.

"Okay, okay! How about we pull the hook?" Haohao said.

"Okay, Rago!"

The old man slowly raised her thin and feeble hand and pulled Haohao's white and tender fingers together.

This is Rago for almost a century.

"Lago has not changed for a hundred years..." Hao Hao said.

The old man's smile is always there.

Then Yun Qian said: "Well, Haohao, grandma is going to rest."

"Goodbye, grandma, get well soon!" Hao Hao said.

The old man smiled, she was indeed tired.

Later, the Yun family and Zhang Feng went to have a potluck. They said it was a potluck, but they actually expressed their kindness to Zhang Feng.

During the banquet, the two of them were earning a treat to pay, and the last two each paid half.

They toasted to Zhang Feng one by one, and Zhang Feng was always there.

Although it is snobbery to look at them this way, this is the reality. If Zhang Feng doesn't have that much energy, would they be like this?

Certainly not, so before others become paper tigers, you must be stronger than them.

At least the heart is stronger than them.

A few days later, Zhang Feng went to the old house of the Yun family and invited almost half of the villagers to eat and drink. Zhang Feng made a big head and smoked when he saw people, and he would not refuse any toast.

Of course, cigarettes are not special agents, but they are also the kind that cost more than a hundred dollars a pack, and they are delivered vigorously.

The wine is also good wine. After eating the running water table for two days, the town is famous and almost emptied everything in the town. Zhang Feng spent more than one million yuan.

All consumption is from him.

Not only that, the big people from Shuiquan City have also come, and of course they are only limited to business bigwigs, and others need to avoid suspicion.

It is enough for them to come, many luxury cars come.

Zhang Feng came out to greet them in person, which scared them and was so touched.

When they came, there was no shortage of gifts and the like, a cart of things, especially Liu Delin, who emptied a supermarket under their company and got a big truck to deliver it.

Poverty alleviation is well-known.

There are also Tang Dakang and others who have stated that, anyway, everything worth two to three hundred thousand yuan is given to the people in their village.

The villagers knew in their hearts that, because of the Yun family, these people came for the Yun family, saying that the Yun family has a rich and capable aunt, and they also said that the Yun family girl is a blessing.

Anyway, the whole town is a sensation.

This is not in line with Zhang Feng's style of doing things.

He wasn't afraid of things, but he didn't like trouble.

In a corner, Yun Qian said to Zhang Feng: "Feng, I'm sorry for keeping you so busy!"

"It's okay, I'm happy, these people had better communicate, don't have to intrigue!" Zhang Feng said.

In the past two days, he has been very relaxed. He hasn't drunk less during research, and he has that smell on his body, but Yun Qian doesn't dislike it at all.

"Tomorrow you go back to Kyoto, I will look at my grandma in the hospital, Hao Hao has my mother watching, it's okay!" Yun Qian said.

"Okay!" Zhang Feng didn't squeeze anything.

The purpose of coming to Yunqian's house has been achieved. Zhang Feng's performance satisfied everyone, and the Yun family was ashamed and afraid of Zhang Feng.

Although Zhang Feng looked kind on his face.

The ones who can understand this most are Yun Jin and Yun Cong, they can feel that Zhang Feng is terrible.

The next day, Zhang Feng bid farewell to the Yun family and returned to Kyoto.

He still has things to do.

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