Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1756: A meeting

While drinking yesterday, Zhang Feng received a phone call from Uncle Luo.

Over the past few years, Uncle Luo hasn't taken the initiative to call him. Calling him in person this time was a major event.

That is to say, the previous operation of Interpol to destroy the criminal gang den on that small island in Southeast Asia was not smooth.

This criminal gang is not only engaged in the business of human trafficking, but also has many, almost all of the huge profits.

It is simply an anti-human gang. Before Zhang Feng only wiped out their domestic power and did not go abroad. After two or three months, they became more arrogant and felt that everyone could not help them unless they used a large number of troops. .

Now they have signs of coming to China, because this is a big market.

If they are not uprooted, there will be endless troubles.

The previous operation lost a lot of people, dozens of Interpol killed more than half, and our dispatch also sacrificed eight people.

Now that Interpol is preparing to organize an extermination operation again, it will send more elites and invite China to go.

We can't stand by. Not to mention the crimes they committed on the ground in China, just to say that the eight comrades sacrificed last time, we can't let them sacrifice for nothing.

But in order to reduce the sacrifice or not sacrifice, the above decided to send the Huangquan team, which has just been rebuilt and is training.

They are also training anyway. They are the most suitable. They have the most combat experience in the army.

They are the most suitable.

Moreover, the Huangquan team has just been rebuilt, and they are also being tested from above, and there are more eyes staring at them. They need great achievements and a greater sense of presence to make them more valuable.

Huangquan team still needs Zhang Feng to lead the team, because Zhang Feng is the soul of Huangquan team, and only he can make Huangquan team show the most powerful combat effectiveness.

Nothing should be lost in this action, otherwise the face of a big country will be despised. Although it doesn't care how others despise itself, it is still needed.

They will fight with Interpol as ordinary special police, not as Huangquan squad.

The name Huangquan Team is not known to many people in the world. It is a very secret combat force, a hidden knife of the country, and can give the enemy a fatal blow at any time.

Of course, there are many, many more existences like Huangquan Team!

The rise of China is not just based on the so-called 700-year theory of some experts. Of course, this is the general trend.

What is the general trend? This is the trend!

After receiving the call from Uncle Luo, Zhang Feng felt that he was a fire-fighting hero. Protecting General Wan was a good example.

In the morning, Zhang Feng had breakfast with the Yun family, bid farewell to the Yun family and drove back to Shuiquan City, and then flew back to Kyoto.

As for Yunjin Yuncong’s issues, it was resolved when Zhang Feng released a message to Tang Dakang the day before yesterday. Many people in Yuncong’s store came to invest in partnership, and the price was not high.

There are also Yunjin's, many big bosses come to him, want to cooperate with him to establish a company or something.

The Yun family has also become high-end because of Zhang Feng's high-profile. Many people come to curry favor.



In a certain conference room, surrounded by a long table, gangsters in police uniforms were sitting in jeopardy. They were all gangsters from the public security system and the army. Few people could sit together to discuss battle plans.

Some pictures are displayed on the big screen, and pictures are played one after another.

These ordinary people are all characters, all men. They look like ordinary people, but it is natural that they are not ordinary people who can make so many bigwigs come here to meet them.

Standing in front of the big screen was a younger police officer. He said that he pointed to the person on the picture and said: "This is Mirahai, the most wanted criminal internationally. He deceived 15 people in his village to sell abroad. Nine of them died. After he was arrested, he escaped from prison. He was arrogant and murderous without blinking. He was very skilled! Later he specialized in reselling human organs."

The picture changes to the next one.

"Juan Siwu, the most wanted criminal in the world, grew up in the Golden Triangle. He used to be under Kun Sha's, and then went out to do it alone."

Next picture.

"Karobuch, looting people, connected with Mirahai, he brought people, Mihaila reselled organs."


"Venner Hill, international smuggler!"

After the introduction, he said: "These four people did not come together. The key is one person. At present, our intelligence personnel and intelligence from other countries do not have any information about this person. They just know that there is still There is a person who controls everything and avoids international pursuits. This person has a lot of energy, no less than Kunsha before, and even more difficult than Kunsha. He hides too deeply!"

The big bosses below frowned one by one. This is not easy to handle. Dealing with the four people is already very tricky. The Interpol team has suffered heavy losses and has not found anything. Is it really necessary to dispatch a large number of troops?

Even so, can you find them? The vast ocean, thousands of islands, might be surrounded by them.

At that time, their arrogance will grow, even more rampant.

They are already rampant now.

"Everyone talks about how to solve it!?" said a fifty-year-old man sitting in the first place.

The following was silent for a while, and the other said: "Although we will go together with Interpol, we must also have a plan. We must have our own actions. We cannot be used as cannon fodder by them. We suffered a lot last time. Our eight comrades died in vain!"


"Everyone has a discussion!"


Several people talked for more than half an hour, but there was still no plan.

The leader said: "Lao Luo, why don't you speak?"

Luo Zhengliang, who was sitting at the back, stood up and said, "Dear chiefs, I have called Zhang Feng back to Kyoto!"

Luo Zhengliang is the Uncle Luo in Zhang Feng's mouth. This is his real name. He plays too many roles and has many titles.

"Are you going to let Huangquan team go?"

Luo Zhengliang asked him back: "Do you have a more suitable one?"

The person stopped talking, and if there was a way, they wouldn't be sitting here.

After a while, the older man said: "They are the most suitable. Although they have just rebuilt, their strength hasn't been lost, but she is one of our sharp swords. If you can't show it, try not to show it. Compare This time it is the Interpol who is fighting against it. They can find out our details from the Huangquan team!"

"We don't want to see such a situation, because this is one of our hole cards. Although we have a lot of hole cards, these are only the result of the continuous sacrifice and hard work of our ancestors. We will not be a prodigal!"

Everyone was silent again. It was obvious that Luo Zhengliang's ideas could not be agreed with them, and he needed to discuss again.

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